Have Your Taken Your Meds?

   Logline –  in a desperate effort to heal himself. A mentally ill man writes the story of his life trying to figure out how he went insane and what he can do about it. 


The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

However some changes have been made

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you

I don’t believe you’re mentally ill. I don’t see it.

  1. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  2. 12.    12. Get help!
  3. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  4. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  5. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  6. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  7. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  8. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  9. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  10. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  11. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family

There’s one in every family.

  • 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  • 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money. I work!
  • 24.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  • 25.    27. 27. You’re a vegetable
  • 26.    28. 28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  • 27.    29. 29. Your friends made you like this
  • 28.    30. 30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness

I don’t know if my brother hit me over the head with a brick when I was two. I just have a scar on my head, that’s the only evidence and I’ve heard stories. When you’re two you don’t remember anything. Especially after getting hit over the head with a brick.

  • 31.    31. 31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  • 32.    32. 32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  • 33.    33. 33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  • 34.    34. 34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  • 35.    35. 35. I don’t have what you have
  • 36.    36. 36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem
  • 37.    You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not
  • 38.    I’m gonna give you something cry about

Let me convince you you’re dangerous

You blame people all the time. That’s what causes all your problems

  • 39.    37. 37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 40.    38. 38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 41.    39. 39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 42.    40. 40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 43.    41. 41. This is an act or a game
  • 44.    42. 42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 45.    43. 43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 46.    44. 44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 47.    45. 45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 48.    46. 46. I wish I could go to college on government money

Sit down, you’re pretty. Thank you, would you like a brownie? Yes, are you sitting next to me because I’m handsome? Class I am now passing out the test.

  • 49.    47. 47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 50.    48. 48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 51.    49. I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!

Your as sick as your secrets so lets hear ‘em

We’re turning your housing and your medical coverage over to your sponsor

  • 52.    50. 49. Don’t go 5150 on me
  • 53.    You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!
  • 54.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is bipolar
  • 55.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 56.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 57.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 58.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 59.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 60.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 61.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 62.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 63.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 64.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 65.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 66.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 67.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 68.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.

There’s nothing I can do. Let me talk to family. They own property. I’m going to be homeless I have two jobs lined up and a car. You can’t move in with me. It’s too hard. Mom I didn’t ask that. It will be moments before she gives notice. She’s not a girlfriend but she’s erratic. This is a madhouse. Not that the family wants me in one. Can’t you find a place through the clinic? They’re filled with drugs and theft, the counselors even know. It’s for more acute cases. But they help Danny. I can pay rent if I’m not eating out of the garbage. Please, let me talk to the family on the phone. I won’t let you. They are mad and fighting it’s not a good idea. Mom, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re getting old. Enjoy church.

This is not just my mother. She’s getting coached. The fact that I’m in a crisis situation and no not one of seven siblings is answering the phone because they all happen to all be busy. We went out of town for the day. Tell me they’re not hiding something. Have you taken your meds? 

I’m not going to a board and care or a sober living. It’s just the same thing only homeless doesn’t bleed you for money.

The Republican says he’ll give us jobs. The Democrat says he’ll get a job. I’m just looking for a job in my field. I have a good resume, got its all printed up at the social services.

You’re in the room with those other four. there’s 18 residents. Rent is $800. Do you get social security or GR? Provide your own food. Don’t touch nobody’s nothing and be respectful. We have one way of handling things around here. One slip or any rule broken and you’re on the street. Watch your meds. A lot of us just got out. We all go to AA and NA it’s a nice neighborhood.  

  • •        You best worry about getting revenge on your mother and siblings.

I need to find a way to maintain food and rent. Right now I’d better kiss up. Revenge comes in secret as I just keep writing. 

a lot of people have been watching as I’ve been posting my book. Waiting to hear back from publishers

  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people

Look, I’m desperate and I need your help. If you were drawing and I was in a boat I would throw you a life raft. That’s just humanity I’ve always thought highly of you, you’re intelligent, diplomatic and a, a fighter, my strongest sibling and you’re my sister.  I’ve always thought you would be a good card in my pocket, but you’re not a card, you’re a person and I can’t predict you or play you like a card at all. But you’d make a good queen of hearts. And not the one from Alice in Wonderland either. Call me! I Don’t know if I’m gonna live through this.

She doesn’t want to talk to you. 

You’re always drowning. I don’t want to be bothered. Two weeks ago. You offered to find me a place to live. You offered to help me with my car insurance. Now you’re taking that back. When it wil harm me the most. I’m going to lose everything I’ve worked for. That’s why the doctor’s are concerned. Mom.

It is illegal for you you to physically force me out in a rental agreement. The police said, if you do that again to call them. They probably told you that.

She doesn’t want to talk to you

The last time I seriously drank was about six years ago through AA. I take my meds see a therapist, go to groups and see my doctor. I call my sponsor daily. Right now I’m going to the Clinic to get my medicine and see a counselor. The medicine ran out when the pharmacy didn’t mail them. I had to wait to get them.

Jenny has been threatening to give me notice. I want a written agreement. The police said if she tries to force me out physically again to videotape her and Call them. No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s not my type.

  1. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

The doctor says you’re self-medicating. Yeah, but my prescription is better. 

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.


  1. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you mee.
  3. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’s better

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinklng, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans and some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

“Republicans are wrong and should be completely removed, but they’re the other half of the population.

Most conservatives I listen to. But I don’t want to listen to it from my brother. You shouldn’t have to do that. It’s not that I don’t like your politics, but you’re weird. You’re weird conservative and I’m a weird liberal. I don’t wanna talk politics today. There’s got to be something else we can do together. Do you still collect guns? Rememver that time we went to the ranged. I was disappointed. I was hoping everything would blow up and bleed like a. video game. That was the only time I shot a gun. I think I want to shoot a gun again.

Everybody believes in God. Why don’t you?

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Addicts Anonymous, we make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.

I’m a very opinionated writer. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I’m a writer.

I don’t have any structure or plan to this. I have some important topics and scenes. Then I just keep throwing stuff in. Ever have a lot of spices laying around while you’re making spaghetti

  1. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  2. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  3. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  4. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  5. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  6. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  7. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  8. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  9. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  10. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  11. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  12. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  13. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?

Alright Dr. This is what I came up with, I want him to get up on time, go to bed early, eat right, exercise, clean up, not drink, no pot, hold a regular job, support himself, maintain his own place, date and marry a good Catholic woman, watch his temper, take his meds, go to therapy, improve his grades, shave and groom himself, listen to healthy music, painting nudes, study engineering, stay away from the neighbors…, OK that’s enough, that’s longer than Santa’s list

  1. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  2. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  3. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work??? That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke. 

I know it’s hard to quit smoking. I said a prayer and  I quit when I found God. He came to me in a vision glory. The cherubs and the angels wept I immediately threw my cigarettes away. I saw his heavenly face. I haven’t smoked nor had the desire to smoke since that day eight years ago and it doesn’t bother me. So I just go home  and ask God for a spiritual revelation?

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

I never really knew my son. It’s even hard for me to remember how old he is. I think it was best for him, the family that raised him. It was still heartbreaking. He was my boy. I wanted to play ball with him, I wanted to help him with his math, I wanted to teach him guitar. I figured I’m an artist so he should be a musician. Raise my to be a rock star. I’d be a cool dad!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for 

  1. 162.  on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  158. 147. On  my 70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

Court is hard on my mentally illness. All they have to do is say I’m schizophrenia and I’ve lost the case. I don’t know how. Many times that was used as evidence against me.

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started art when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Friday Kahlo. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

When anybody steals my art, I consider it a compliment. They went out of their way.

Sharon Quirk Silva

As an artist, I meet a lot of people. I was outside a gallery one day when I met a strange campaign representative and signed her petition. I told her that my political concerns dealt with mental health awareness and asked her how her candidate felt. Suddenly, she went on an angry rant that she was about woman’s issues and that the psychiatrists of the 1970’s held a conspiracy against women by doping them up with valium and that all men who were in therapy were sexist woman haters. The candidate she represented was the district congress woman who I had tried to speak with before but had not luck. I was beginning to think it was better that way.

Being the ranting poster that I am, I wrote about my experience trying to talk to that politician and the crazy hostility I got from her volunteer. I said that I had tried to speak to the candidate about mental health awareness three times unsuccessfully and that after the evening’s encounter with her volunteer, would she please erase my name off her petition. I went to bed and thought nothing of it. The next morning I got a call, “You’re having lunch with the congresswoman!” I took this literally thinking it would mean hamburgers and stuff, but no…

When I met the congresswoman that afternoon, she was very angry.

As artists we sometimes think we’re getting creative and do the wrong thing. Everyone gets pissed at us, while we were thinking a masterpiece. I was in a class of life drawing, drawing nudes from actual models. Then the time came and she took off her clothes. She was  smiling at me. I thought I’d draw something a little fun. It sounds bad, but usually it’s not. You just try to study the figure and do something classical like Michelangelo or Bernini.This drawing looked like Hustler magazine, the teacher talked to me after class. It got me kicked off Facebook.

I saw a painting in a gallery of a night scene by Vincent Van Gogh. It said he was schizophrenic and I could see it. I understood that. Mother gave me some old art supplies and I started drawing and kept drawing. In fact I never stopped. Soon, I filled my entire room with colorful pastels. Everyone liked them, visitors would request to come upstairs to see them. Right off the bat I was making art that people liked. My friends and I would party a little and look at them. That was fun too. Within a year I could draw as real as a photograph, then after that I got trippy. The teachers could never figure out how I could get so talented  ac or where my inspirations came from. 

When You’re chatting everything to your therapist on the phone. You need a girlfriend


You were a good critic and a good friend. Sorry it didn’t work out. That was probably my fault. I wore on you and drained you and pestered you and became too much. But I like talking to you and I did enjoy that time. You said we have nothing in common. Let’s look at the similarities. You have a vast education in art a, a lot of critics don’t. You’re extremely knowledgeable in literature and I like to write. I think you even like musical theater. You have a lot more in common with me than a football fan. I’m sorry I accused you of all those things you didn’t do. I was thinking about a lot of other people. I got mad at everybody and I thought they were you. It was a case of mistaken identity. Maybe we could see each other again someday and you could look at one of my drawings or read something I wrote and tell me what you think. I promise I won’t be so sensitive this time.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET

I don’t think it’s a cult. I think it’s a religion. All religions have stupid things they say and they’re easy to debunk. Purgatory is not like heaven but a little like Hell but you can get out or you can be there for a really long time. Or. You have a higher power, a God that you get to make up, We all believe in him and we believe in your Gods too. We live in a free tolerant confusing overpopulated spiritual community. God bless AA. 12 Step and religions can be stupid, in cults you disappear.

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!

Congress woman, I spoke to you years ago about an issue that was very important, the one issue most important to me. Now there’s two. Can you help me find a housing program? I’m not very good at this.

Mom I need help! There’s nothing I can do. I’m busy running the apartments.

  1. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  2. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  3. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  4. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  5. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  6. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  7. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  8. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  9. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

Hello? Hello? Yes I’m here. I’m just listening. That’s what we do on the help line. Yeah but I can’t tell on the other side of the phone. Listening sounds like hung up.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and she didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

She screams at me and yells at me and cusses me out! She’s good for you.”

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

Did I offend you? No why. Sometimes I get a little careless and joke around too much not thinking about what I do. It’s called mania, it’s like a drunkenness, but really happy. I shouldn’t have just told you that, but sometimes you have to explain yourself. Like when you get caught in the candy jar. No, it’s insanity mom.

In the movie, The Caine Mutiny, Humphrey Bogart plays a paranoid captain. Every time he thinks people are against him, he jiggles two steel ball in his hand. I hate the symbolism of that. So, an admiral figures out this pattern and realizes it’s from paranoia. He knows this from something he had read. He tells everybody. Later, the ship is in a crisis situation and Bogart starts doing that. They use this as an excuse to overthrow the ship. But if he was delusional wasn’t real, why did they overthrow the ship? The message is that paranoid people sometimes do things overtly or subconsciously to make their worst nightmare come true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. I may be doing it to you.

I’m looking for shelter, my family has all blocked me, a politician wants to talk to me, my therapist is leaving, but has something to say to me, Im worried about the government and I keep writing and posting it. Could I be making this happen? Wow! I didn’t know paranoid was such a reality in this world.

I’ve started a meeting of Dual Diagnosis anonymous. If you are and alcholic or addict and in psychiatric care you are welcome. We honor your time. Thursday afternoon at the church. It’s a terrific supportive group, we are not doctors but may give advice, it’s a great place to be clean and sober and we have a lot of fun when the nurses aren’t looking

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you

We don’t do art therapy anymore. Other than a cathartic release we found it had little benefit at all and the paint cost too much..

  1. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  2. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.

We got romantic so often, I don’t remember sleeping

Now that I have the conservatorship I can just put a pair of handcuffs on her and lock her up in an institution. At least you’re not impersonating a police officer.

Laura’s law will allow your family to have you evaluated and hospitalized without your permission. Wanna sign the petition?

  1. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  2. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  3. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  4. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  5. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  6. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  7. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  8. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  9. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  10. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  11. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying bipolar moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. Bipolar people said stuff like that about you? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  12. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  13. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  14. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  15. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  16. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  17. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  18. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  19. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  20. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  21. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  22. 216.  210. 194. AA doesn’t talk politics. But I like your stance on Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA.

Thanks for inviting me to lunch. Libertarian is a nice political philosophy, but I don’t want to hear it while I’m eating

I can’t stand conspiracy theories. They’re hard to follow and their delusional. They need to research medicine for that. I had a girlfriend who kept going on about them. I hung up on her. She kept calling and I kept hanging up.

It’s not smart to flirt with somebody you’re not interested. I mean you can do it, but I don’t think the outcome’s gonna be good.

I never knew you were an intelligent regular person. I always thought you.were just a transient suffering.

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. Perfectly safe.

  • 217.  211. If a person has bipolar or schizophrenia they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorship?

A lot of my books were banned, Not by the government, but by people I pissed off. Why do you do it? I do it to challenge this country. I wanna fight for it.

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I chose and environment that was completely insane. An environment that was a harm to themselves and others. went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit bottom.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 1.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

We’re gonna have a baby

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

I only date women my age. They know things that the youngins don’t. I had to explain to one young woman who the Marlboro man and what the cold was. Why he smoked so much and why they kept taking pictures of him? Explain that to the college girl.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person schizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,

To ask me if I’ve been taking my meds when I haven’t been is acceptable. But not when I have been and I’m winning the argument

  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

I don’t know where along the line my family judged me as the loser, but they did a good job of making me one.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  s.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230233. 11. I’ve had two major relationships in my life. Both women were schizophrenic. Ok, actually it was one. In both cases there an was engagement that never came to wedding, Mom didn’t like the first one because she dressed sexy all the time. Of course, you know what she followed that with. The second had her own apartment and lived in a government building. Both heard voices and lived in a government building. The voices would torment them at times, but usually kept them laughing. The engagement to the second came closer to marriage, but I broke it off due to her controlling father. I didn’t want to marry him. I didn’t work out, I’m not that clean and I’m an artist, so that means low income and meeting a lot of people.

Do you have a giirlfriend

No, but I’m looking and in all the wrong places

The first had a baby but our parents had the child put up for adoption. AA also said it would be the best thing other than abortion. So we kept him. He was taken at birth. It’s hard to forget my mother doing that.

Why do you get involved with mentally ill women?

Because I’m mentally ill. It’s easier for them to understand my symptoms and side effects, like not doing the dishes. But women usually are not attracted because there’s stigma and it causes me to be unattractive normal women. That and my face and the way I dress. The second

 mother go to AA?

  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way tb be an alcoholic is to drink.
  • 245.   239. 17. Where are they now. One lives in Fullerton, the other I don’t know. Last time I saw her shewas in a slum group home In LA somewhere.
  • 246.  240. 18. She’d been homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.

“How long did these relationships last? One was two years the other five. I think you have to really know someone before you can honestly love them like we had schizophrenia.

  • 254.  248. 26.

 I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink. What kind of alcoholic can you be if the legal age to drink in California is 21? I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA.  It was summer break, I hadn’t been to a bar the whole semester. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine

  • 255.  249. 27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

Mom, I know you don’t like it when I say dad hit me, but you can at least admit he got physical. I worked on it. You both come from a generation that knew absolutely nothing about mental illness other than what you saw in the movies. You may have learned about it in therapy, but he didn’t. He was working all the time he didn’t have any time to register in a community college class and take a course in schizophrenia. He was scared. He wanted to protect his family. When I got upset he didn’t see it as a treatable biological chemical imbalance of the brain that affects certain cognitive thoughts. He was thinking psycho killer! I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m beginning to forget a bit and of course accept. And now, sometimes I go to his grave when no one is looking and I throw him a right hook! Its beautiful.

I will be moving back in town tomorrow. I mean next month. It would be good to see you. You’re doing really well. I like to see people I’ve known for a long time. The one’s who don’t restraining orders;

Just don’t tell them you see a psychiatrist. They find out! It’s not hard to figure out!.    

So, I’m going to a government low income apartment building where I used to live. A lot of mentally iil people live there. It’s a bad neighborhood.

I’ll give you an example, a reputable business man is going down the street shouting the building’s on fire or its a psychopathic drunk transient shouting the building’s on fire. Who is telling the truth? They both are if the building’s on fire.

AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”

  1. 1.       Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother’s side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

We came to family group to support our daughter who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia. But we don’t know much about it. We want all the literature, books and information you have videos too. She’s so pretty. In fact she’s a cheerleader for the Spartans, honor society, good grades and a nice young man from a tycoon who has been seeing herWe love her so much and want to support her as much as we can until we can heal her.”

One.year later…


Do you ever feel sad, isolated and alone? do you ever feel tense in traffic and realize you don’t know how to drive a car? Do things bounce around when you look at them? Do people talk to you when they aren’t even there? Are you obsessed with Jesus and the Bible? Do you ever think your more important than you are? Do you call your girlfriend twenty times a day? Do you ever think people are out to get you even when they really aren’t. You may be suffering a disease called Schizophrenia. At Labritor we conducted a large intense series of tests on undocumented immigrants and came up with the perfect prescription. Ask your doctor about Chlozopine. If some reason you find don’t like Chlozopine, try something else. Chlozophine is a hedge fund investment pharmaceutical sedative pharmaceutical from your only friends at at Labritor Side effects may include sleeping all the time, hourly erections, loss of a job, compulsively watching for messages on TV, becoming the president, not being able to drive a car and poor social skill due to inability to talk and make sense.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

He was a physicist and he knew science, but he always wanted to spar with me on politics and economics. Politics isn’t a science aand neither is economic. They claim to be, but they’re pretty hard to predict.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.

So let’s say your son does drugs and gets a girl pregnant. So you force him to see a psychiatrist and go to a rehab . But what are they gonna to do to him? Believe me, I’ve been doing this for 30 years. It ain’t no better and the girl was good.

I think what he’s trying to say is that the young man would have done better had he married her and not got caught in the system. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Grieving is hard especially amongst the greedy.

The acceptance phase of grieving is very positive. You were only remember the good things like the memory a good vacation. You remember the surfing in Baja, but not the diarrhea.

Hey! Remember me? We relapsed in AA and spent three days together at the US Festival. I don’t remember you. That was a great concert. Yeah. Cool story. You should share it in a meeting.

Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s is measured by the quality of life. You’re making mine miserable.

Richard Ramirez entered people’s homes to kill then and left the logo of the band AC/DC on their walls. The band was believed to have worshipped the devil and were blamed for the murders. But let’s look at this the other way around. What kind of music do you think a serial killer would listen to? The Monkees?

  1. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  2. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  3. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  4. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  5. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  6. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  7. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  8. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  9. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  10. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  11. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  12. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  13. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  14. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  15. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  16. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  17. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  18. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  19. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  20. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  21. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  22. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  23. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  24. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

As I look back on the writings. I realize the my most bizaar episodes only really occurred during and shortly after the few years in my youth when I was smoking pot. Of course, it doesn’t do that to everybody, because everybody was doing it and I still feel that in the majority of cases, it doesn’t affect them in the way I saw that in the recovery programs. They don’t talk to themselves or freak out over the television. However, the meetings would be much more interesting. It seems to have left me, thank God, and it has’t been there for over 20 years. I did have a long period of trying to kill myself, but that was because.I chose such a miserable life. My therapeutic cocktail became therapy, medicine and sobriety. It seems to have got me past thedschizophrenia, but all the them had a downside, but I’ve always felt the art works the best and with no side effects. The poet, Charles Bukowski wrote, I was blessed with a crappy life. I documented mine well and used it for a meaning art portfolio. I really don’t believe in God, but if I find out I’m wrong, I’m going to stand at the pearly gates, look the Lord in his face and say, What the hell was that? 

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

It was actually not that boring. They had plays about AA, groups, lectures, individual counseling late into the night and of course meetings. It was a lot like therapy, but it cost over $200. So, they made money off it.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. What about a punch in the face?

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit bottom.

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”xf

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Mom gets real mad about most of my jokes, jokes about drugs or alcohol, jokes about violence, jokes about human trafficking… she doesn’t laugh at anything.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called gg, something rapists do.

What now? You heal but it never completey goes away. It becomes part of your story.”

What? My story? I don’t like that story. I want a better story. Idon’t want to go around telling everybody I got raped by a men  want to tell everybody I’m hot and well hung!

You won’t do that!

 You’ll understand. You’ll underand in time.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

Your dysfunctional family is the disease. The jail rape was but a symptom.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down my pants. She was just tucking in my shirt.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

Tough love isn’t about hitting someone. It’s about refusing to help, not bailing them out, depleting all resources and shelter, letting the go with love and starving them Into submission. It’s better than violence.

  • •        She was getting loud and physical. I had to call the police. The police told her she is to stay away from me. She called her mom and told her to kick me out. I’m waiting for notice. Please let me talk to Mike or Cindy. Board and Cares are full of drugs and criminals. I don’t want to go there. I’ve stayed sober too long for that

\and worked on my mental health for the last 6 years as well

The government residential living for the mentally ill has a ten year review process. They’re self-run.

Don’t go in to your past. Think about how you’re homeless today.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.

6 years of college and I’m still unemployed. All the classes the classes all taought  politics.th up politics. Obama was in office office. I like him but he made it sound like The teachers made it sound like we’re we going to get jobs right after graduation. Somebody should sue them. At least we got healthcare.

  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somewhere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

You laugh but you could be an insane murder like Charlie Manson. No, Manson wasn’t mentally ill, he faked it to beat the death penalty. I have it or at least everybody convinced me I have it.

If Manson wasn’t crazy then why did he kill all those people? He was bad, he was a dark soul. I’m not going to debate the existence of God nor defend any religion or metaphysics or some other brain fuck philosophy but we know through just looking at history=the evidence of evil is there. Most mentally ill people aren’t like that. We’re just different and that makes people uncomfortable.

Ok, you’re a psychologist. There’s no evil. Explain this! A guy takes control of his country, kills six million jews. What was he thinking?

Do you go to church? Do you even want to go to church? Sure, what time? When are you picking me up? I have a rule that if anybody invites me to their church, I’ll go once. Unless it’s something like the Branch Dividians then I just end up staying and disappear.

Do you think you are really mentally ill? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really knows. I think the sane people can figure it out, but I don’t know.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. He put me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me. It became the story of my life.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.

“This is relaxation group. We sit in the dark and listen t o music. Can I sit next to her?

  1. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  2. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  3. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  4. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  5. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  6. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  5. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.

  1. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college,  work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I just take the pills.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 1.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

Mom, as far as the medicine, let’s leave it to the doctors. You are not the only one who tries to change and suggest. If you are cooking you don’t let everybody else tell you what to put in the broth. It comes out junk soup. I have 12 prescriptions now and I hardly know what they’re for. If it were two or three I could research and figure it out. I was in hospitals, institutions, outpatient, sober livings, listening to AA and everybody else’s opinion of what to take, what not to take, or don’t take at all and I ended up inpatient or in rehab. Let’s let the doctors do their job. They’re not a conspiracy theory and they’re not out to get us. Believe me, they do a much better job of handling the drugs than me and other people.

I’m gonna be moving on and not going to meetings. I still don’t drink and I’ll take my meds, don’t tell them about the medicine. They’re not gonna notice. I need some positive answers. Ok. Apologize when necessary, Look for your part in things, Take responsibility for yourself. You sound like my dad.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

You have to have a God consciousness. Just think about God all the time. It has everything to do with not drinking.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. How about a punch in the face?

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

For those who are concerned. The pharmacy didn’t mail my psyche meds for the month and since about seven days ago I have had none. I’ve been in a contantly growing episode this whole time. That might explain the weird posts and the psychotic book I’ve been publishing online. I couldn’t get to the pharmacy because it is too far away and I am still learning how to drive. I’ve arranged transportation to get there and get my meds tomorrow, also some counseling. It should only be two or three days before I’m stabilized and well. I also have about a month to find a new home. I’m going to try hard to stay off the internet. I still like the book and will set it aside for illustration and publishing. But I’m going find and editor and I’m going to edit the Hell out thing first. Will try to stay quiet and stay away till I’m well again.

I did go to anger management mom. They say great things. Count to three, don’t escalate, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

“I realize you wanted to help me all those years, but actually everybody messed it up. There’s one client and one doctor for a reason. We aren’t surgeons, we aren’t brain scientist and we definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. If everybody’s driving the car, there’s no room for anybody to hold the wheel.

In the mental health community, we all hear stupid things with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there mom. I want you here with me.

“The doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesdays. That’s today and it’s in the good retirement home, not the one with the snooty people. Mom! Danny, let me talk! Mom, have you taken your meds?”

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.

I’m going to have to give notice. As far as my disability, you handled that extremely well, professionally, legally and confidentially. To follow up, I have two part-time jobs lined up I I won’t be working as a professional designer. I’m 56 years old. I lost the dream of the good career a long time ago. Kind of like the dream of the good wife, but she was nice. Oh yeah, sometimes when you leave a company like this you’re not allowed to  come back in the store. At least, those are usually the terms they give me. I’ll be in town for the rest of the month and I’d still like to buy my soda and cigarettes.

I’m gonna get a job, I’m not stupid. Think I’m gonna paint on the corner and expect to pay rent? With a hat and ask people for money? With a gun?

  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Probation ended and I got my record expunged through legal aid. I’m looking for a job as a commercial artist so I can finally put my college education to use. I should, everybody else paid for it. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

    The therapist helped my by talking over what happened in jail. I was upset about it for a few days. Now it went away and I don’t really think about it. I also wrote about my life. That was hard. I’m beginning to accept and move past things. I am hoping the new place will be better. He said I have no positive memories of my past and wanted me to think of some. I’ve been thinking some up. I’m hoping to remember more and make some new ones. That is mental health treatment. He has to leave the clinic and is recommending me to the next counselor.

A positive memory of my past was when I sold all those paintings in the gallery. I felt on top of the world.

I’m not driving the car I bought, because it scares it. When I don’t know how to use something, it scares me. Like in art school. Like in art school, we had drills, we had wood, we had power saws and I had fingers. I got help with the assignment.

  1. 1.       223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      
  3. 3.       Ok, this is a writers group amateur and professional. What are your prices to edit this? I gotta take a lot of stuff out before I get sued. Don’t worry I’ll pay for your attorney too. Let’s just hope the book does well.
  4. 4.      

Suffering mental illness is like suffering alcoholism. You’re not always suffering. Sometimes you’re having a lot of fun and people get bothered.  They send you to a hospital and you wake up in a bed and you wonder what you did the night before.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

tnere was a lot of laughing when the therapist had me write my life but the crying was extremely painful. Now I’m starting to feel much better. Would’ve helped if my antidepressant prescription had been refilled by the pharmacy sooner. That’s the healing power of treatment.

  • •       Your sister has her own family, home and career, she doesn’t want to be bothered, it’s not her responsibility to help you when you are homeless. Why does she have to help you? a

Danny, I’m not immoral and definitely not evil. I go to the catholic church every morning, I read the bible, I say the rosary, I ask to send money. I just try to take care of you. You’re not well. You’re not like other people. You need someone to take care of your medicine. Your rooms are always dirty, you don’t get along with people. I’m just trying to help. You’re my baby. I’ve made arrangements and I want you to live with me. ”

No mom, I can’t live with you.”

“I can have the Mexican lady clean the house. She also cooks. We can get your medicine delivered from Walgreens the bubble pack is best, I can drive you to your clinic. What’s the name of that place?

No mom, we won’t get along. God knows what I would do to you. I didn’t tell you. I haven’t told anyone. Sometimes at around two in the morning in the middle of night, a on full moon, I grow hair all over my body and turn into a psycho killer.”

You always had the best sense of humor

I needed it to keep the bullies away and not beat me up.”

“It’s a nice thought, but no mom, I’m 56 years old. I don’t need to live with my mother. I don’t know anyone my age that does, except that one guy from elementary school who always peed his pants. He still does. If I live to be 100 and senile then maybe. But I can take care of myself. I have to go to anger management. God knows what I would do to you.I need to take care of you. Then don’t take everything away.

  • •       We’re having a family meeting, no politics no religion. No guns. But they go hand in hand.
  • •       If you want to convince someone on a high level that you are correct, appeal to their sense or reason. If you want to persuade them, motivate and move them on the highest level, appeal to their sense of ethics.
  • •       Hey sis, did you hear about Timmy O’Mally from high school. All the other O’Mally’s beat him up and stole his money. There’s one in every family.
  • •       Your sister was in Australia, she took her ya Is drunk boating illegal?
  • •       Your little brother is driving in from West Hollywood. Remember, don’t mention it. Caitlyn Jenner
  • •       The baby boy and his wife will walk, he’s still in the house we gave him. We have to pamper him a little. You can take care of yourself with all we have been giving you. Eddie Munster
  • •       Your older brother is coming from the military base. You’d better be nice or else. He will facilitate the Meeting. Deer hat and geer 
  • •       You’re other brother is not coming after you discovered facebook
  • •       Photo onk computer of him coming out of the shower trying to cover himself up with a towel.
  • •       Remember, we want a serene adult gathering. Don’t throw the food!
  • •       Your other sister is mad at you for asking for food when you were homeless and hungry. She’s coming I taught her what you said about morals. You can work on yours too.
  • •       We’re a Christian Republican family most of my children are but I like Joe Biden. He’s handsome and a good family man. That’s why we haven’t helped you. We wanted you to be a man and beg for food on your own.

Mom, I want you to stay out of my medical and psychological treatment. I know all those years you were trying to help but it further messed me up. You can’t be involved in my treatment or or. Medical issues. Listening to you and everybody else advise the doctor only messed up the broth. That’s why there’s only one client and one doctor for a reason. We don’t know everything. You don’t ‘tell a surgeon how to do his job, you don’t tell a brain scientist and you definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. Everybody ruined everything with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there. I want you here with me, mom.

This shit’s good. Usually I have to drive to San Diego by the border to get this stuff. You have a car? How would you like to be a homeboy?

Unemployed and out college, I turned to a life of crime.

I did go to anger management, they say some really cool things. Don’t escalate, count to three, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

And I don’t go to AA anymore, I realized I don’t even like drinking. It tastes bad. I just do my art and meet people that way.

So I’m asking you,  to need work on my life by myself and not have you do it for me, can you do that?

Doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesday, that’s today. It’s gonna be at Serenity Forest, the good retirement home, not Central Fields where all the snooty people are. That one is no good. Don’t go there. They’re slow with lunch and they don’t have fish on Fridays. Mom. LET ME TALK DANNY! Mom, have you taken your meds?

One day in jail I saw an empty circle of chairs. So I sat on one of them and a black guy sat on another and then another black guy and even another. Not racist, but I did get nervous. I said, “Well you guys have something planned so I’ll just get going now.” A big one stood up and yelled “WHY?” Then the whole group showed up and one who seemed in charge started passing around church literature. Oh, I thought, a bible study.  I can do this. The service started and they all sang church songs really well with harmonies, backups and rhythms. Jesus is very popular in jail because when you haven’t been sentenced and you don’t know when you’re gonna get out and you’re around pathological dangerous people and you can’t get out. For some reason, you just wanna talk to God. We read the verses and I talked about them cause I know the Bible and I’m pretty smart. They really liked my input and thought I gave a good interpretation of the book of John than the ones they were used to. They asked me to come back so I did. Every day we sang and talked and read the bible and fellowshipped and looked mean. They gave me a commitment. After the Bible study they would all pray and say a word and do that football thing with our hands and arms. I got pick the word. Although I learned through trial and error, words like love and relationship didn’t go over well. They helped me out with food and writing materials. I shared my jokes with them and they laughed. We all became pals and they welcomed me into their group. I was like an affiliate. I became an honorary member of the black guys gang. Which was good to have around. When I was released, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. They all met me at the gate and asked why I didn’t say goodbye. I told them because I was in a hurry. They all said they really liked having me in the intensive jail and asked if we could meetup on the outs and where could they find me. I told them to look on the internet. I’m all over that damn thing. I wasn’t raised with blacks in my neighborhood. We were all religious and the Christians kicked them out. So I found a taste of a culture that was really nice. People are people some are kind some are charitable some are really hot and some are just plain mean. My pals in jail were really not that bad and if they every go on the internet and find me, I’d like to pray with them again. Too proud! Too strong!

The family meeting ended unanimously and mom moved me into a lush furnished apartment with a view in senior living. She recommended only the very best one. She would know.

The mark of the renaissance began when Italian artist, Filippo brunelleschi invented linear perspective seeing world from our own visual perspective. No one had really done that as well as him. Using straight lines and mathematics you calculate a three dimensional image on the two dimensional canvas plane. But Brunelsci fucked up in that he taught us to see the wor;d from only one point of view, our own. Picasso changed that but everyone freaked out brunelleschi

I made a friend in the mental institution. We didn’t really talk to each other much, mostly to oursevelves. He was a young man with bright red hair and fearing for his freedom.  I remember the girls liked him. He didn’t do well on the outside and became homeless. On a mistaken call the police showed up and six physically cops ruthlessly  beat him death. It was the most brutal thing the city had ever seen. The people of Fullerton  protested and charged the cops with murder. they were later declared not guilty. It’s hard to convict cops on anything. They know The city mourned. Sometimes it can be a crime just to be crazy.

Yeah, my mother’s pretty. She really was when she was younger. Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless 

Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless…

I’m going to my alanon meeting

“No mom, don’t. There certan things you wont’s allow from me and I won’t allow that.

But aren’t you stll goigng to AA? I don’t drink, that’s all you need to know.

In LA, I became an extra in the movies and TV for about two years. All you need is an ID, no background check thank god. The sets were everywhere and hard to find and I had no car, I’d take a bus, carpool, practice my backstroke and never showed up late or missed a day. I never joined the extras union, because there wasn’t one. We were the lowest on the totem pole. Everyone wanted to be famous, but I didn’t know how to act, on the set either. Some friends taught me method acting. They were poor too. Agency  wanted us to call ourselves background artists, because extra is derogatory for people who sit around a set eating chips and cookies. But that just sounded like I was painting the set. There were a lot of young beautiful actresses from all over the world hoping to be discovered. I didn’t discover them but the directors did.

Are you in the movie? Do you have a line? Yes, you have beautiful eyes.

On one call I got to have a conversation with Leslie Neilson. The guy who does all the comedy movies with a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny.

I get star struck easily. So I don’t want to watch your play.

Mom had a restraining order and another guy from AA who tried to help me commit suicide with a gun. I don’t know why that’s not iilegal. Probably something the NRA pushed. I should’ve counted the bullets in the gun.

AA is for people who need

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you

I don’t believe you’re mentally ill. I don’t see it.

  1. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  2. 12.    12. Get help!
  3. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  4. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  5. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  6. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  7. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  8. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  9. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  10. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  11. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family

There’s one in every family.

  • 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  • 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money. I work!
  • 24.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  • 25.    27. 27. You’re a vegetable
  • 26.    28. 28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  • 27.    29. 29. Your friends made you like this
  • 28.    30. 30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness

I don’t know if my brother hit me over the head with a brick when I was two. I just have a scar on my head, that’s the only evidence and I’ve heard stories. When you’re two you don’t remember anything. Especially after getting hit over the head with a brick.

  • 31.    31. 31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  • 32.    32. 32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  • 33.    33. 33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  • 34.    34. 34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  • 35.    35. 35. I don’t have what you have
  • 36.    36. 36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem
  • 37.    You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not
  • 38.    I’m gonna give you something cry about

Let me convince you you’re dangerous

You blame people all the time. That’s what causes all your problems

  • 39.    37. 37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 40.    38. 38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 41.    39. 39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 42.    40. 40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 43.    41. 41. This is an act or a game
  • 44.    42. 42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 45.    43. 43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 46.    44. 44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 47.    45. 45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 48.    46. 46. I wish I could go to college on government money

Sit down, you’re pretty. Thank you, would you like a brownie? Yes, are you sitting next to me because I’m handsome? Class I am now passing out the test.

  • 49.    47. 47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 50.    48. 48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 51.    49. I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 52.    50. 49. Don’t go 5150 on me
  • 53.    You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!
  • 54.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 55.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 56.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 57.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 58.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 59.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 60.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 61.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 62.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 63.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 64.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 65.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 66.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 67.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 68.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.

There’s nothing I can do. Let me talk to family. They own property. I’m going to be homeless I have two jobs lined up and a car. You can’t move in with me. It’s too hard. Mom I didn’t ask that. It will be tts before she gives notice. She’s not a girlfriend but she’s erratic. This is a madhouse. Not that the family wants me in one. Can’t you find a place through the clinic? They’re filled with drugs and theft, the counselors even know. It’s for more acute cases. But they help Danny. I can pay rent if I’m not eating out of the garbage. Please, let me talk to the family on the phone. I won’t let you. They are mad and fighting it’s not a good idea. Mom, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re getting old. Enjoy church.

This is not just my mother. She’s getting coached. The fact that I’m in a crisis situation and no not one of seven siblings is answering the phone because they all happen to all be busy. We went out of town for the day. Tell me they’re not hiding something. Have you taken your meds? 

I’m not going to a board and care or a sober living. It’s just the same thing only homeless doesn’t bleed you for money.

The Republican says he’ll give us jobs. The Democrat says he’ll get a job. I’m just looking for a job in my field. I have a good resume, got its all printed up at the social services.

You’re in the room with those other four. there’s 18 residents. Rent is $800. Do you get social security or GR? Provide your own food. Don’t touch nobody’s nothing and be respectful. We have one way of handling things around here. One slip or any rule broken and you’re on the street. Watch your meds. A lot of us just got out. We all go to AA and NA it’s a nice neighborhood.  

  • •        •       You best worry about getting revenge on your mother and siblings.

I need to find a way to maintain food and rent. Right now I’d better kiss up. Revenge comes in secret as I just keep writing. 

a lot of people have been watching as I’ve been posting my book. Waiting to hear back from publishers

  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people

Look, I’m desperate and I need your help. If you were drawing and I was in a boat I would throw you a life raft. That’s just humanity I’ve always thought highly of you, you’re intelligent, diplomatic and a, a fighter, my strongest sibling and you’re my sister.  I’ve always thought you would be a good card in my pocket, but you’re not a card, you’re a person and I can’t predict you or play you like a card at all. But you’d make a good queen of hearts. And not the one from Alice in Wonderland either. Call me! I Don’t know if I’m gonna live through this.

She doesn’t want to talk to you. 

You’re always drowning. I don’t want to be bothered. Two weeks ago. You offered to find me a place to live. You offered to help me with my car insurance. Now you’re taking that back. When it wil harm me the most. I’m going to lose everything I’ve worked for. That’s why the doctor’s are concerned. Mom.

It is illegal for you you to physically force me out in a rental agreement. The police said, if you do that again to call them. They probably told you that.

She doesn’t want to talk to you

The last time I seriously drank was about six years ago through AA. I take my meds see a therapist, go to groups and see my doctor. I call my sponsor daily. Right now I’m going to the Clinic to get my medicine and see a counselor. The medicine ran out when the pharmacy didn’t mail them. I had to wait to get them.

Jenny has been threatening to give me notice. I want a written agreement. The police said if she tries to force me out physically again to videotape her and Call them. No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s not my type.

  1. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

The doctor says you’re self-medicating. Yeah, but my prescription is better. 

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.


  1. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’s better

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinklng, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans and some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

“Republicans are wrong and should be completely removed, but they’re the other half of the population.

Most conservatives I listen to. But I don’t want to listen to it from my brother. You shouldn’t have to do that. It’s not that I don’t like your politics, but you’re weird. You’re weird conservative and I’m a weird liberal. I don’t wanna talk politics today. There’s got to be something else we can do together. Do you still collect guns?

Everybody believes in God. Why don’t you?

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Addicts Anonymous, we make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.

I’m a very opinionated writer. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I’m a writer.

I don’t have any structure or plan to this. I have some important topics and scenes. Then I just keep throwing stuff in. Ever have a lot of spices laying around while you’re making spaghetti

  1. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  2. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  3. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  4. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  5. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  6. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  7. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  8. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  9. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  10. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  11. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  12. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  13. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?

Alright Dr. This is what I came up with, I want him to get up on time, go to bed early, eat right, exercise, clean up, not drink, no pot, hold a regular job, support himself, maintain his own place, date and marry a good Catholic woman, watch his temper, take his meds, go to therapy, improve his grades, shave and groom himself, listen to healthy music, painting nudes, study engineering, stay away from the neighbors…

  1. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  2. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  3. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work??? That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke. 

I know it’s hard to quit smoking. I said a prayer and  I quit when I found God. He came to me in a vision glory. The cherubs and the angels wept. Tears of you. I immediately threw my cigarettes away. I saw his heavenly face. I haven’t smoked nor had the desire to smoke since that day eight years ago and it doesn’t bother me. So I just go home  and ask God for a spiritual revelation?

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

I never really knew my son. It’s even hard for me to remember how old he is. I think it was best for him, the family that raised him. It was still heartbreaking. He was my boy. I wanted to play ball with him, I wanted to help him with his math, I wanted to teach him guitar. I figured I’m an artist so he should be a musician. Raise my to be a rock star. I’d be a cool dad!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my 70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

Court is hard on my mentally illness. All they have to do is say I’m schizophrenia and I’ve lost the case. I don’t know how. Many times that was used as evidence against me.

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started art when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

When anybody steals my art, I consider it a compliment. They went out of their way.

When You’re chatting everything to your therapist on the phone. You need a girlfriend.

You were a good critic and a good friend. Sorry it didn’t work out. That was probably my fault. I wore on you and drained you and pestered you and became too much. But I like talking to you and I did enjoy that time. You said we have nothing in common. Let’s look at the similarities. You have a vast education in art a, a lot of critics don’t. You’re extremely knowledgeable in literature and I like to write. I think you even like musical theater. You have a lot more in common with me than a football fan. I’m sorry I accused you of all those things you didn’t do. I was thinking about a lot of other people. I got mad at everybody and I thought they were you. It was a case of mistaken identity. Maybe we could see each other again someday and you could look at one of my drawings or read something I wrote and tell me what you think. I promise I won’t be so sensitive this time.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET

I don’t think it’s a cult. I think it’s a religion. All religions have stupid things they say and they’re easy to debunk. Purgatory is not like heaven but a little like Hell but you can get out or you can be there for a really long time. Or. You have a higher power, a God that you get to make up, We all believe in him and we believe in your Gods too. We live in a free tolerant confusing overpopulated spiritual community. God bless AA. 12 Step and religions can be stupid, in cults you disappear.

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!

Congressman, I spoke to you years ago about an issue that was very important, the one issue most important to me. Now there’s two. Can you help me find a housing program? I’m not very good at this.

Mom I need help! There’s nothing I can do. I’m busy running the apartments.

  1. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  2. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  3. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  4. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  5. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  6. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  7. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  8. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  9. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

Hello? Hello? Yes I’m here. I’m just listening. That’s what we do on the help line. Yeah but I can’t tell on the other side of the phone. Listening sounds like hung up.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and she didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

She screams at me and yells at me and cusses me out! She’s good for you.”

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

Did I offend you? No why. Sometimes I get a little careless and joke around too much not thinking about what I do. It’s called mania, it’s like a drunkenness, but really happy. I shouldn’t have just told you that, but sometimes you have to explain yourself. Like when you get caught in the candy jar. No, it’s insanity mom.

In the movie, The Caine Mutiny, Humphrey Bogart plays a paranoid captain. Every time he thinks people are against him, he jiggles two steel ball in his hand. I hate the symbolism of that. So, an admiral figures out this pattern and realizes it’s from paranoia. He knows this from something he had read. He tells everybody. Later, the ship is in a crisis situation and Bogart starts doing that. They use this as an excuse to overthrow the ship. But if he was delusional wasn’t real, why did they overthrow the ship? The message is that paranoid people sometimes do things overtly or subconsciously to make their worst nightmare come true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. I may be doing it to you.

I’m looking for shelter, my family has all blocked me, a politician wants to talk to me, my therapist is leaving, but has something to say to me, Im worried about the government and I keep writing and posting it. Could I be making this happen? Wow! I didn’t know paranoid was such a reality in this world.

I’ve started a meeting of Dual Diagnosis anonymous. If you are and alcholic or addict and in psychiatric care you are welcome. We honor your time. Thursday afternoon at the church. It’s a terrific supportive group, we are not doctors but may give advice, it’s a great place to be clean and sober and we have a lot of fun when the nurses aren’t looking

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you

We don’t do art therapy anymore. Other than a cathartic release we found it had little benefit at all and the paint cost too much..

  1. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  2. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.

We got romantic so often, I don’t remember sleeping

Now that I have the conservatorship I can just put a pair of handcuffs on her and lock her up in an institution. At least you’re not impersonating a police officer.

Laura’s law will allow your family to have you evaluated and hospitalized without your permission. Wanna sign the petition?

  1. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  2. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  3. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  4. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  5. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  6. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  7. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  8. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  9. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  10. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  11. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  12. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  13. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  14. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  15. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  16. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  17. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  18. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  19. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  20. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  21. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  22. 216.  210. 194. AA doesn’t talk politics. But I like your stance on Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA.

Thanks for inviting me to lunch. Libertarian is a nice political philosophy, but I don’t want to hear it while I’m eating

I can’t stand conspiracy theories. They’re hard to follow and their delusional. They need to research medicine for that. I had a girlfriend who kept going on about them. I hung up on her. She kept calling and I kept hanging up.

It’s not smart to flirt with somebody you’re not interested. I mean you can do it, but I don’t think the outcome’s gonna be good.

I never knew you were an intelligent regular person. I always thought you.were just a transient suffering.

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. Perfectly safe.

  • 217.  211. If a person has schizophrenia or schizophrenia they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorship?

A lot of my books were banned, Not by the government, but by people I pissed off. Why do you do it? I do it to challenge this country. I wanna fight for it.

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I chose and environment that was completely insane. An environment that was a harm to themselves and others. went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit bottom.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 1.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

I only date women my age. They know things that the youngins don’t. I had to explain to one young woman who the Marlboro man and what the cold was. Why he smoked so much and why they kept taking pictures of him? Explain that to the college girl.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person schizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,

To ask me if I’ve been taking my meds when I haven’t been is acceptable. But not when I have been and I’m winning the argument

  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

I don’t know where along the line my family judged me as the loser, but they did a good job of making me one.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.

Where did you have all that sex?

The usual places, motels, apartments, the front lawn of UCLA…

  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, We’re not bboyfriend girlfriend. But Other than my obsessive madness, Luvy is a good influence on me. Luvy can get me to do things everyone else tries to get me to do. I went to the gym, I stopped smoking, I looked for a job, I went to church, I budgeted and saved money. I went on a diet… Will you do it? YES! Luvy can get me to do it. She started when she had a beer. I told her to admit to it and get back in the game. Her woman’s group was real mean to her. She come to me balling. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever and said she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s real sensitive.  The disease is progressive.  She made AA good for me. When she left AA, I didn’t want to come back.
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way tb be an alcoholic is to drink.
  • 245.   239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  249. 27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

Mom, I know you don’t like it when I say dad hit me, but you can at least admit he got physical. I worked on it. You both come from a generation that knew absolutely nothing about mental illness other than what you saw in the movies. You may have learned about it in therapy, but he didn’t. He was working all the time he didn’t have any time to register in a community college class and take a course in schizophrenia. He was scared. He wanted to protect his family. When I got upset he didn’t see it as a treatable biological chemical imbalance of the brain that affects certain cognitive thoughts. He was thinking psycho killer! I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m beginning to forget a bit and of course accept. And now, sometimes I go to his grave when no one is looking and I throw him a right hook! Its beautiful.

I will be moving back in town tomorrow. I mean next month. It would be good to see you. You’re doing really well. I like to see people I’ve known for a long time. The one’s who don’t restraining orders;

Just don’t tell them you see a psychiatrist. They find out! It’s not hard to figure out!.    

So, I’m going to a government low income apartment building where I used to live. A lot of mentally iil people live there. It’s a bad neighborhood.

I’ll give you an example, a reputable business man is going down the street shouting the building’s on fire or its a psychopathic drunk transient shouting the building’s on fire. Who is telling the truth? They both are if the building’s on fire.

AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”

  • •        223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • •       
  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother’s side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

He was a physicist and he knew science, but he always wanted to spar with me on politics and economics. Politics isn’t a science aand neither is economic. They claim to be, but they’re pretty hard to predict.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.

So let’s say your son does drugs and gets a girl pregnant. So you force him to see a psychiatrist and go to a rehab . But what are they gonna to do to him? Believe me, I’ve been doing this for 30 years. It ain’t no better and the girl was good.

I think what he’s trying to say is that the young man would have done better had he married her and not got caught in the system. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Grieving is hard especially amongst the greedy.

The acceptance phase of grieving is very positive. You were only remember the good things like the memory a good vacation. You remember the surfing in Baja, but not the diarrhea.

Hey! Remember me? We relapsed in AA and spent three days together at the US Festival. I don’t remember you. That was a great concert. Yeah. Cool story. You should share it in a meeting.

Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s is measured by the quality of life. You’re making mine miserable.

Richard Ramirez entered people’s homes to kill then and left the logo of the band AC/DC on their walls. The band was believed to have worshipped the devil and were blamed for the murders. But let’s look at this the other way around. What kind of music do you think a serial killer would listen to? The Monkees?

  1. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  2. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  3. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  4. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  5. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  6. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  7. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  8. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  9. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  10. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  11. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  12. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  13. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  14. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  15. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  16. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  17. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  18. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  19. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  20. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  21. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  22. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  23. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  24. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

It was actually not that boring. They had plays about AA, groups, lectures, individual counseling late into the night and of course meetings. It was a lot like therapy, but it cost over $200. So, they made money off it.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. What about a punch in the face?

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit bottom.

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Mom gets real mad about most of my jokes, jokes about drugs or alcohol, jokes about violence, jokes about human trafficking… she doesn’t laugh at anything.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

Your dysfunctional family is the disease. The jail rape was but a symptom.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are
  • 3.      slow readers.
  • 4.      Your sitting there looking out the window.e  Why are you so sad? Do you see the brown leaves on that tree? The dying leave make depress you? No, when I got here they were green. 

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down my pants. She was just tucking in my shirt.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

Tough love isn’t about hitting someone. It’s about refusing to help, not bailing them out, depleting all resources and shelter, letting the go with love and starving them Into submission. It’s better than violence.

  • 5.       •       She was getting loud and physical. I had to call the police. The police told her she is to stay away from me. She called her mom and told her to kick me out. I’m waiting for notice. Please let me talk to Mike or Cindy. Board and Cares are full of drugs and criminals. I don’t want to go there. I’ve stayed sober too long for that

\and worked on my mental health for the last 6 years as well

The government residential living for the mentally ill has a ten year review process. They’re self-run.

Don’t go in to your past. Think about how you’re homeless today.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somewhere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

You laugh but you could be an insane murder like Charlie Manson. No, Manson wasn’t mentally ill, he faked it to beat the death penalty. I have it or at least everybody convinced me I have it.

If Manson wasn’t crazy then why did he kill all those people? He was bad, he was a dark soul. I’m not going to debate the existence of God nor defend any religion or metaphysics or some other brain fuck philosophy but we know through just looking at history=the evidence of evil is there. Most mentally ill people aren’t like that. We’re just different and that makes people uncomfortable.

Ok, you’re a psychologist. There’s no evil. Explain this! A guy takes control of his country, kills six million jews. What was he thinking?

Do you go to church? Do you even want to go to church? Sure, what time? When are you picking me up? I have a rule that if anybody invites me to their church, I’ll go once. Unless it’s something like the Branch Dividians then I just end up staying and disappear.

Do you think you are really mentally ill? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really knows. I think the sane people can figure it out, but I don’t know.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. He put me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me. It became the story of my life.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.

“This is relaxation group. We sit in the dark and listen t o music. Can I sit next to her?

  1. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  2. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  3. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  4. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  5. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  6. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  5. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.

  1. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college,  work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I just take the pills.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 1.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 27.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 28.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 29.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 30.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 31.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 32.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 33.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 34.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 35.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 55.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 56.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 57.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 58.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 59.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 60.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 61.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 62.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 63.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 64.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 65.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 66.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 67.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 68.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 69.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 70.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 71.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 72.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 73.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 74.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 75.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 76.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 77.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 78.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 79.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 80.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 81.    77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 82.    78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 83.    79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 84.    80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 85.    81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 86.    82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 87.    83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 88.    84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 89.    85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 90.    86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 91.    87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 92.    88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 93.    89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 94.    90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 95.    91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 96.    92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 97.    93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 98.    94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 99.    95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 100.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 101.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 102.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 103.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 104.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 105.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 106.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 107.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 108.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 109.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 110.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 111.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 112.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 113.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 114.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 115.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 116.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 117.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 118.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 119.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 120.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 121.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 122.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 123.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 124.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 125.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 126.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 127.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 128.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 129.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 130.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 131.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 132.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 133.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 134.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 135.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 136.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 137.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 138.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 139.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 140.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 141.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 142.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 143.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 144.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 145.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 146.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 147.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 148.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 149.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 150.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 151.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 152.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 153.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 154.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 159.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 160.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 161.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 162.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 163.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 164.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 165.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 166.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 167.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

Mom, as far as the medicine, let’s leave it to the doctors. You are not the only one who tries to change and suggest. If you are cooking you don’t let everybody else tell you what to put in the broth. It comes out junk soup. I have 12 prescriptions now and I hardly know what they’re for. If it were two or three I could research and figure it out. I was in hospitals, institutions, outpatient, sober livings, listening to AA and everybody else’s opinion of what to take, what not to take, or don’t take at all and I ended up inpatient or in rehab. Let’s let the doctors do their job. They’re not a conspiracy theory and they’re not out to get us. Believe me, they do a much better job of handling the drugs than me and other people.

I need some positive answers. Ok. Apologize when necessary, Look for your part in things, Take responsibility for yourself. You sound like my dad.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 168.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 169.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 170.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 171.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 172.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 173.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 174.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 175.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 176.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 177.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 178.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 179.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 180.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 181.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 182.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 183.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 184.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 185.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 186.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 187.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 188.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 189.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 190.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 191.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 192.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 193.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 194.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 195.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 196.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 197.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 198.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 199.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 200.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 201.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 202.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 203.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 204.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 205.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 206.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 207.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 208.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 209.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 210.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 211.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 212.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 213.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 214.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 215.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 216.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 217.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 218.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 219.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 220.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 221.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 222.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 223.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 224.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 226.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 227.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 228.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 229.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. How about a punch in the face?

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

For those who are concerned. The pharmacy didn’t mail my psyche meds for the month and since about seven days ago I have had none. I’ve been in a contantly growing episode this whole time. That might explain the weird posts and the psychotic book I’ve been publishing online. I couldn’t get to the pharmacy because it is too far away and I am still learning how to drive. I’ve arranged transportation to get there and get my meds tomorrow, also some counseling. It should only be two or three days before I’m stabilized and well. I also have about a month to find a new home. I’m going to try hard to stay off the internet. I still like the book and will set it aside for illustration and publishing. But I’m going find and editor and I’m going to edit the Hell out thing first. Will try to stay quiet and stay away till I’m well again.

I did go to anger management mom. They say great things. Count to three, don’t escalate, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

“I realize you wanted to help me all those years, but actually everybody messed it up. There’s one client and one doctor for a reason. We aren’t surgeons, we aren’t brain scientist and we definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. If everybody’s driving the car, there’s no room for anybody to hold the wheel.

In the mental health community, we all hear stupid things with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there mom. I want you here with me.

“The doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesdays. That’s today and it’s in the good retirement home, not the one with the snooty people. Mom! Danny, let me talk! Mom, have you taken your meds?”

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 230.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 231.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 232.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 233.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 234.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 235.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 236.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 237.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 238.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 239.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 240.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 241.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 242.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 243.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 244.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 245.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 246.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 247.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 248.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 249.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 250.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 251.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 252.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 253.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 254.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 255.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 1.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 1.      1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 2.      2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 3.      3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 4.      4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 5.      5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 6.      6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 7.      7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 8.      8. I will help you
  9. 9.      9. God will cure you
  10. 10.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 11.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 12.    12. Get help!
  13. 13.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 14.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 15.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 16.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 17.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 18.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 19.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 20.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 21.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 22.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 23.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 24.    24. I work!
  25. 25.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 26.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 27.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 28.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 29.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 30.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 31.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 32.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 33.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 34.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 35.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 36.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 37.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 38.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 39.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 40.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 41.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 42.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 43.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 44.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 45.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 46.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 47.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 48.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 49.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 50.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 51.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 52.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 53.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 54.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 55.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 56.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 57.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 58.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 59.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 60.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 61.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 62.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 63.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 64.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 65.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 66.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 67.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 68.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 69.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 70.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 71.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 72.    70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 73.    71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 74.    72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 75.    73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 76.    74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 77.    75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 78.    76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 79.    77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 80.    78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 81.    79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 82.    80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 83.    81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 84.    82. You’re a bad person.
  • 85.    83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 86.    84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 87.    85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 88.    86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 89.    87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 90.    88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 91.    89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 92.    90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 93.    91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 94.    92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 95.    93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 96.    94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 97.    95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 98.    96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 99.    97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 100.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 101.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 102.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 103.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 104.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 105.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 106.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 107.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 108.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 109.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 110.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 111.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 112.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 113.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 114.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 115.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 116.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 117.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 118.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 119.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 120.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 121.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 122.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 123.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 124.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 125.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 126.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 127.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 128.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 129.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 130.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 131.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 132.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 133.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 134.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 135.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 136.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 137.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 138.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 139.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 140.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 141.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 142.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 143.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 144.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 145.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 146.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 147.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 148.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 149.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 150.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 151.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 152.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 153.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 154.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 155.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 156.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 157.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 158.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 159.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 160.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 161.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 162.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 163.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 164.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 165.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 166.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 167.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 168.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 169.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 170.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 171.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 172.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 173.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 174.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 175.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 176.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 177.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 178.  Just count to 12.
  18. 179.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 180.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 181.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 182.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool. 

I had a friend in a group home

He had cerebral palsey

He was In a wheelchair and used to crawl around on the floor

When was he worked as dj on the radio

We didn’t get along, so I took singing lessons

  1. 183.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 184.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 185.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 186.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 187.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 188.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 189.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 190.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 191.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 192.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 193.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 194.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 195.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 196.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 197.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 198.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 199.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 200.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 201.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 202.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 203.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 204.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 205.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 206.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 207.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 208.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 209.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 210.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 211.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 212.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 213.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 214.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 215.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 216.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 217.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 218.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 219.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 220.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 221.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 222.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 223.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 224.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 225.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 226.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 227.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 228.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 229.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 230.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 231.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 232.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 233.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 234.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 235.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 236.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 237.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 238.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 239.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 240.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 241.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 242.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 243.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 244.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 245.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 246.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 247.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.

I’m going to have to give notice. As far as my disability, you handled that extremely well, professionally, legally and confidentially. To follow up, I have two part-time jobs lined up I I won’t be working as a professional designer. I’m 56 years old. I lost the dream of the good career a long time ago. Kind of like the dream of the good wife, but she was nice. Oh yeah, sometimes when you leave a company like this you’re not allowed to  come back in the store. At least, those are usually the terms they give me. I’ll be in town for the rest of the month and I’d still like to buy my soda and cigarettes.

I’m gonna get a job, I’m not stupid. Think I’m gonna paint on the corner and expect to pay rent? With a hat and ask people for money? With a gun?

  • 248.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 249.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Probation ended and I got my record expunged through legal aid. I’m looking for a job as a commercial artist so I can finally put my college education to use. I should, everybody else paid for it. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

    The therapist helped my by talking over what happened in jail. I was upset about it for a few days. Now it went away and I don’t really think about it. I also wrote about my life. That was hard. I’m beginning to accept and move past things. I am hoping the new place will be better. He said I have no positive memories of my past and wanted me to think of some. I’ve been thinking some up. I’m hoping to remember more and make some new ones. That is mental health treatment. He has to leave the clinic and is recommending me to the next counselor.

A positive memory of my past was when I sold all those paintings in the gallery. I felt on top of the world.

I’m not driving the car I bought, because it scares it. When I don’t know how to use something, it scares me. Like in art school. Like in art school, we had drills, we had wood, we had power saws and I had fingers. I got help with the assignment.

  • •        1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • •        2.      
  • •        3.      Ok, this is a writers group amateur and professional. What are your prices to edit this? I gotta take a lot of stuff out before I get sued. Don’t worry I’ll pay for your attorney too. Let’s just hope the book does well.
  • •        4.      

Suffering mental illness is like suffering alcoholism. You’re not always suffering. Sometimes you’re having a lot of fun and people get bothered.  They send you to a hospital and you wake up in a bed and you wonder what you did the night before.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 2.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

tnere was a lot of laughing when the therapist had me write my life but the crying was extremely painful. Now I’m starting to feel much better. Would’ve helped if my antidepressant prescription had been refilled sooner. That’s the healing power of treatment.

  • •        Your sister has her own family, home and career, she doesn’t want to be bothered, it’s not her responsibility to help you when you are homeless. Why does she have to help you? Morally, she should. I’m not good in that area either
  • •        We’re having a family meeting, no politics no religion. No guns. But they go hand in hand.
  • •        If you want to convince someone on a high level that you are correct, appeal to their sense or reason. If you want to persuade them, motivate and move them on the highest level, appeal to their sense of ethics.
  • •        Hey sis, did you hear about Timmy O’Mally from high school. All the other O’Mally’s beat him up and stole his money. There’s one in every family.
  • •        Your sister was in Australia, she took her yaucht here. Is drunk boatinlegal?
  • •        Your little brother is driving in from West Hollywood. Remember, don’t mention it.
  • •        The baby boy and his wife will walk, he’s still in the house we gave him. We have to pamper him a little. You can take care of yourself with all we have been giving you.
  • •        Your older brother is coming from the military base. You’d better be nice or else. He will facilitate the Meeting.
  • •        You’re other brother is not coming after you discovered facebook.
  • •        Remember, we want a serene adult gathering. Don’t throw the food!
  • •        Your other sister is mad at you for asking for food when you were homeless and hungry. She’s coming I taught her what you said about morals. You can work on yours too.
  • •        We’re Christian Republican family most of my children are but I like Joe Biden. He’s handsome and a good family man. That’s why we haven’t helped you. We wanted you to be a man and beg for food on your own.

Mom, I want you to stay out of my medical and psychological treatment. I know all those years you were trying to help but it further messed me up. You can’t be involved in my treatment or or. Medical issues. Listening to you and everybody else advise the doctor only messed up the broth. That’s why there’s only one client and one doctor for a reason. We don’t know everything. You don’t ‘tell a surgeon how to do his job, you don’t tell a brain scientist and you definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. Everybody ruined everything with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there. I want you here with me, mom.

I did go to anger management, they say some really cool things. Don’t escalate, count to three, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

And I don’t go to AA anymore, I realized I don’t even like drinking. I just do my art and meet people that way.

So I’m asking you,  to need work on my life by myself and not have you do it for me, can you do that?

Doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesday, that’s today. It’s gonna be at Serenity Forest, the good retirement home, not Central Fields where all the snooty people are. That one is no good. Don’t go there. They’re slow with lunch and they don’t have fish on Fridays. Mom. LET ME TALK DANNY! Mom, have you taken your meds?

One day in jail I saw an empty circle of chairs. So I sat on one of them and a black guy sat on another and then another black guy and even another. Not racist, but I did get nervous. I said, “Well you guys have something planned so I’ll just get going now.” A big one stood up and yelled “WHY?” Then the whole group showed up and one who seemed in charge started passing around church literature. Oh, I thought, a bible study.  I can do this. The service started and they all sang church songs really well with harmonies, backups and rhythms. Jesus is very popular in jail because when you haven’t been sentenced and you don’t know when you’re gonna get out and you’re around pathological dangerous people and you can’t get out. For some reason, you just wanna talk to God. We read the verses and I talked about them cause I know the Bible and I’m pretty smart. They really liked my input and thought I gave a good interpretation of the book of John than the ones they were used to. They asked me to come back so I did. Every day we sang and talked and read the bible and fellowshipped and looked mean. They gave me a commitment. After the Bible study they would all pray and say a word and do that football thing with our hands and arms. I got pick the word. Although I learned through trial and error, words like love and relationship didn’t go over well. They helped me out with food and writing materials. I shared my jokes with them and they laughed. We all became pals and they welcomed me into their group. I was like an affiliate. I became an honorary member of the black guys gang. Which was good to have around. When I was released, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. They all met me at the gate and asked why I didn’t say goodbye. I told them because I was in a hurry. They all said they really liked having me in the intensive jail and asked if we could meetup on the outs and where could they find me. I told them to look on the internet. I’m all over that damn thing. I wasn’t raised with blacks in my neighborhood. We were all religious and the Christians kicked them out. So I found a taste of a culture that was really nice. People are people some are kind some are charitable some are really hot and some are just plain mean. My pals in jail were really not that bad and if they every go on the internet and find me, I’d like to pray with them again. Too proud! Too strong!

The family meeting ended unanimously and mom moved me into a lush furnished apartment with a view in senior living. She recommended only the very best one. She would know.

The mark of the renaissance began when Italian artist, Filippo brunelleschi invented linear perspective seeing world from our own visual perspective. No one had really done that as well as him. Using straight lines and mathematics you calculate a three dimensional image on the two dimensional canvas plane. But Brunelsci fucked up in that he taught us to see the wor;d from only one point of view, our own. Picasso changed that but everyone freaked out brunelleschi

I made a friend in the mental institution. We didn’t really talk to each other much, mostly to oursevelves. He was a young man with bright red hair and fearing for his freedom.  I remember the girls liked him. He didn’t do well on the outside and became homeless. On a mistaken call the police showed up and six physically cops ruthlessly  beat him death. It was the most brutal thing the city had ever seen. The people of Fullerton  protested and charged the cops with murder. they were later declared not guilty. It’s hard to convict cops on anything. They knwo The city mourned. Sometimes it can be a crime just to be crazy.

Yeah, my mother’s pretty. She really was when she was younger. Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless…

In LA, I became an extra in the movies and TV for about two years. All you need is an ID, no background check thank god. The sets were everywhere and hard to find and I had no car, I’d take a bus, carpool, practice my backstroke and never showed up late or missed a day. I never joined the extras union, because there was none. We were lowest on the totem pole. Everyone wanted to be famous, but I didn’t know how to act, on the set either. Some friends taught me method acting. They were poor too. Agency The agency wanted us to call ourselves background artists, because extra was an actor’s slur. But that just sounded like I was painting the set. There were a lot of young beautiful actresses from all over the world hoping to be discovered. I didn’t discover them but the directors did.

Comedy movies with a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny.

On on call I got to have a conversation with Leslie Neilson. The guy who does all the comedy movies a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny. 

I get star struck easily. So I don’t want to watch your play.

Mom had a restraining order and another guy from AA who tried to help me commit suicide with a gun. I don’t know why that’s not iilegal. Probably something the NRA pushed. I should’ve counted the bullets in the gun.

You can’t get work when you’re homeless, you have no clothes, no way to get there if it’s far… There’s only one job I can get.  Where? On the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. there’s opening for a prostitute. I won’t work. I can’t do it, no! Yeah you’re not good looking enough.

We want you to write all your resentments, your fears and your sexual experiences . That doesn’t sound right, why is my sex life included?. YOU WANT TO STAY SOBER DON’T YOU? TAKE DIRECTION? We want details. 

A suggestion is a subtle command. If jump out of a plane, I juggest you use a parachute. What if I suggest you jump off a. bridge because I do it?


I saw my childhood friend. Today

People are touchy. We lose friends, coworkers, relatives, husbands, wives over seemingly petty things and we never talk to them again. With our modern social media we block, blast, unfriend, send to junk mail or voicemail. In extreme cases there may even be a restraining order. In today’s technology, we have more ways to lose a friend than we have to make one. What was good then is now gone.

When I was a boy in grammar school, I made strong friendships, friendships that have lasted to this day. We grew together and formed our thoughts on politics, religion and philosophy, we did our chores and developed our work ethic. We established our academic goals, developed our talents and chose what our careers would be.  We decided what girls were pretty and who we thought would be right for each other. These principles have held with me to this day and neither those nor my friendship ever left me.  We founded strong meaningful ties that were to last a lifetime, and back then, the only requirement for those strong meaningful lifetime friendships was that we lived on the same block. It’s sad what we grow out of. 

Although the AA traditions claim a voluntary status, the average attendance at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is 50% court ordered. AA is not for people who need it, not for people who want it, not for people who do it, but for people who are forced to be there.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college, work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I’lll just take the pills.

When I was a kid, the teachers didn’t think I was a good artist because I didn’t work within the lines. They didn’t understand what I was doing. I’d play with the colors, the harmonies, the shapes, the composition, the texture, the design, the rhythms, the brush strokes, the emotional content, the feeling, the music of abstraction, the statement, the theme… and they wanted me to put all that In a box.

 After jail, I had a friend in a boarding home

He had cerebral paulsy

He was In a wheelchair and used to crawl around on the floor

When worked he worked as dj on the radio

We didn’t get along, so I took singing lessonst

Then after I hit bottom from my wife threatening to leave, a successful business, a master’s degree at UCLA, a two story House on the hill, a wonderful wife that I didn’t know before and four beautiful children and I owe it all to AA, the 12 steps and my parent’s trust fund. If you want what I got, you’ve my number

I have a personal policy that if anyone invites me to their church. I will go at least once. Unless its something like the Branch Dividians, then I stay and disappear.

 AA is for. People who want it, who need it and who do it, not for people who are forced to be there

 Terry – Luvy the. Milliionaire’s Wife from Gilligan’s Island. With husband.

Ciindy – Ax Murder

Mike NAZI uniform

Pat Truman Capote

Kevin – photo with arm’s around two women

Bob – Eddie Munster

Dan Joyce – main character – faded jeans – tennis shoes with art picture on it – black fedora with playing cards in brim – Ace of Spades Jack of Hearts 

 When she was a girl and two people were in a fight or an argument. She would pick a side and fight it to the death. Didn’t matter which one. You want her in your corner.

I’m not worried about a strike on my record. It took me 50 years to commit a felony. No it took them 50 years to catch you Dan Joyce

On a lot cheated grants, I went to Florence Italy on a study abroad program. I used to like to painting watercolor at the piazza square, iil was like an arty Italian mall, feeling like a genius and a master. I was be emerced by being there and shout, I’m a Genius, I’m a master. The I looked below me and saw perfect cross-hatched ink drqwing intensely detailed, more than I could ever do. It was being drawn a seven year old girl. There’s always someone better. I’m not the best, I try to be the best I can be, entertaining and interesting, like a midnight talk show host.

There’s an old economic theory that if you do hard work for a long time, you make a lot of money. Course the slaves got screwed on that one.

It ain’t right!! You doing her like that! Come on!  Seeing as I’m a lover and not a fighter. I’m not going to hit you. I’m just gonna keep on fucking your girlfriend.

Two nurses jumped him. They were the size of Football players. He’s In his mid-sixties I think. When he hit the ground, he left a pool of blood the size of a dollar bill. I went to call you on the phone and the nurse stopped me to my bed in leather restraint.

Would you like a trial decided by me or jury. I remember what I said to you in the last trial. I choose a jury.”

“She’s going around calling all of us brotherman. Your girlfriend has to go. She’s not my girlfriend, she followed me from the psyche ward. I was there last week. We just go to the open mics and play guitar, she’s a good singer. She stays all night in your room. I don’t know how to tell you this. You’re girlfriend’s a hooker. She’s talented though.”

As stated, after going to AA my drinking got bad. I was going to a lot of places, getting in trouble and bothering people. They started demanding that I quit. It’s a struggle though.  You don’t just up and quit drinking, up and quit smoking or lose 300 pounds without liposuction. Then came hard drinking

=Initially I include the sex scenes, but I left them out,they weren’t that good.

When the old-timer tried to tell you what he really meant in his share, he got hostile and through you out of his car. After the meeting he held a group conscious without you. You’re schizophrenic. You are being removed from Nicotine Anonymous. We no longer care that you quit.  

I don’t get writer’s block. Writing is like talking and I’ve got a lot to say.

I did the most drugs during my gangbanging days. I only remember the guns. Maybe I should join a gang through the NRA 

In a desperate effort to heal himself, an insane man writes the story of his life trying to figure out how he went insane.

AA is not a religion. Church only asks you to show up on Sunday.

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

However some changes have been made

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescxfription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 11.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 12.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 13.    3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 14.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 15.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 16.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 17.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 18.    8. I will help you
  9. 19.    9. God will cure you
  10. 20.    10. People are uncomfortable with you

I don’t believe you’re mentally ill. I don’t see it.

  1. 22.    11. Psychos kill people
  2. 23.    12. Get help!
  3. 24.    13. It’s all in your head
  4. 25.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  5. 26.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  6. 27.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  7. 28.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  8. 29.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  9. 30.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  10. 31.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  11. 32.    21. You are the problem with the family

There’s one in every family.

  • 29.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  • 30.    23. You’re cheating the government for money. I work!
  • 31.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  • 32.    27. 27. You’re a vegetable
  • 33.    28. 28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  • 34.    29. 29. Your friends made you like this
  • 35.    30. 30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness

I don’t know if my brother hit me over the head with a brick when I was two. I just have a scar on my head, that’s the only evidence and I’ve heard stories. When you’re two you don’t remember anything. Especially after getting hit over the head with a brick.

  • 39.    31. 31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  • 40.    32. 32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  • 41.    33. 33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  • 42.    34. 34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  • 43.    35. 35. I don’t have what you have
  • 44.    36. 36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem
  • 45.    You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not
  • 46.    I’m gonna give you something cry about

Let me convince you you’re dangerous

You blame people all the time. That’s what causes all your problems

  • 43.    37. 37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 44.    38. 38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 45.    39. 39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 46.    40. 40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 49.    41. 41. This is an act or a game
  • 50.    42. 42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 51.    43. 43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 52.    44. 44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 53.    45. 45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 54.    46. 46. I wish I could go to college on government money

Sit down, you’re pretty. Thank you, would you like a brownie? Yes, are you sitting next to me because I’m handsome? Class I am now passing out the test.

  • 52.    47. 47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 53.    48. 48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 54.    49. I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!

Your as sick as your secrets so lets hear ‘em

We’re turning your housing and your medical coverage over to your sponsor

  • 69.    50. 49. Don’t go 5150 on me
  • 70.    You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!
  • 71.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is bipolar
  • 72.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 73.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 74.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 75.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 76.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 77.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 78.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 79.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 80.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 81.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 82.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 83.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 84.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 85.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 89.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 90.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 91.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 92.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 93.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 94.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 95.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 96.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 97.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 98.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 99.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 100.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 101.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 102.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 103.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 104.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 105.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 106.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 107.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.

There’s nothing I can do. Let me talk to family. They own property. I’m going to be homeless I have two jobs lined up and a car. You can’t move in with me. It’s too hard. Mom I didn’t ask that. It will be moments before she gives notice. She’s not a girlfriend but she’s erratic. This is a madhouse. Not that the family wants me in one. Can’t you find a place through the clinic? They’re filled with drugs and theft, the counselors even know. It’s for more acute cases. But they help Danny. I can pay rent if I’m not eating out of the garbage. Please, let me talk to the family on the phone. I won’t let you. They are mad and fighting it’s not a good idea. Mom, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re getting old. Enjoy church.

This is not just my mother. She’s getting coached. The fact that I’m in a crisis situation and no not one of seven siblings is answering the phone because they all happen to all be busy. We went out of town for the day. Tell me they’re not hiding something. Have you taken your meds? 

I’m not going to a board and care or a sober living. It’s just the same thing only homeless doesn’t bleed you for money.

The Republican says he’ll give us jobs. The Democrat says he’ll get a job. I’m just looking for a job in my field. I have a good resume, got its all printed up at the social services.

You’re in the room with those other four. there’s 18 residents. Rent is $800. Do you get social security or GR? Provide your own food. Don’t touch nobody’s nothing and be respectful. We have one way of handling things around here. One slip or any rule broken and you’re on the street. Watch your meds. A lot of us just got out. We all go to AA and NA it’s a nice neighborhood.  

  • •        You best worry about getting revenge on your mother and siblings.

I need to find a way to maintain food and rent. Right now I’d better kiss up. Revenge comes in secret as I just keep writing. 

a lot of people have been watching as I’ve been posting my book. Waiting to hear back from publishers

  • 103.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 104.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 105.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 106.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 107.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 108.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 109.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 110.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 111.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 112.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 113.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 114.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 115.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 116.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 116.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 117.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 118.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 119.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 120.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 121.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 122.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 123.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 124.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 125.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 126.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 127.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 128.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 120.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 121.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 122.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 123.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people

Look, I’m desperate and I need your help. If you were drawing and I was in a boat I would throw you a life raft. That’s just humanity I’ve always thought highly of you, you’re intelligent, diplomatic and a, a fighter, my strongest sibling and you’re my sister.  I’ve always thought you would be a good card in my pocket, but you’re not a card, you’re a person and I can’t predict you or play you like a card at all. But you’d make a good queen of hearts. And not the one from Alice in Wonderland either. Call me! I Don’t know if I’m gonna live through this.

She doesn’t want to talk to you. 

You’re always drowning. I don’t want to be bothered. Two weeks ago. You offered to find me a place to live. You offered to help me with my car insurance. Now you’re taking that back. When it wil harm me the most. I’m going to lose everything I’ve worked for. That’s why the doctor’s are concerned. Mom.

It is illegal for you you to physically force me out in a rental agreement. The police said, if you do that again to call them. They probably told you that.

She doesn’t want to talk to you

The last time I seriously drank was about six years ago through AA. I take my meds see a therapist, go to groups and see my doctor. I call my sponsor daily. Right now I’m going to the Clinic to get my medicine and see a counselor. The medicine ran out when the pharmacy didn’t mail them. I had to wait to get them.

Jenny has been threatening to give me notice. I want a written agreement. The police said if she tries to force me out physically again to videotape her and Call them. No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s not my type.

  1. 121.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

The doctor says you’re self-medicating. Yeah, but my prescription is better. 

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.


  1. 127.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 128.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you mee.
  3. 129.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 130.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 131.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 132.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’s better

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinklng, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans and some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

“Republicans are wrong and should be completely removed, but they’re the other half of the population.

Most conservatives I listen to. But I don’t want to listen to it from my brother. You shouldn’t have to do that. It’s not that I don’t like your politics, but you’re weird. You’re weird conservative and I’m a weird liberal. I don’t wanna talk politics today. There’s got to be something else we can do together. Do you still collect guns? Rememver that time we went to the ranged. I was disappointed. I was hoping everything would blow up and bleed like a. video game. That was the only time I shot a gun. I think I want to shoot a gun again.

Everybody believes in God. Why don’t you?

  1. 138.  131. At Sex Addicts Anonymous, we make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 139.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 140.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.

I’m a very opinionated writer. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I’m a writer.

I don’t have any structure or plan to this. I have some important topics and scenes. Then I just keep throwing stuff in. Ever have a lot of spices laying around while you’re making spaghetti

  1. 151.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  2. 152.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  3. 153.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  4. 154.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  5. 155.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  6. 156.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  7. 157.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  8. 158.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  9. 159.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  10. 160.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  11. 161.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  12. 162.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  13. 163.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?

Alright Dr. This is what I came up with, I want him to get up on time, go to bed early, eat right, exercise, clean up, not drink, no pot, hold a regular job, support himself, maintain his own place, date and marry a good Catholic woman, watch his temper, take his meds, go to therapy, improve his grades, shave and groom himself, listen to healthy music, painting nudes, study engineering, stay away from the neighbors…, OK that’s enough, that’s longer than Santa’s list

  1. 154.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  2. 155.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  3. 156.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work??? That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke. 

I know it’s hard to quit smoking. I said a prayer and  I quit when I found God. He came to me in a vision glory. The cherubs and the angels wept I immediately threw my cigarettes away. I saw his heavenly face. I haven’t smoked nor had the desire to smoke since that day eight years ago and it doesn’t bother me. So I just go home  and ask God for a spiritual revelation?

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

I never really knew my son. It’s even hard for me to remember how old he is. I think it was best for him, the family that raised him. It was still heartbreaking. He was my boy. I wanted to play ball with him, I wanted to help him with his math, I wanted to teach him guitar. I figured I’m an artist so he should be a musician. Raise my to be a rock star. I’d be a cool dad!

  1. 167.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for 

  1. 168.  on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 169.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 170.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 171.  158. 147. On  my 70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 172.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

Court is hard on my mentally illness. All they have to do is say I’m schizophrenia and I’ve lost the case. I don’t know how. Many times that was used as evidence against me.

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started art when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Friday Kahlo. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

When anybody steals my art, I consider it a compliment. They went out of their way.

Sharon Quirk Silva

As an artist, I meet a lot of people. I was outside a gallery one day when I met a strange campaign representative and signed her petition. I told her that my political concerns dealt with mental health awareness and asked her how her candidate felt. Suddenly, she went on an angry rant that she was about woman’s issues and that the psychiatrists of the 1970’s held a conspiracy against women by doping them up with valium and that all men who were in therapy were sexist woman haters. The candidate she represented was the district congress woman who I had tried to speak with before but had not luck. I was beginning to think it was better that way.

Being the ranting poster that I am, I wrote about my experience trying to talk to that politician and the crazy hostility I got from her volunteer. I said that I had tried to speak to the candidate about mental health awareness three times unsuccessfully and that after the evening’s encounter with her volunteer, would she please erase my name off her petition. I went to bed and thought nothing of it. The next morning I got a call, “You’re having lunch with the congresswoman!” I took this literally thinking it would mean hamburgers and stuff, but no…

When I met the congresswoman that afternoon, she was very angry.

As artists we sometimes think we’re getting creative and do the wrong thing. Everyone gets pissed at us, while we were thinking a masterpiece. I was in a class of life drawing, drawing nudes from actual models. Then the time came and she took off her clothes. She was  smiling at me. I thought I’d draw something a little fun. It sounds bad, but usually it’s not. You just try to study the figure and do something classical like Michelangelo or Bernini.This drawing looked like Hustler magazine, the teacher talked to me after class. It got me kicked off Facebook.

I saw a painting in a gallery of a night scene by Vincent Van Gogh. It said he was schizophrenic and I could see it. I understood that. Mother gave me some old art supplies and I started drawing and kept drawing. In fact I never stopped. Soon, I filled my entire room with colorful pastels. Everyone liked them, visitors would request to come upstairs to see them. Right off the bat I was making art that people liked. My friends and I would party a little and look at them. That was fun too. Within a year I could draw as real as a photograph, then after that I got trippy. The teachers could never figure out how I could get so talented  ac or where my inspirations came from. 

When You’re chatting everything to your therapist on the phone. You need a girlfriend


You were a good critic and a good friend. Sorry it didn’t work out. That was probably my fault. I wore on you and drained you and pestered you and became too much. But I like talking to you and I did enjoy that time. You said we have nothing in common. Let’s look at the similarities. You have a vast education in art a, a lot of critics don’t. You’re extremely knowledgeable in literature and I like to write. I think you even like musical theater. You have a lot more in common with me than a football fan. I’m sorry I accused you of all those things you didn’t do. I was thinking about a lot of other people. I got mad at everybody and I thought they were you. It was a case of mistaken identity. Maybe we could see each other again someday and you could look at one of my drawings or read something I wrote and tell me what you think. I promise I won’t be so sensitive this time.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET

I don’t think it’s a cult. I think it’s a religion. All religions have stupid things they say and they’re easy to debunk. Purgatory is not like heaven but a little like Hell but you can get out or you can be there for a really long time. Or. You have a higher power, a God that you get to make up, We all believe in him and we believe in your Gods too. We live in a free tolerant confusing overpopulated spiritual community. God bless AA. 12 Step and religions can be stupid, in cults you disappear.

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 176.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 177.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!

Congress woman, I spoke to you years ago about an issue that was very important, the one issue most important to me. Now there’s two. Can you help me find a housing program? I’m not very good at this.

Mom I need help! There’s nothing I can do. I’m busy running the apartments.

  1. 185.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  2. 186.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  3. 187.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  4. 188.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  5. 189.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  6. 190.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  7. 191.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  8. 192.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  9. 193.  178. Just count to 12.

Hello? Hello? Yes I’m here. I’m just listening. That’s what we do on the help line. Yeah but I can’t tell on the other side of the phone. Listening sounds like hung up.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and she didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

She screams at me and yells at me and cusses me out! She’s good for you.”

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

Did I offend you? No why. Sometimes I get a little careless and joke around too much not thinking about what I do. It’s called mania, it’s like a drunkenness, but really happy. I shouldn’t have just told you that, but sometimes you have to explain yourself. Like when you get caught in the candy jar. No, it’s insanity mom.

In the movie, The Caine Mutiny, Humphrey Bogart plays a paranoid captain. Every time he thinks people are against him, he jiggles two steel ball in his hand. I hate the symbolism of that. So, an admiral figures out this pattern and realizes it’s from paranoia. He knows this from something he had read. He tells everybody. Later, the ship is in a crisis situation and Bogart starts doing that. They use this as an excuse to overthrow the ship. But if he was delusional wasn’t real, why did they overthrow the ship? The message is that paranoid people sometimes do things overtly or subconsciously to make their worst nightmare come true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. I may be doing it to you.

I’m looking for shelter, my family has all blocked me, a politician wants to talk to me, my therapist is leaving, but has something to say to me, Im worried about the government and I keep writing and posting it. Could I be making this happen? Wow! I didn’t know paranoid was such a reality in this world.

I’ve started a meeting of Dual Diagnosis anonymous. If you are and alcholic or addict and in psychiatric care you are welcome. We honor your time. Thursday afternoon at the church. It’s a terrific supportive group, we are not doctors but may give advice, it’s a great place to be clean and sober and we have a lot of fun when the nurses aren’t looking

  1. 193.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 194.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 195.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 196.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you

We don’t do art therapy anymore. Other than a cathartic release we found it had little benefit at all and the paint cost too much..

  1. 195.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  2. 196.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.

We got romantic so often, I don’t remember sleeping

Now that I have the conservatorship I can just put a pair of handcuffs on her and lock her up in an institution. At least you’re not impersonating a police officer.

Laura’s law will allow your family to have you evaluated and hospitalized without your permission. Wanna sign the petition?

  1. 217.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  2. 218.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  3. 219.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  4. 220.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  5. 221.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  6. 222.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  7. 223.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  8. 224.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  9. 225.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  10. 226.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  11. 227.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying bipolar moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. Bipolar people said stuff like that about you? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  12. 228.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  13. 229.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  14. 230.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  15. 231.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  16. 232.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  17. 233.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  18. 234.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  19. 235.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  20. 236.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  21. 237.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  22. 238.  210. 194. AA doesn’t talk politics. But I like your stance on Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA.

Thanks for inviting me to lunch. Libertarian is a nice political philosophy, but I don’t want to hear it while I’m eating

I can’t stand conspiracy theories. They’re hard to follow and their delusional. They need to research medicine for that. I had a girlfriend who kept going on about them. I hung up on her. She kept calling and I kept hanging up.

It’s not smart to flirt with somebody you’re not interested. I mean you can do it, but I don’t think the outcome’s gonna be good.

I never knew you were an intelligent regular person. I always thought you.were just a transient suffering.

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. Perfectly safe.

  • 225.  211. If a person has bipolar or schizophrenia they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorship?

A lot of my books were banned, Not by the government, but by people I pissed off. Why do you do it? I do it to challenge this country. I wanna fight for it.

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I chose and environment that was completely insane. An environment that was a harm to themselves and others. went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit bottom.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 2.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 127.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 128.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 129.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 130.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 131.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 132.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 133.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 134.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 135.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 136.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 137.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 138.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 139.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 140.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 141.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 142.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 143.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 144.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 145.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 146.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 147.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 148.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 149.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 150.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

We’re gonna have a baby

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

I only date women my age. They know things that the youngins don’t. I had to explain to one young woman who the Marlboro man and what the cold was. Why he smoked so much and why they kept taking pictures of him? Explain that to the college girl.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 218.  211. If a person schizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,

To ask me if I’ve been taking my meds when I haven’t been is acceptable. But not when I have been and I’m winning the argument

  • 225.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 226.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 227.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 228.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 229.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 230.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 231.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

I don’t know where along the line my family judged me as the loser, but they did a good job of making me one.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 237.  s.
  • 238.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 239.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 240.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 241.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 242.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 243.  230233. 11. I’ve had two major relationships in my life. Both women were schizophrenic. Ok, actually it was one. In both cases there an was engagement that never came to wedding, Mom didn’t like the first one because she dressed sexy all the time. Of course, you know what she followed that with. The second had her own apartment and lived in a government building. Both heard voices and lived in a government building. The voices would torment them at times, but usually kept them laughing. The engagement to the second came closer to marriage, but I broke it off due to her controlling father. I didn’t want to marry him. I didn’t work out, I’m not that clean and I’m an artist, so that means low income and meeting a lot of people.

Do you have a giirlfriend

No, but I’m looking and in all the wrong places

The first had a baby but our parents had the child put up for adoption. AA also said it would be the best thing other than abortion. So we kept him. He was taken at birth. It’s hard to forget my mother doing that.

Why do you get involved with mentally ill women?

Because I’m mentally ill. It’s easier for them to understand my symptoms and side effects, like not doing the dishes. But women usually are not attracted because there’s stigma and it causes me to be unattractive normal women. That and my face and the way I dress. The second

 mother go to AA?

  • 252.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 253.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way tb be an alcoholic is to drink.
  • 254.   239. 17. Where are they now. One lives in Fullerton, the other I don’t know. Last time I saw her shewas in a slum group home In LA somewhere.
  • 255.  240. 18. She’d been homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 256.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 257.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 258.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 259.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 260.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.

“How long did these relationships last? One was two years the other five. I think you have to really know someone before you can honestly love them like we had schizophrenia.

  • 255.  248. 26.

 I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink. What kind of alcoholic can you be if the legal age to drink in California is 21? I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA.  It was summer break, I hadn’t been to a bar the whole semester. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine

  • 256.  249. 27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

Mom, I know you don’t like it when I say dad hit me, but you can at least admit he got physical. I worked on it. You both come from a generation that knew absolutely nothing about mental illness other than what you saw in the movies. You may have learned about it in therapy, but he didn’t. He was working all the time he didn’t have any time to register in a community college class and take a course in schizophrenia. He was scared. He wanted to protect his family. When I got upset he didn’t see it as a treatable biological chemical imbalance of the brain that affects certain cognitive thoughts. He was thinking psycho killer! I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m beginning to forget a bit and of course accept. And now, sometimes I go to his grave when no one is looking and I throw him a right hook! Its beautiful.

I will be moving back in town tomorrow. I mean next month. It would be good to see you. You’re doing really well. I like to see people I’ve known for a long time. The one’s who don’t restraining orders;

Just don’t tell them you see a psychiatrist. They find out! It’s not hard to figure out!.    

So, I’m going to a government low income apartment building where I used to live. A lot of mentally iil people live there. It’s a bad neighborhood.

I’ll give you an example, a reputable business man is going down the street shouting the building’s on fire or its a psychopathic drunk transient shouting the building’s on fire. Who is telling the truth? They both are if the building’s on fire.

AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”

  1. 2.       Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother’s side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

We came to family group to support our daughter who has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia. But we don’t know much about it. We want all the literature, books and information you have videos too. She’s so pretty. In fact she’s a cheerleader for the Spartans, honor society, good grades and a nice young man from a tycoon who has been seeing herWe love her so much and want to support her as much as we can until we can heal her.”

One.year later…


Do you ever feel sad, isolated and alone? do you ever feel tense in traffic and realize you don’t know how to drive a car? Do things bounce around when you look at them? Do people talk to you when they aren’t even there? Are you obsessed with Jesus and the Bible? Do you ever think your more important than you are? Do you call your girlfriend twenty times a day? Do you ever think people are out to get you even when they really aren’t. You may be suffering a disease called Schizophrenia. At Labritor we conducted a large intense series of tests on undocumented immigrants and came up with the perfect prescription. Ask your doctor about Chlozopine. If some reason you find don’t like Chlozopine, try something else. Chlozophine is a hedge fund investment pharmaceutical sedative pharmaceutical from your only friends at at Labritor Side effects may include sleeping all the time, hourly erections, loss of a job, compulsively watching for messages on TV, becoming the president, not being able to drive a car and poor social skill due to inability to talk and make sense.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

He was a physicist and he knew science, but he always wanted to spar with me on politics and economics. Politics isn’t a science aand neither is economic. They claim to be, but they’re pretty hard to predict.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 186.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 187.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 188.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.

So let’s say your son does drugs and gets a girl pregnant. So you force him to see a psychiatrist and go to a rehab . But what are they gonna to do to him? Believe me, I’ve been doing this for 30 years. It ain’t no better and the girl was good.

I think what he’s trying to say is that the young man would have done better had he married her and not got caught in the system. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Grieving is hard especially amongst the greedy.

The acceptance phase of grieving is very positive. You were only remember the good things like the memory a good vacation. You remember the surfing in Baja, but not the diarrhea.

Hey! Remember me? We relapsed in AA and spent three days together at the US Festival. I don’t remember you. That was a great concert. Yeah. Cool story. You should share it in a meeting.

Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s is measured by the quality of life. You’re making mine miserable.

Richard Ramirez entered people’s homes to kill then and left the logo of the band AC/DC on their walls. The band was believed to have worshipped the devil and were blamed for the murders. But let’s look at this the other way around. What kind of music do you think a serial killer would listen to? The Monkees?

  1. 210.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  2. 211.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  3. 212.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  4. 213.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  5. 214.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  6. 215.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  7. 216.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  8. 217.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  9. 218.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  10. 219.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  11. 220.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  12. 221.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  13. 222.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  14. 223.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  15. 224.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  16. 225.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  17. 226.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  18. 227.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  19. 228.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  20. 229.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  21. 230.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  22. 231.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  23. 232.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  24. 233.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

As I look back on the writings. I realize the my most bizaar episodes only really occurred during and shortly after the few years in my youth when I was smoking pot. Of course, it doesn’t do that to everybody, because everybody was doing it and I still feel that in the majority of cases, it doesn’t affect them in the way I saw that in the recovery programs. They don’t talk to themselves or freak out over the television. However, the meetings would be much more interesting. It seems to have left me, thank God, and it has’t been there for over 20 years. I did have a long period of trying to kill myself, but that was because.I chose such a miserable life. My therapeutic cocktail became therapy, medicine and sobriety. It seems to have got me past thedschizophrenia, but all the them had a downside, but I’ve always felt the art works the best and with no side effects. The poet, Charles Bukowski wrote, I was blessed with a crappy life. I documented mine well and used it for a meaning art portfolio. I really don’t believe in God, but if I find out I’m wrong, I’m going to stand at the pearly gates, look the Lord in his face and say, What the hell was that? 

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

It was actually not that boring. They had plays about AA, groups, lectures, individual counseling late into the night and of course meetings. It was a lot like therapy, but it cost over $200. So, they made money off it.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. What about a punch in the face?

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit bottom.

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”xf

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Mom gets real mad about most of my jokes, jokes about drugs or alcohol, jokes about violence, jokes about human trafficking… she doesn’t laugh at anything.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called gg, something rapists do.

What now? You heal but it never completey goes away. It becomes part of your story.”

What? My story? I don’t like that story. I want a better story. Idon’t want to go around telling everybody I got raped by a men  want to tell everybody I’m hot and well hung!

You won’t do that!

 You’ll understand. You’ll underand in time.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

Your dysfunctional family is the disease. The jail rape was but a symptom.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down my pants. She was just tucking in my shirt.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

Tough love isn’t about hitting someone. It’s about refusing to help, not bailing them out, depleting all resources and shelter, letting the go with love and starving them Into submission. It’s better than violence.

  • •        She was getting loud and physical. I had to call the police. The police told her she is to stay away from me. She called her mom and told her to kick me out. I’m waiting for notice. Please let me talk to Mike or Cindy. Board and Cares are full of drugs and criminals. I don’t want to go there. I’ve stayed sober too long for that

\and worked on my mental health for the last 6 years as well

The government residential living for the mentally ill has a ten year review process. They’re self-run.

Don’t go in to your past. Think about how you’re homeless today.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.

6 years of college and I’m still unemployed. All the classes the classes all taought  politics.th up politics. Obama was in office office. I like him but he made it sound like The teachers made it sound like we’re we going to get jobs right after graduation. Somebody should sue them. At least we got healthcare.

  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somewhere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

You laugh but you could be an insane murder like Charlie Manson. No, Manson wasn’t mentally ill, he faked it to beat the death penalty. I have it or at least everybody convinced me I have it.

If Manson wasn’t crazy then why did he kill all those people? He was bad, he was a dark soul. I’m not going to debate the existence of God nor defend any religion or metaphysics or some other brain fuck philosophy but we know through just looking at history=the evidence of evil is there. Most mentally ill people aren’t like that. We’re just different and that makes people uncomfortable.

Ok, you’re a psychologist. There’s no evil. Explain this! A guy takes control of his country, kills six million jews. What was he thinking?

Do you go to church? Do you even want to go to church? Sure, what time? When are you picking me up? I have a rule that if anybody invites me to their church, I’ll go once. Unless it’s something like the Branch Dividians then I just end up staying and disappear.

Do you think you are really mentally ill? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really knows. I think the sane people can figure it out, but I don’t know.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. He put me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me. It became the story of my life.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 110.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 111.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 112.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 113.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 114.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 115.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 116.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.

“This is relaxation group. We sit in the dark and listen t o music. Can I sit next to her?

  1. 116.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  2. 117.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  3. 118.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  4. 119.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  5. 120.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  6. 121.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 121.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 122.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 123.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 124.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  5. 125.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.

  1. 127.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 128.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 129.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 130.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 131.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 132.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college,  work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I just take the pills.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 225.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 2.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 127.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 128.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 129.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 130.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 131.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 132.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 133.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 134.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 135.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 136.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 137.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 138.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 139.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 140.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 141.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 142.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 143.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 144.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 145.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 146.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 147.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 148.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 149.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 150.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

Mom, as far as the medicine, let’s leave it to the doctors. You are not the only one who tries to change and suggest. If you are cooking you don’t let everybody else tell you what to put in the broth. It comes out junk soup. I have 12 prescriptions now and I hardly know what they’re for. If it were two or three I could research and figure it out. I was in hospitals, institutions, outpatient, sober livings, listening to AA and everybody else’s opinion of what to take, what not to take, or don’t take at all and I ended up inpatient or in rehab. Let’s let the doctors do their job. They’re not a conspiracy theory and they’re not out to get us. Believe me, they do a much better job of handling the drugs than me and other people.

I’m gonna be moving on and not going to meetings. I still don’t drink and I’ll take my meds, don’t tell them about the medicine. They’re not gonna notice. I need some positive answers. Ok. Apologize when necessary, Look for your part in things, Take responsibility for yourself. You sound like my dad.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 225.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. How about a punch in the face?

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

For those who are concerned. The pharmacy didn’t mail my psyche meds for the month and since about seven days ago I have had none. I’ve been in a contantly growing episode this whole time. That might explain the weird posts and the psychotic book I’ve been publishing online. I couldn’t get to the pharmacy because it is too far away and I am still learning how to drive. I’ve arranged transportation to get there and get my meds tomorrow, also some counseling. It should only be two or three days before I’m stabilized and well. I also have about a month to find a new home. I’m going to try hard to stay off the internet. I still like the book and will set it aside for illustration and publishing. But I’m going find and editor and I’m going to edit the Hell out thing first. Will try to stay quiet and stay away till I’m well again.

I did go to anger management mom. They say great things. Count to three, don’t escalate, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

“I realize you wanted to help me all those years, but actually everybody messed it up. There’s one client and one doctor for a reason. We aren’t surgeons, we aren’t brain scientist and we definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. If everybody’s driving the car, there’s no room for anybody to hold the wheel.

In the mental health community, we all hear stupid things with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there mom. I want you here with me.

“The doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesdays. That’s today and it’s in the good retirement home, not the one with the snooty people. Mom! Danny, let me talk! Mom, have you taken your meds?”

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 248.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 249.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 250.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 251.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 252.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 253.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 254.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 255.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 256.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.

I’m going to have to give notice. As far as my disability, you handled that extremely well, professionally, legally and confidentially. To follow up, I have two part-time jobs lined up I I won’t be working as a professional designer. I’m 56 years old. I lost the dream of the good career a long time ago. Kind of like the dream of the good wife, but she was nice. Oh yeah, sometimes when you leave a company like this you’re not allowed to  come back in the store. At least, those are usually the terms they give me. I’ll be in town for the rest of the month and I’d still like to buy my soda and cigarettes.

I’m gonna get a job, I’m not stupid. Think I’m gonna paint on the corner and expect to pay rent? With a hat and ask people for money? With a gun?

  • 250.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 251.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Probation ended and I got my record expunged through legal aid. I’m looking for a job as a commercial artist so I can finally put my college education to use. I should, everybody else paid for it. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

    The therapist helped my by talking over what happened in jail. I was upset about it for a few days. Now it went away and I don’t really think about it. I also wrote about my life. That was hard. I’m beginning to accept and move past things. I am hoping the new place will be better. He said I have no positive memories of my past and wanted me to think of some. I’ve been thinking some up. I’m hoping to remember more and make some new ones. That is mental health treatment. He has to leave the clinic and is recommending me to the next counselor.

A positive memory of my past was when I sold all those paintings in the gallery. I felt on top of the world.

I’m not driving the car I bought, because it scares it. When I don’t know how to use something, it scares me. Like in art school. Like in art school, we had drills, we had wood, we had power saws and I had fingers. I got help with the assignment.

  1. 5.       223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 6.      
  3. 7.       Ok, this is a writers group amateur and professional. What are your prices to edit this? I gotta take a lot of stuff out before I get sued. Don’t worry I’ll pay for your attorney too. Let’s just hope the book does well.
  4. 8.      

Suffering mental illness is like suffering alcoholism. You’re not always suffering. Sometimes you’re having a lot of fun and people get bothered.  They send you to a hospital and you wake up in a bed and you wonder what you did the night before.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

tnere was a lot of laughing when the therapist had me write my life but the crying was extremely painful. Now I’m starting to feel much better. Would’ve helped if my antidepressant prescription had been refilled by the pharmacy sooner. That’s the healing power of treatment.

  • •       Your sister has her own family, home and career, she doesn’t want to be bothered, it’s not her responsibility to help you when you are homeless. Why does she have to help you? a

Danny, I’m not immoral and definitely not evil. I go to the catholic church every morning, I read the bible, I say the rosary, I ask to send money. I just try to take care of you. You’re not well. You’re not like other people. You need someone to take care of your medicine. Your rooms are always dirty, you don’t get along with people. I’m just trying to help. You’re my baby. I’ve made arrangements and I want you to live with me. ”

No mom, I can’t live with you.”

“I can have the Mexican lady clean the house. She also cooks. We can get your medicine delivered from Walgreens the bubble pack is best, I can drive you to your clinic. What’s the name of that place?

No mom, we won’t get along. God knows what I would do to you. I didn’t tell you. I haven’t told anyone. Sometimes at around two in the morning in the middle of night, a on full moon, I grow hair all over my body and turn into a psycho killer.”

You always had the best sense of humor

I needed it to keep the bullies away and not beat me up.”

“It’s a nice thought, but no mom, I’m 56 years old. I don’t need to live with my mother. I don’t know anyone my age that does, except that one guy from elementary school who always peed his pants. He still does. If I live to be 100 and senile then maybe. But I can take care of myself. I have to go to anger management. God knows what I would do to you.I need to take care of you. Then don’t take everything away.

  • •       We’re having a family meeting, no politics no religion. No guns. But they go hand in hand.
  • •       If you want to convince someone on a high level that you are correct, appeal to their sense or reason. If you want to persuade them, motivate and move them on the highest level, appeal to their sense of ethics.
  • •       Hey sis, did you hear about Timmy O’Mally from high school. All the other O’Mally’s beat him up and stole his money. There’s one in every family.
  • •       Your sister was in Australia, she took her ya Is drunk boating illegal?
  • •       Your little brother is driving in from West Hollywood. Remember, don’t mention it. Caitlyn Jenner
  • •       The baby boy and his wife will walk, he’s still in the house we gave him. We have to pamper him a little. You can take care of yourself with all we have been giving you. Eddie Munster
  • •       Your older brother is coming from the military base. You’d better be nice or else. He will facilitate the Meeting. Deer hat and geer 
  • •       You’re other brother is not coming after you discovered facebook
  • •       Photo onk computer of him coming out of the shower trying to cover himself up with a towel.
  • •       Remember, we want a serene adult gathering. Don’t throw the food!
  • •       Your other sister is mad at you for asking for food when you were homeless and hungry. She’s coming I taught her what you said about morals. You can work on yours too.
  • •       We’re a Christian Republican family most of my children are but I like Joe Biden. He’s handsome and a good family man. That’s why we haven’t helped you. We wanted you to be a man and beg for food on your own.

Mom, I want you to stay out of my medical and psychological treatment. I know all those years you were trying to help but it further messed me up. You can’t be involved in my treatment or or. Medical issues. Listening to you and everybody else advise the doctor only messed up the broth. That’s why there’s only one client and one doctor for a reason. We don’t know everything. You don’t ‘tell a surgeon how to do his job, you don’t tell a brain scientist and you definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. Everybody ruined everything with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there. I want you here with me, mom.

This shit’s good. Usually I have to drive to San Diego by the border to get this stuff. You have a car? How would you like to be a homeboy?

Unemployed and out college, I turned to a life of crime.

I did go to anger management, they say some really cool things. Don’t escalate, count to three, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

And I don’t go to AA anymore, I realized I don’t even like drinking. It tastes bad. I just do my art and meet people that way.

So I’m asking you,  to need work on my life by myself and not have you do it for me, can you do that?

Doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesday, that’s today. It’s gonna be at Serenity Forest, the good retirement home, not Central Fields where all the snooty people are. That one is no good. Don’t go there. They’re slow with lunch and they don’t have fish on Fridays. Mom. LET ME TALK DANNY! Mom, have you taken your meds?

One day in jail I saw an empty circle of chairs. So I sat on one of them and a black guy sat on another and then another black guy and even another. Not racist, but I did get nervous. I said, “Well you guys have something planned so I’ll just get going now.” A big one stood up and yelled “WHY?” Then the whole group showed up and one who seemed in charge started passing around church literature. Oh, I thought, a bible study.  I can do this. The service started and they all sang church songs really well with harmonies, backups and rhythms. Jesus is very popular in jail because when you haven’t been sentenced and you don’t know when you’re gonna get out and you’re around pathological dangerous people and you can’t get out. For some reason, you just wanna talk to God. We read the verses and I talked about them cause I know the Bible and I’m pretty smart. They really liked my input and thought I gave a good interpretation of the book of John than the ones they were used to. They asked me to come back so I did. Every day we sang and talked and read the bible and fellowshipped and looked mean. They gave me a commitment. After the Bible study they would all pray and say a word and do that football thing with our hands and arms. I got pick the word. Although I learned through trial and error, words like love and relationship didn’t go over well. They helped me out with food and writing materials. I shared my jokes with them and they laughed. We all became pals and they welcomed me into their group. I was like an affiliate. I became an honorary member of the black guys gang. Which was good to have around. When I was released, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. They all met me at the gate and asked why I didn’t say goodbye. I told them because I was in a hurry. They all said they really liked having me in the intensive jail and asked if we could meetup on the outs and where could they find me. I told them to look on the internet. I’m all over that damn thing. I wasn’t raised with blacks in my neighborhood. We were all religious and the Christians kicked them out. So I found a taste of a culture that was really nice. People are people some are kind some are charitable some are really hot and some are just plain mean. My pals in jail were really not that bad and if they every go on the internet and find me, I’d like to pray with them again. Too proud! Too strong!

The family meeting ended unanimously and mom moved me into a lush furnished apartment with a view in senior living. She recommended only the very best one. She would know.

The mark of the renaissance began when Italian artist, Filippo brunelleschi invented linear perspective seeing world from our own visual perspective. No one had really done that as well as him. Using straight lines and mathematics you calculate a three dimensional image on the two dimensional canvas plane. But Brunelsci fucked up in that he taught us to see the wor;d from only one point of view, our own. Picasso changed that but everyone freaked out brunelleschi

I made a friend in the mental institution. We didn’t really talk to each other much, mostly to oursevelves. He was a young man with bright red hair and fearing for his freedom.  I remember the girls liked him. He didn’t do well on the outside and became homeless. On a mistaken call the police showed up and six physically cops ruthlessly  beat him death. It was the most brutal thing the city had ever seen. The people of Fullerton  protested and charged the cops with murder. they were later declared not guilty. It’s hard to convict cops on anything. They know The city mourned. Sometimes it can be a crime just to be crazy.

Yeah, my mother’s pretty. She really was when she was younger. Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless 

Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless…

I’m going to my alanon meeting

“No mom, don’t. There certan things you wont’s allow from me and I won’t allow that.

But aren’t you stll goigng to AA? I don’t drink, that’s all you need to know.

In LA, I became an extra in the movies and TV for about two years. All you need is an ID, no background check thank god. The sets were everywhere and hard to find and I had no car, I’d take a bus, carpool, practice my backstroke and never showed up late or missed a day. I never joined the extras union, because there wasn’t one. We were the lowest on the totem pole. Everyone wanted to be famous, but I didn’t know how to act, on the set either. Some friends taught me method acting. They were poor too. Agency  wanted us to call ourselves background artists, because extra is derogatory for people who sit around a set eating chips and cookies. But that just sounded like I was painting the set. There were a lot of young beautiful actresses from all over the world hoping to be discovered. I didn’t discover them but the directors did.

Are you in the movie? Do you have a line? Yes, you have beautiful eyes.

On one call I got to have a conversation with Leslie Neilson. The guy who does all the comedy movies with a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny.

I get star struck easily. So I don’t want to watch your play.

Mom had a restraining order and another guy from AA who tried to help me commit suicide with a gun. I don’t know why that’s not iilegal. Probably something the NRA pushed. I should’ve counted the bullets in the gun.

AA is for people who need

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 11.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 12.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 13.    3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 14.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 15.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 16.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 17.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 18.    8. I will help you
  9. 19.    9. God will cure you
  10. 20.    10. People are uncomfortable with you

I don’t believe you’re mentally ill. I don’t see it.

  1. 22.    11. Psychos kill people
  2. 23.    12. Get help!
  3. 24.    13. It’s all in your head
  4. 25.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  5. 26.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  6. 27.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  7. 28.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  8. 29.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  9. 30.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  10. 31.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  11. 32.    21. You are the problem with the family

There’s one in every family.

  • 29.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  • 30.    23. You’re cheating the government for money. I work!
  • 31.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  • 32.    27. 27. You’re a vegetable
  • 33.    28. 28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  • 34.    29. 29. Your friends made you like this
  • 35.    30. 30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness

I don’t know if my brother hit me over the head with a brick when I was two. I just have a scar on my head, that’s the only evidence and I’ve heard stories. When you’re two you don’t remember anything. Especially after getting hit over the head with a brick.

  • 39.    31. 31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  • 40.    32. 32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  • 41.    33. 33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  • 42.    34. 34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  • 43.    35. 35. I don’t have what you have
  • 44.    36. 36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem
  • 45.    You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not
  • 46.    I’m gonna give you something cry about

Let me convince you you’re dangerous

You blame people all the time. That’s what causes all your problems

  • 43.    37. 37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 44.    38. 38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 45.    39. 39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 46.    40. 40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 49.    41. 41. This is an act or a game
  • 50.    42. 42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 51.    43. 43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 52.    44. 44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 53.    45. 45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 54.    46. 46. I wish I could go to college on government money

Sit down, you’re pretty. Thank you, would you like a brownie? Yes, are you sitting next to me because I’m handsome? Class I am now passing out the test.

  • 69.    47. 47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 70.    48. 48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 71.    49. I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 72.    50. 49. Don’t go 5150 on me
  • 73.    You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!
  • 74.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 75.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 76.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 77.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 78.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 79.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 80.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 81.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 82.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 83.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 84.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 85.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 86.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 87.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 88.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 89.    66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 90.    67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 91.    68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 92.    69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 93.    70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 94.    71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 95.    72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 96.    73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 97.    74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 98.    75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 99.    76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 100.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 101.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 102.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 103.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 104.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 105.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 106.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 107.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.

There’s nothing I can do. Let me talk to family. They own property. I’m going to be homeless I have two jobs lined up and a car. You can’t move in with me. It’s too hard. Mom I didn’t ask that. It will be tts before she gives notice. She’s not a girlfriend but she’s erratic. This is a madhouse. Not that the family wants me in one. Can’t you find a place through the clinic? They’re filled with drugs and theft, the counselors even know. It’s for more acute cases. But they help Danny. I can pay rent if I’m not eating out of the garbage. Please, let me talk to the family on the phone. I won’t let you. They are mad and fighting it’s not a good idea. Mom, I don’t know how to tell you this, but you’re getting old. Enjoy church.

This is not just my mother. She’s getting coached. The fact that I’m in a crisis situation and no not one of seven siblings is answering the phone because they all happen to all be busy. We went out of town for the day. Tell me they’re not hiding something. Have you taken your meds? 

I’m not going to a board and care or a sober living. It’s just the same thing only homeless doesn’t bleed you for money.

The Republican says he’ll give us jobs. The Democrat says he’ll get a job. I’m just looking for a job in my field. I have a good resume, got its all printed up at the social services.

You’re in the room with those other four. there’s 18 residents. Rent is $800. Do you get social security or GR? Provide your own food. Don’t touch nobody’s nothing and be respectful. We have one way of handling things around here. One slip or any rule broken and you’re on the street. Watch your meds. A lot of us just got out. We all go to AA and NA it’s a nice neighborhood.  

  • •        •       You best worry about getting revenge on your mother and siblings.

I need to find a way to maintain food and rent. Right now I’d better kiss up. Revenge comes in secret as I just keep writing. 

a lot of people have been watching as I’ve been posting my book. Waiting to hear back from publishers

  • 103.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 104.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 105.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 106.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 107.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 108.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 109.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 110.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 111.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 112.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 113.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 114.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 115.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 116.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 116.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 117.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 118.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 119.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 120.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 121.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 122.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 123.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 124.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 125.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 126.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 127.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 128.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 120.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 121.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 122.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 123.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people

Look, I’m desperate and I need your help. If you were drawing and I was in a boat I would throw you a life raft. That’s just humanity I’ve always thought highly of you, you’re intelligent, diplomatic and a, a fighter, my strongest sibling and you’re my sister.  I’ve always thought you would be a good card in my pocket, but you’re not a card, you’re a person and I can’t predict you or play you like a card at all. But you’d make a good queen of hearts. And not the one from Alice in Wonderland either. Call me! I Don’t know if I’m gonna live through this.

She doesn’t want to talk to you. 

You’re always drowning. I don’t want to be bothered. Two weeks ago. You offered to find me a place to live. You offered to help me with my car insurance. Now you’re taking that back. When it wil harm me the most. I’m going to lose everything I’ve worked for. That’s why the doctor’s are concerned. Mom.

It is illegal for you you to physically force me out in a rental agreement. The police said, if you do that again to call them. They probably told you that.

She doesn’t want to talk to you

The last time I seriously drank was about six years ago through AA. I take my meds see a therapist, go to groups and see my doctor. I call my sponsor daily. Right now I’m going to the Clinic to get my medicine and see a counselor. The medicine ran out when the pharmacy didn’t mail them. I had to wait to get them.

Jenny has been threatening to give me notice. I want a written agreement. The police said if she tries to force me out physically again to videotape her and Call them. No she’s not my girlfriend. She’s not my type.

  1. 121.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

The doctor says you’re self-medicating. Yeah, but my prescription is better. 

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.


  1. 127.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 128.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 129.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 130.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 131.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 132.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’s better

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinklng, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans and some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

“Republicans are wrong and should be completely removed, but they’re the other half of the population.

Most conservatives I listen to. But I don’t want to listen to it from my brother. You shouldn’t have to do that. It’s not that I don’t like your politics, but you’re weird. You’re weird conservative and I’m a weird liberal. I don’t wanna talk politics today. There’s got to be something else we can do together. Do you still collect guns?

Everybody believes in God. Why don’t you?

  1. 138.  131. At Sex Addicts Anonymous, we make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 139.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 140.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.

I’m a very opinionated writer. Sometimes I’m wrong, but I’m a writer.

I don’t have any structure or plan to this. I have some important topics and scenes. Then I just keep throwing stuff in. Ever have a lot of spices laying around while you’re making spaghetti

  1. 151.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  2. 152.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  3. 153.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  4. 154.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  5. 155.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  6. 156.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  7. 157.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  8. 158.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  9. 159.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  10. 160.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  11. 161.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  12. 162.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  13. 163.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?

Alright Dr. This is what I came up with, I want him to get up on time, go to bed early, eat right, exercise, clean up, not drink, no pot, hold a regular job, support himself, maintain his own place, date and marry a good Catholic woman, watch his temper, take his meds, go to therapy, improve his grades, shave and groom himself, listen to healthy music, painting nudes, study engineering, stay away from the neighbors…

  1. 154.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  2. 155.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  3. 156.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work??? That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke. 

I know it’s hard to quit smoking. I said a prayer and  I quit when I found God. He came to me in a vision glory. The cherubs and the angels wept. Tears of you. I immediately threw my cigarettes away. I saw his heavenly face. I haven’t smoked nor had the desire to smoke since that day eight years ago and it doesn’t bother me. So I just go home  and ask God for a spiritual revelation?

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

I never really knew my son. It’s even hard for me to remember how old he is. I think it was best for him, the family that raised him. It was still heartbreaking. He was my boy. I wanted to play ball with him, I wanted to help him with his math, I wanted to teach him guitar. I figured I’m an artist so he should be a musician. Raise my to be a rock star. I’d be a cool dad!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my 70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

Court is hard on my mentally illness. All they have to do is say I’m schizophrenia and I’ve lost the case. I don’t know how. Many times that was used as evidence against me.

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started art when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

When anybody steals my art, I consider it a compliment. They went out of their way.

When You’re chatting everything to your therapist on the phone. You need a girlfriend.

You were a good critic and a good friend. Sorry it didn’t work out. That was probably my fault. I wore on you and drained you and pestered you and became too much. But I like talking to you and I did enjoy that time. You said we have nothing in common. Let’s look at the similarities. You have a vast education in art a, a lot of critics don’t. You’re extremely knowledgeable in literature and I like to write. I think you even like musical theater. You have a lot more in common with me than a football fan. I’m sorry I accused you of all those things you didn’t do. I was thinking about a lot of other people. I got mad at everybody and I thought they were you. It was a case of mistaken identity. Maybe we could see each other again someday and you could look at one of my drawings or read something I wrote and tell me what you think. I promise I won’t be so sensitive this time.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

We need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET

I don’t think it’s a cult. I think it’s a religion. All religions have stupid things they say and they’re easy to debunk. Purgatory is not like heaven but a little like Hell but you can get out or you can be there for a really long time. Or. You have a higher power, a God that you get to make up, We all believe in him and we believe in your Gods too. We live in a free tolerant confusing overpopulated spiritual community. God bless AA. 12 Step and religions can be stupid, in cults you disappear.

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 176.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 177.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!

Congressman, I spoke to you years ago about an issue that was very important, the one issue most important to me. Now there’s two. Can you help me find a housing program? I’m not very good at this.

Mom I need help! There’s nothing I can do. I’m busy running the apartments.

  1. 185.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  2. 186.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  3. 187.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  4. 188.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  5. 189.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  6. 190.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  7. 191.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  8. 192.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  9. 193.  178. Just count to 12.

Hello? Hello? Yes I’m here. I’m just listening. That’s what we do on the help line. Yeah but I can’t tell on the other side of the phone. Listening sounds like hung up.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and she didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

She screams at me and yells at me and cusses me out! She’s good for you.”

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

Did I offend you? No why. Sometimes I get a little careless and joke around too much not thinking about what I do. It’s called mania, it’s like a drunkenness, but really happy. I shouldn’t have just told you that, but sometimes you have to explain yourself. Like when you get caught in the candy jar. No, it’s insanity mom.

In the movie, The Caine Mutiny, Humphrey Bogart plays a paranoid captain. Every time he thinks people are against him, he jiggles two steel ball in his hand. I hate the symbolism of that. So, an admiral figures out this pattern and realizes it’s from paranoia. He knows this from something he had read. He tells everybody. Later, the ship is in a crisis situation and Bogart starts doing that. They use this as an excuse to overthrow the ship. But if he was delusional wasn’t real, why did they overthrow the ship? The message is that paranoid people sometimes do things overtly or subconsciously to make their worst nightmare come true. It’s a self-fulfilling prophesy. I may be doing it to you.

I’m looking for shelter, my family has all blocked me, a politician wants to talk to me, my therapist is leaving, but has something to say to me, Im worried about the government and I keep writing and posting it. Could I be making this happen? Wow! I didn’t know paranoid was such a reality in this world.

I’ve started a meeting of Dual Diagnosis anonymous. If you are and alcholic or addict and in psychiatric care you are welcome. We honor your time. Thursday afternoon at the church. It’s a terrific supportive group, we are not doctors but may give advice, it’s a great place to be clean and sober and we have a lot of fun when the nurses aren’t looking

  1. 193.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 194.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 195.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 196.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you

We don’t do art therapy anymore. Other than a cathartic release we found it had little benefit at all and the paint cost too much..

  1. 195.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  2. 196.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.

We got romantic so often, I don’t remember sleeping

Now that I have the conservatorship I can just put a pair of handcuffs on her and lock her up in an institution. At least you’re not impersonating a police officer.

Laura’s law will allow your family to have you evaluated and hospitalized without your permission. Wanna sign the petition?

  1. 217.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  2. 218.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  3. 219.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  4. 220.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  5. 221.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  6. 222.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  7. 223.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  8. 224.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  9. 225.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  10. 226.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  11. 227.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  12. 228.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  13. 229.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  14. 230.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  15. 231.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  16. 232.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  17. 233.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  18. 234.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  19. 235.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  20. 236.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  21. 237.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  22. 238.  210. 194. AA doesn’t talk politics. But I like your stance on Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA.

Thanks for inviting me to lunch. Libertarian is a nice political philosophy, but I don’t want to hear it while I’m eating

I can’t stand conspiracy theories. They’re hard to follow and their delusional. They need to research medicine for that. I had a girlfriend who kept going on about them. I hung up on her. She kept calling and I kept hanging up.

It’s not smart to flirt with somebody you’re not interested. I mean you can do it, but I don’t think the outcome’s gonna be good.

I never knew you were an intelligent regular person. I always thought you.were just a transient suffering.

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. Perfectly safe.

  • 225.  211. If a person has schizophrenia or schizophrenia they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorship?

A lot of my books were banned, Not by the government, but by people I pissed off. Why do you do it? I do it to challenge this country. I wanna fight for it.

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I chose and environment that was completely insane. An environment that was a harm to themselves and others. went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit bottom.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 2.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 127.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 128.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 129.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 130.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 131.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 132.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 133.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 134.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 135.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 136.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 137.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 138.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 139.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 140.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 141.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 142.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 143.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 144.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 145.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 146.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 147.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 148.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 149.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 150.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

I only date women my age. They know things that the youngins don’t. I had to explain to one young woman who the Marlboro man and what the cold was. Why he smoked so much and why they kept taking pictures of him? Explain that to the college girl.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 218.  211. If a person schizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,

To ask me if I’ve been taking my meds when I haven’t been is acceptable. But not when I have been and I’m winning the argument

  • 225.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 226.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 227.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 228.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 229.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 230.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 231.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Allen Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

I don’t know where along the line my family judged me as the loser, but they did a good job of making me one.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 238.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 239.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 240.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 241.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 242.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 243.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 244.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 245.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.

Where did you have all that sex?

The usual places, motels, apartments, the front lawn of UCLA…

  • 256.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 257.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 258.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 259.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, We’re not bboyfriend girlfriend. But Other than my obsessive madness, Luvy is a good influence on me. Luvy can get me to do things everyone else tries to get me to do. I went to the gym, I stopped smoking, I looked for a job, I went to church, I budgeted and saved money. I went on a diet… Will you do it? YES! Luvy can get me to do it. She started when she had a beer. I told her to admit to it and get back in the game. Her woman’s group was real mean to her. She come to me balling. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever and said she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s real sensitive.  The disease is progressive.  She made AA good for me. When she left AA, I didn’t want to come back.
  • 260.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 261.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 262.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way tb be an alcoholic is to drink.
  • 263.   239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 264.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 265.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 266.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 267.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 268.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 269.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 270.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 271.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 272.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 273.  249. 27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

Mom, I know you don’t like it when I say dad hit me, but you can at least admit he got physical. I worked on it. You both come from a generation that knew absolutely nothing about mental illness other than what you saw in the movies. You may have learned about it in therapy, but he didn’t. He was working all the time he didn’t have any time to register in a community college class and take a course in schizophrenia. He was scared. He wanted to protect his family. When I got upset he didn’t see it as a treatable biological chemical imbalance of the brain that affects certain cognitive thoughts. He was thinking psycho killer! I haven’t forgiven him, but I’m beginning to forget a bit and of course accept. And now, sometimes I go to his grave when no one is looking and I throw him a right hook! Its beautiful.

I will be moving back in town tomorrow. I mean next month. It would be good to see you. You’re doing really well. I like to see people I’ve known for a long time. The one’s who don’t restraining orders;

Just don’t tell them you see a psychiatrist. They find out! It’s not hard to figure out!.    

So, I’m going to a government low income apartment building where I used to live. A lot of mentally iil people live there. It’s a bad neighborhood.

I’ll give you an example, a reputable business man is going down the street shouting the building’s on fire or its a psychopathic drunk transient shouting the building’s on fire. Who is telling the truth? They both are if the building’s on fire.

AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”

  • •        223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • •       
  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother’s side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

He was a physicist and he knew science, but he always wanted to spar with me on politics and economics. Politics isn’t a science aand neither is economic. They claim to be, but they’re pretty hard to predict.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 186.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 187.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 188.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.

So let’s say your son does drugs and gets a girl pregnant. So you force him to see a psychiatrist and go to a rehab . But what are they gonna to do to him? Believe me, I’ve been doing this for 30 years. It ain’t no better and the girl was good.

I think what he’s trying to say is that the young man would have done better had he married her and not got caught in the system. Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Grieving is hard especially amongst the greedy.

The acceptance phase of grieving is very positive. You were only remember the good things like the memory a good vacation. You remember the surfing in Baja, but not the diarrhea.

Hey! Remember me? We relapsed in AA and spent three days together at the US Festival. I don’t remember you. That was a great concert. Yeah. Cool story. You should share it in a meeting.

Sobriety is more than not drinking. It’s is measured by the quality of life. You’re making mine miserable.

Richard Ramirez entered people’s homes to kill then and left the logo of the band AC/DC on their walls. The band was believed to have worshipped the devil and were blamed for the murders. But let’s look at this the other way around. What kind of music do you think a serial killer would listen to? The Monkees?

  1. 210.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  2. 211.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  3. 212.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  4. 213.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  5. 214.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  6. 215.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  7. 216.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  8. 217.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  9. 218.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  10. 219.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  11. 220.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  12. 221.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  13. 222.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  14. 223.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  15. 224.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  16. 225.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  17. 226.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  18. 227.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  19. 228.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  20. 229.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  21. 230.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  22. 231.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  23. 232.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  24. 233.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

It was actually not that boring. They had plays about AA, groups, lectures, individual counseling late into the night and of course meetings. It was a lot like therapy, but it cost over $200. So, they made money off it.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. What about a punch in the face?

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit bottom.

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerated me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Mom gets real mad about most of my jokes, jokes about drugs or alcohol, jokes about violence, jokes about human trafficking… she doesn’t laugh at anything.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

Your dysfunctional family is the disease. The jail rape was but a symptom.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 5.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down my pants. She was just tucking in my shirt.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

Tough love isn’t about hitting someone. It’s about refusing to help, not bailing them out, depleting all resources and shelter, letting the go with love and starving them Into submission. It’s better than violence.

  • 6.       •       She was getting loud and physical. I had to call the police. The police told her she is to stay away from me. She called her mom and told her to kick me out. I’m waiting for notice. Please let me talk to Mike or Cindy. Board and Cares are full of drugs and criminals. I don’t want to go there. I’ve stayed sober too long for that

\and worked on my mental health for the last 6 years as well

The government residential living for the mentally ill has a ten year review process. They’re self-run.

Don’t go in to your past. Think about how you’re homeless today.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somewhere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

You laugh but you could be an insane murder like Charlie Manson. No, Manson wasn’t mentally ill, he faked it to beat the death penalty. I have it or at least everybody convinced me I have it.

If Manson wasn’t crazy then why did he kill all those people? He was bad, he was a dark soul. I’m not going to debate the existence of God nor defend any religion or metaphysics or some other brain fuck philosophy but we know through just looking at history=the evidence of evil is there. Most mentally ill people aren’t like that. We’re just different and that makes people uncomfortable.

Ok, you’re a psychologist. There’s no evil. Explain this! A guy takes control of his country, kills six million jews. What was he thinking?

Do you go to church? Do you even want to go to church? Sure, what time? When are you picking me up? I have a rule that if anybody invites me to their church, I’ll go once. Unless it’s something like the Branch Dividians then I just end up staying and disappear.

Do you think you are really mentally ill? I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really knows. I think the sane people can figure it out, but I don’t know.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. He put me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me. It became the story of my life.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need.
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a symptom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 110.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 111.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 112.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 113.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 114.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 115.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 116.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.

“This is relaxation group. We sit in the dark and listen t o music. Can I sit next to her?

  1. 116.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  2. 117.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  3. 118.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  4. 119.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  5. 120.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  6. 121.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.

You don’t do anything! Your father goes out and works for IBM all day. You just play with the computer.

  1. 121.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  2. 122.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  3. 123.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  4. 124.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  5. 125.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?

I went to anger management and they all got mad at me.

  1. 127.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  2. 128.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  3. 129.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  4. 130.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  5. 131.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  6. 132.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college,  work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I just take the pills.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 225.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

November 18, 1978

  1. 2.      ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

I sat down to write a short list of things that bother me.

  1. 36.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 37.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 38.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 39.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 40.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 41.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 42.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 43.    8. I will help you
  9. 44.    9. God will cure you
  10. 45.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 46.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 47.    12. Get help!
  13. 48.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 49.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 50.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 51.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 52.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 53.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 54.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 55.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 56.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 57.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 58.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 59.    24. I work!
  25. 60.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 61.    27. You’re a vegetable
  27. 62.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  28. 63.    29. Your friends made you like this
  29. 64.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  30. 65.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  31. 66.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  32. 67.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  33. 68.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  34. 69.    35. I don’t have what you have
  35. 70.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 41.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 42.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 43.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 44.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy

That’s a good question. I’ve got a question for you. Do questions help you hear the answers you want?

  • 51.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 52.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 53.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 54.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 55.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 56.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 57.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 58.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 59.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 60.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

  • 70.    51. 50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 71.    52. 51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 72.    53. 52. What are the voices saying?
  • 73.    54. 53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 74.    55. 54. Let me teach you logic
  • 75.    56. 55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 76.    57. 56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 77.    58. 57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 78.    59. 58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 79.    60. The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 80.    61. 59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 81.    62. 60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 82.    63. 61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 83.    64. 62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 84.    65. 63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 103.  66. 64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 104.  67. 65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 105.  68. 66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 106.  69. 67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 107.  70. 68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 108.  71. 69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 109.  72. 70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 110.  73. 71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 111.  74. 72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 112.  75. 73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 113.  76. 74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 114.  77. 75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 115.  78. 76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 116.  79. 77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 117.  80. 78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 118.  81. 79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 119.  82. 80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 120.  83. 81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 121.  84. 82. You’re a bad person.
  • 122.  85. 83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 123.  86. 84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 124.  87. 85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 125.  88. 86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 126.  89. 87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 127.  90. 88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 128.  91. 89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 129.  92. 90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 130.  93. 91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.
  • 131.  94. 92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 132.  95. 93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 133.  96. 94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 134.  97. 95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 135.  98. 96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.

Who did you get in a fight with? The basketball team.

  1. 127.  99. 97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  2. 128.  100. 98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  3. 129.  101. 99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  4. 130.  102. 100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  5. 131.  103. 101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  6. 132.  104. 102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  7. 133.  105. 103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  8. 134.  106. 104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  9. 135.  107. 105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  10. 136.  108. 106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  11. 137.  109. 107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  12. 138.  110. 108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  13. 139.  111. 109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  14. 140.  112. 110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  15. 141.  113. 111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  16. 142.  114. 112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  17. 143.  115. 113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  18. 144.  116. 114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  19. 145.  117. 115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  20. 146.  118. 116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  21. 147.  119. There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  22. 148.  120. You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  23. 149.  121. 117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  24. 150.  122. If Alcoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take its place. Let’s just hope it’

“You said you drank everyday after I said I did. You need to quit school so you can work on your sobriety with us. We are strong in numbers like a gang. Great, I’ve been an alcoholic for two weeks and already I’ve dropped out of school and joined a gang.

They showed up at my parent’s house, they show up at my work, they showed up at my gym, they found me in an undisclosed apartment with a security code on the door. Anonymity is an amazing thing. They can find you anywhere!

  1. 129.  123. Officer I’m being stalked, threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  2. 130.  124. In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Isn’t there somewhere I can report this in AA and do something about it. Actually not, there are no AA police. But there are plenty of AA criminals. 

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

  1. 131.  125. Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 132.  126. You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 132.  127. I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here and suffer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it.might make you drink.

  1. 135.  128. 118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 136.  129. 119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 137.  130. 120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

The punk rock was a strange breed. Back then we didn’t dress up or have funny hair or anything maybe just a leather jacket, some jeans some boots. We fought, hit and hit it  hard. We were angry and we were loud and the music wasn’t that bad. We were a live fast die young generation. My friend sang with a band called the Adolescents a little. I don’t know the story that well. He knew a lot of people. He had been sent to rehab I think at 14. I quit when he died of an overdose. Party’s over!

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 155.  131. At Sex Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 156.  132. 121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 157.  133. 122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 158.  134. 123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 159.  135. 124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 160.  136. 125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 161.  137. 126. Why do you want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 162.  138. 127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 163.  139. 128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 164.  140. 129. They’re just like you.
  11. 165.  141. 130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 166.  142. 131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 167.  143. 132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 168.  144. 133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 169.  145. 134. We all have our troubles
  16. 170.  146. 135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 171.  147. 136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 172.  148. 137. The help I need is a lawyer
  19. 173.  Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???
  20. 174.  That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 159.  149. 138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  1. 160.  150. 139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  2. 161.  151. 140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  3. 162.  152. 141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.

Thorozine – an unpleasant vacation from thought

  1. 161.  153. 142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  2. 162.  154. 143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

To drink is to die! Gonna happen some day.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 166.  155. 144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 167.  156. 145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 168.  157. 146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 169.  158. 147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 170.  159. 148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.

What’s your full name? Daniel Larry JoyceDo you have any disabilitiesSchizophreniaIs there any reason you can’t work? I don’t want to make moneyDo you need me to repeat the charges?

I’m a victim of society and amateur psychology and abusive parents and a bad neighborhood and a union job… but you can’t blame me, I was born an alcoholic.

All my life I’ve tried to be good. 99% of the time I have. It’s just that damn one percent.

I started hard when I saw a picture by van Gogh in an encyclopedia. He was schizophrenia and I could relate. Then I found out he cut off his ear killed himself and didn’t make a dime. I started studying Andy Warhol.

You don’t want the painting. You picked that one out. I told you that you could have painting any painting in the gallery and you don’t want it! Mom, do you see why I’m dysfunctional?

This is painting of Robert Downy Jr. It uses a colorful drip and splatter technique much like Jackson Pollack. It is portrait of the actor and it’s framed. I highly recommend it. But you might not like him and like someone else. You can have any painting on the wall. Pick one before mom does.

  1. 168.  160. 149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  2. 169.  161. 150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

Mom, as far as the medicine, let’s leave it to the doctors. You are not the only one who tries to change and suggest. If you are cooking you don’t let everybody else tell you what to put in the broth. It comes out junk soup. I have 12 prescriptions now and I hardly know what they’re for. If it were two or three I could research and figure it out. I was in hospitals, institutions, outpatient, sober livings, listening to AA and everybody else’s opinion of what to take, what not to take, or don’t take at all and I ended up inpatient or in rehab. Let’s let the doctors do their job. They’re not a conspiracy theory and they’re not out to get us. Believe me, they do a much better job of handling the drugs than me and other people.

I need some positive answers. Ok. Apologize when necessary, Look for your part in things, Take responsibility for yourself. You sound like my dad.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him dual diagnosis.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

You mean to say you haven’t been kidnapped raped tortured butt fucked and murdered by a Columbian cartel YET!

  1. 174.  162. 151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 175.  163. 152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 176.  164. 153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 177.  165. 154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 178.  166. 155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 179.  167. 156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.

My parents owned property in a bad neighborhood. They moved me in to make it better, but I made it get worse.

  1. 185.  168. 157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  2. 186.  169. 158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  3. 187.  170. 159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  4. 188.  171. Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  5. 189.  172. 160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  6. 190.  173. 161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  7. 191.  174. 162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  8. 192.  175. 163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  9. 193.  176. For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  10. 194.  177. Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  11. 195.  178. Just count to 12.

This is mania. It’s like a drunkenness. You’re really happy and you get poor judgement. I’d see the doctor but he’s the one that messed it up I think. He just started seeing me. So I don’t think he had enough information on me. I should go to AA. They have a bunch.

  1. 188.  179. 164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  2. 189.  180. 165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  3. 190.  181. We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

  1. 189.  182. 166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

All of the 12 steps came from a now defunct Christian cult called the Oxford group and after his spiritual experience, Bill copywrote them and that’s the history of AA. You’re on your way to getting sober kid. I believe in you.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 217.  183. 167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 218.  184. 168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 219.  185. 169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 220.  186. 170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 221.  187. 171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 222.  188. 172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 223.  189. 173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 224.  190. 174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 225.  191. 175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 226.  192. 176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 227.  193. 177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 228.  194. 178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 229.  195. 179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 230.  196. 180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 231.  197. 181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 232.  198. 182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 233.  199. 183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 234.  200. 184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 235.  201. 185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 236.  202. 186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 237.  203. 187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 238.  204. 188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 239.  205. 189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 240.  206. 190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 241.  207. 191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 242.  208. 192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 243.  209. 193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?
  28. 244.  210. 194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

You’re not old enough to talk politics.

My brain needed to be washed.

They’ve got a men’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 225.  211. If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 226.  212. 195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 227.  213. 196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 228.  214. 197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 229.  215. 198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place.
  • 230.  217. 200. e4th step stuff
  • 231.  218. 201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.
  • 232.  219. 202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but I’ll go to a meeting first.

Alleg Ginsberg had a huge legal battle over his monumental poem Howl that moved an entire generation. Whatever happened to fighting censorshp?

  • 228.  220. I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 229.  221. For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was 14 years old, I hit the bottle.

The gentlemen came in and said it was the best thing for our daughter. Next thing you know she was smoking cigarettes getting tattoos and dating a convict, but she doesn’t drink.

It’s not such a bad thing to be sober. It’s just the way they go about doing it

I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 230.  222. 203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 231.  223. 1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that. job. I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 134.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 135.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 136.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 137.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 138.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 139.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 140.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 141.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 142.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 143.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 144.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 145.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 146.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 147.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 148.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 149.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 150.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 151.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 152.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 153.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 154.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 155.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an acoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool.

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

We don’t take any booze, pot, pills, nothing that affects you from the neck up. How about a punch in the face?

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 250.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 251.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 252.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 253.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 254.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 255.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 256.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 257.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 258.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 259.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 260.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

For those who are concerned. The pharmacy didn’t mail my psyche meds for the month and since about seven days ago I have had none. I’ve been in a contantly growing episode this whole time. That might explain the weird posts and the psychotic book I’ve been publishing online. I couldn’t get to the pharmacy because it is too far away and I am still learning how to drive. I’ve arranged transportation to get there and get my meds tomorrow, also some counseling. It should only be two or three days before I’m stabilized and well. I also have about a month to find a new home. I’m going to try hard to stay off the internet. I still like the book and will set it aside for illustration and publishing. But I’m going find and editor and I’m going to edit the Hell out thing first. Will try to stay quiet and stay away till I’m well again.

I did go to anger management mom. They say great things. Count to three, don’t escalate, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

“I realize you wanted to help me all those years, but actually everybody messed it up. There’s one client and one doctor for a reason. We aren’t surgeons, we aren’t brain scientist and we definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. If everybody’s driving the car, there’s no room for anybody to hold the wheel.

In the mental health community, we all hear stupid things with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there mom. I want you here with me.

“The doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesdays. That’s today and it’s in the good retirement home, not the one with the snooty people. Mom! Danny, let me talk! Mom, have you taken your meds?”

  1. 2.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

Following that I worked as a teller for a bank for about a year. I hadn’t really had any symptoms yet. Things started freaking out. They said I was throwing the money at the customers. There was a lot of stress. The bank insurance paid for a two week. psychiatric hospital visit. I was put on medicine and started to think clearly. My mother told my job what happened. Two days after returning to work I was fired. I left the bank in 1985. The American Disabilities Act was passed in 1990

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

I want to report my therapist for unethical behavior. He looks at me mean and says things I don’t like.

  • 245.  224. 2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 246.  225. 3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 247.  226. 4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?
  • 248.  227. 5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 249.  228. 6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as sa child and I’ve always loved the Mexican in me.
  • 250.  229. 7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.
  • 251.  230. 8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 252.  231. 9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 253.  232. 10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 254.  233. 11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 255.  234. 12. How long has this been going on?
  • 256.  235. 13. I think two years. We’ve never really kissed or anything, but she tried to sleep with me when she was drunk. I didn’t think it was the right thing to do. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever. The disease is progressive. She didn’t work a program. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA.”
  • 257.  236. 14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 258.  237. 15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.
  • 259.  238. 16. What about you? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.”

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 256.  239. 17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 257.  240. 18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 258.  241. 19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 259.  242. 20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 260.  243. 21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 261.  244. 22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 262.  245. 23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 263.  246. 24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 264.  247. 25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.
  • 265.  248. 26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 266.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it becomes far less important I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

  1. 3.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  2. 4.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.
  1. 2.      1.  ©Dan Joyce 2021

The following story is for entertainment only

Although it is based on the truth of my life

Remember, I am not a psychologist

And this is not a prescription for anything

It is simply one case study

But I fear there may be more

Have You Taken Your Meds?

  1. 37.    1. Have you taken your meds?
  2. 38.    2. You’re lazy You don’t do enough for me
  3. 39.    3. We’re getting you the help you need
  4. 40.    4. You’re on the wrong meds or not taking them right
  5. 41.    5. You need more mental health treatment
  6. 42.    6. You’re taking in too much sugar, caffeine, red meat, Cheetos…
  7. 43.    7. Don’t use your illness as an excuse
  8. 44.    8. I will help you
  9. 45.    9. God will cure you
  10. 46.    10. People are uncomfortable with you
  11. 47.    11. Psychos kill people
  12. 48.    12. Get help!
  13. 49.    13. It’s all in your head
  14. 50.    14. Don’t take the medicine it’s bad
  15. 51.    15. You don’t need that doctor/therapist
  16. 52.    16. You’re perfectly fine
  17. 53.    17. This or that thing I don’t like about you is your illness
  18. 54.    18. Just get a job, a car, a house and a mortgage and you won’t have stress
  19. 55.    19. I’ve just got a few things I want you to change
  20. 56.    20. Don’t listen to your counselor, listen to me
  21. 57.    21. You are the problem with the family
  22. 58.    22. It’s your problem, you deal with it
  23. 59.    23. You’re cheating the government for money
  24. 60.    24. I work!
  25. 61.    25. You’re smart enough to figure this out for yourself
  26. 62.    26. If you attempt suicide and fail you’re seeking attention
  27. 63.    27. You’re a vegetable
  28. 64.    28. Why can’t you find the right man/woman?
  29. 65.    29. Your friends made you like this
  30. 66.    30. Child abuse has nothing to do with mental illness
  31. 67.    31. There’s no such thing as normal, we’re all a little crazy
  32. 68.    32. This is because of the pot you smoked
  33. 69.    33. You need tough love! Go live on the streets!
  34. 70.    34. Living here will help you and not just get you away from us
  35. 71.    35. I don’t have what you have
  36. 72.    36. My psychiatrist says you have the problem

You’re gonna love me whether you like it or not

Let me give you something cry about

  • 51.    37. Aren’t all families dysfunctional
  • 52.    38. I can show you how to be normal
  • 53.    39. Your diagnosis is just a label
  • 54.    40. If you think you’re crazy you’ll be crazy
  • 55.    41. This is an act or a game
  • 56.    42. Doctors are all drug dealer
  • 57.    43. Just forget about your traumatic past
  • 58.    44. I’m going to give therapy to your parents now
  • 59.    45. Why is social security on your job application?
  • 60.    46. I wish I could go to college on government money
  • 61.    47. They may seem slow but they’re part of our group
  • 62.    48. If you went to the gym you wouldn’t have schizophrenia
  • 63.    I ll give you an example. The parents take their son to a psychiatrist and constantly tell him that the boy is not cleaning his room. But what is that a sypmtom of? Schizophrenia? Schizophrenia, Depression. No! The kid’s just messy!
  • 64.    49. Don’t go 5150 on me

You always come home from Catholic school crying. Toughen up!

All the teacher did was put her hands down.my pants. It was to tuck in my shirt. I. didn’t like it. I hope it was good for her.

  • 66.    50. I think my girlfriend is schizophrenia
  • 67.    51. Marijuana and alcohol are harmful drugs. Cigarettes and coffee aren’t.
  • 68.    52. What are the voices saying?
  • 69.    53. There’s a fine line between genius and insanity, guess which side you’re on
  • 70.    54. Let me teach you logic
  • 71.    55. Everybody has a little bit wrong with them, but some people have a lot
  • 72.    56. Can’t we force it on him a little?
  • 73.    57. What legal resources are therapeutic?
  • 74.    58. We want you to apologize to all the people who have wronged you.
  • 75.    The big book is 164 pages long. War and Peace is only 1296.
  • 76.    59. I had a driink, I lost my soul, turned into a donkey and started running around with Pinocchio!
  • 77.    60. We weren’t sure if you needed more acute treatment, so we talked to your parents
  • 78.    61. My doctor says art and philosophy are bad for your mental health. You need religion and conservative politics
  • 79.    62. You’re going to put me in the poorhouse. Now go back to your group home.
  • 80.    63. I have the common cold of mental illness. You are very sick.

Mom’s shrink is teaching her about something called Tough Love.

  • 94.    64. There’s nothing in the will for you. You need mental health treatment.
  • 95.    65. So you went to college and fed yourself. You’re cheating the system,
  • 96.    66. We’re not giving you your inheritance. We’re gonna let go with love.
  • 97.    67. You’re too ill to handle decent living conditions.
  • 98.    68. We asked your doctor if you were pathological
  • 99.    69. We did the best we could. We can’t help it if that was fucked up!
  • 100.  70. We think homelessness will cure his alcoholism and mental health.
  • 101.  71. Sometimes you have to hit your child.
  • 102.  72. They thought abuse caused mental illness, but that just made the parents feel guilty.
  • 103.  73. You don’t need a job, an apartment or a girlfriend. You’re getting mental health.
  • 104.  74. Outpatient is like having a job.
  • 105.  75. The doctor said I’m the best patient he’s ever had. You’re not!
  • 106.  76. I have love hate feelings for my son. He’s such a handsome boy, but what a fuck up!
  • 107.  77. You’ll never be able to do as much.
  • 108.  78. I never needed a college degree. I sponsored guys in AA for 10 years.
  • 109.  79. We’re not forcing you to do anything. It’s my house you’ll do what I say.
  • 110.  80. You’re a grown man you can take care of yourself. Now treat your sickness.
  • 111.  81. We told your therapist we never hit you.
  • 112.  82. You’re a bad person.
  • 113.  83. Don’t you want to be free and independent? Now take your medicine.
  • 114.  84. You take meds? We’ve saved a seat for you over here on the group W bench.
  • 115.  85. Why do you go to outpatient on such a short bus?
  • 116.  86. I couldn’t handle having a huge family. There was stress, I felt overloaded. So, I hit you.
  • 117.  87. We weren’t abusive. It’s all in your head. Take your meds. Talk to your therapist. If you don’t. We will.
  • 118.  88. Isn’t the sign of maturity when you stop blaming your parents? No, it’s when they stop doing shit.
  • 119.  89. I was badly abused as a child. So what I’m doing to you isn’t really the same thing.
  • 120.  90. The doctor says my mother is pathological. They’re having a session to discuss what to do with me.
  • 121.  91. They say your mental illness is hereditary. But we don’t know where it came from.

I’m 50% Mexican on my mother side. I’m proud of my coloring. I don’t speak Spanish or anything. She told us not to tell anybody.

  • 125.  92. All you want is money, so we’re taking it away!
  • 126.  93. It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drink. You can have one beer and still be an alcoholic. Yeah if you’re a mouse.
  • 127.  94. Why did I suddenly need intensive psychiatry after I asked to see the will?
  • 128.  95. We gave you a curfew, we wouldn’t let you date, we forced you to church, we disapproved of all your friends and you’re rebelling. Why?
  • 129.  96. I left a note on my bed. Mom, not going to school today. Went to the Colosseum to see The Rolling Stones. Will be home late. P.S. took the car. You were a bad boy. Yeah, some kids are. That’s why there’s treatment.
  • 130.  97. The program says you can’t have a bank account
  • 131.  98. I love all my children equally, you’re just the one I’m putting away.
  • 132.  99. Spare the rod and spoil the child. Nuff said
  • 133.  
  • 134.  100. A beating with a belt, because your Child needs to learn violence at the youngest age possible
  • 135.  101. We found pot in your room That’s what’s making you crazy. You’re getting a big Whooping!
  • 136.  102. My father beat me but I’m grateful for it. He taught me respect. What are you talking about officer? Respect for what? Now I don’t even trust you with a gun.
  • 137.  103. …and this is the recreation room where you can have juice and cookies and watch a movie while you work out your troubles.
  • 138.  104. This is a good place. They’ll help you quit the drinking and the pot. And just for you doing this we’ll buy you a carton of cigarettes once a week.
  • 139.  105. When you have children of your own you’ll see why I’m doing this.
  • 140.  106. You’re spoiled! My father beat me even worse.
  • 141.  107. I don’t play favorites, but you’ll never be as good at that as Suzy.
  • 142.  108. What’s the difference between you and your son’s illness? I’m functional. My husband takes care of me.
  • 143.  109. The psychiatrist said I’m extremely sane after the multiple abuse I went through, but he didn’t have good things to say about treating you.
  • 144.  110. Our psychiatrist used to be a professional football player for the Bears. He got out of the game when he tackled a player and broke both his arms and legs. He didn’t realize how strong he was.
  • 145.  111. The food’s bad. The nurses are mean. The patients are psychotic. The medicine is too strong. You’re incarcerated. You complain about everything.
  • 146.  112. So we took away your car so you couldn’t get to your job, we cut you out of the trust fund, we cut your college funds, we wouldn’t help with rent when you were homeless. But not everybody gets the blessings you have.
  • 147.  113. I know they’re all convicts at the sober living, but they’re good people
  • 148.  114. Make the best of it! Does that hurt?
  • 149.  115. You weren’t serious about college. You were studying graphic design, web development and advertising. You were an art major. Your brother is studying Anthropology.
  • 150.  116. Honey, you’re not seeing it. I really don’t want to win this argument, but you’ve never seen it in person because you wouldn’t. My mom makes fun of you when you’re not around. She’s not well. She’s not like the Christian women you meet at the church.
  • 151.  There’s nice people everywhere. It just depends on where you go.
  • 152.  You’re. medication is blocking your contact with God.
  • 153.  117. The good jobs In my field were in LA county. So when they took the car I couldn’t get to them or an interview, just maybe McDonald’s and I won’t do that. But why think I’m’ better than just because I worked real hard and got a college education?
  • 154.  If Acoholics Anonymous ever falls something will come to take it’s place. Let’s just hope it’
  • 155.  Officer I’m being stalked,threatened and they said they got guns. Just go back to AA. You’ll do better when you quit drinking.
  • 156.  In LA I met Charlie Sheen a couple times. I don’t think he’d remember me. Then again, I’m hard to forget.

Obsession is actually kind of nice because you’re thinking of somebody else and not yourself, unless you don’t have her permission.

My new book, Have You Taken Your Meds? has been suddenly removed from my blog. I don’t know if they took it down because it was too long or if it was declared obscene.

What if somebody reads your book and dies. Books do that?

  1. 127.  Yes, they talk about guns, but they made it sound more like a hobby.
  2. 128.  You have to have respect for an alcoholic like you have respect for a gun, but we’re. not a dangerous cult.

In college I got the highest grade in the class, Critical Thinkl, but I don’t argue a lot or cuss people out. That’s not in the rules of critical thinking.

  1. 128.  I usually call my writing process message in a bottle, but this one is a cry for help!

What do you want? Someone to rescue you? No I. just want to sit here

and suffer.

All great artists struggled with mental problems. The beautiful result is that you make fantastic art. The sad part is that you’re always gonna be insane. Now let’s say the Serenity Prayer.

AA has no doctors, professional or medical involvement of any kind. .They discourage it because it might make you drink.

You’re mother said you were in a coma for three days. People who can’t commit suicide are attention seekers. Whiner! Are you ready for the meeting?

The disease concept of alcoholism has never been proven. AIDS, cancer, leukemia, all the good ones have.

  1. 131.  118. This is the social worker, he’ll be responsible for your housing, your treatment, your meals, your social security, your 12 step program, talk frequently with your family, your behavior at the group home, and your outpatient program. But if it doesn’t work out the social worker will have another place for you. He’s not a socialist though…
  2. 132.  119. The sedatives don’t work when you have caffeine
  3. 133.  120. Not all artists have to starve, just the ones with no talent or bad family.

I don’t want to burn the whole establishment down. I don’t think that would be constructive.

  1. 149.  At Sex Addicts Anonymous, make circles to decide for yourself which behaviors you can or can’t do.
  2. 150.  121. Too many people fail. Don’t try to do art for a living. Do outpatient.
  3. 151.  122. LVN is a 13 month program and you become a psyche tech. And you get authority over all the psych patients.
  4. 152.  123. You don’t need a degree or experience in psychology to run a board and care. I came from the Philippines where having mental illness is terribly shameful.
  5. 153.  124. You have to be here at exactly six to eat your dinner. Tonight we’re having frozen burritos.
  6. 154.  125. We don’t want you to work while you’re here because of your social security. Maybe get a job under the table. But I didn’t say that. Shhh!
  7. 155.  126. Why do y ou want a woman to give you half oral sex and half vaginal sex? This is goals group.
  8. 156.  127. I own IBM. I own Amazon. I own Microsoft. I own Bell Air. I own God. He’s on my payroll.
  9. 157.  128. I have multiple personality disorder. That wasn’t me
  10. 158.  129. They’re just like you.
  11. 159.  130. They say we’re working towards going to school or getting a job, but everybody’s ignorant and unemployed.
  12. 160.  131. And we give you a gym membership. Just sign up for the HMO
  13. 161.  132. My counselor is ordered from the probation department. I’m not telling him anything.
  14. 162.  133. You act like a caged animal. You’re not a caged animal. Now go back to your unit.
  15. 163.  134. We all have our troubles
  16. 164.  135. All in order. The state conservatorship trial. Can we hear from the family?
  17. 165.  136. This is the last house on the block. That’s ok!
  18. 166.  137. The help I need is a lawyer

Alcoholics Anonymous is so desperate to recruit they define alcoholism as anything. They say you can be a good family man, that you can have a successful career, a doctor, a CEO, a priest, you can have a P.H.D. Taking care of your mother… It doesn’t matter how much or how little you drank??? How does that work???

That’s not true. It’s a disease that can affect anyone. What about all those famous people?

There’s no medical involvement at any time. They discourage it because it might make you drink.

I’m an acholic because I like the affect produced by alcohol. I don’t. I love the taste of Bud Light.

Every alcoholic has a book in them if they could just find the pen. I guess I found it.

The scientists found a gene for alcoholism. It’s somehere on the 5th Chromosome on the third genome. I’m not a scientist, but in this case they’re right.

Mom’s lawyer just confiscated my medicine. She gave to him. I’ll try to get it back tonight. He’ll be at the meeting.

I had the drink and the drink took me and took me to a meeting and some old guy took me out.

  1. 155.  138. My mother asked for treatment from my therapist. Two sessions and I’m almost institutionalized.
  2. 156.  139. I told the college intern I wanted to talk about something heavy. She said she could handle it. I told her about the jail  rape. She started screaming and bouncing around like Daffy Duck. She couldn’t handle it.
  3. 157.  140. The psychologist is bound by law to keep secret everything I say. So I just fuck with him.
  4. 158.  141. Why in the world would you come home with that horrible mentally ill woman? Because you put me in a mental institution.
  5. 159.  142. We had your child put up for adoption because I didn’t want to have to take care of him. It was a tough decision
  6. 160.  143. I know smoking is bad for you and you die, but I kind of want to die. You kill yourself one puff at a time. If you ever want to kill yourself just a little, you can always have a smoke.

One beer doesn’t do anything. You might as well have a Pepsi. Don’t risk relapse!

  1. 162.  144. What led up to my conviction I was starving and  panhandling outside the am/pm for for food on my 50th birthday. Now her and my angry sister-in-law are saying I had food. They testified
  2. 163.  145. The police said I would be charged with breaking and entering. I was convicted of felony strike residential burglary. I didn’t steal anything. I just went into my mothers home without her permission. She also issued a restraining order for elder abuse.
  3. 164.  146. I got three months served, three years probation, a felony on my record so I couldn’t work and mental health.
  4. 165.  147. On  my70th birthday, your sister took me to Paris. Look I have pictures!
  5. 166.  148. I’m not bailing you out and I took away your money.
  6. 167.  149. If you’re not crazy when you get here, you will be when you get out.
  7. 168.  150. Why did you attempt suicide? Because the treatment made my life so good.

The AA big book is often referred to by the counselor in psychiatric group settings and of course it’s widely used in AA; That makes him, dual diagnosis.

I’m a meth and heroine junky. I only smoke pot when I ain’t got them. 

If you smoke pot that makes you an addict. Start going to NA

You learn more here than in college.

we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films. Well technically I’m not an alcoholic anymore. So I can write whatever the fuck I want!

  1. 182.  151. Do you know why I’m trying to get you to shave, brush your teeth, do your hair and look better? Cause you’re gay?
  2. 183.  152. All your problems are of your own making. Even your parents beating you,
  3. 184.  153. In art group I’ve been working hard on art. This is a picture of you. That looks like a penis.
  4. 185.  154. Draw an image that best describes you… Well it’s a puppet and it’s got strings and people pull them.
  5. 186.  155. We don’t like him, but he’s gonna need more treatment.
  6. 187.  156. Passive is giving up your coffee. Assertive is buying your coffee and letting others do the same. Aggressive is taking someone else’s coffee. Passive Aggressive is poisoning their coffee.
  7. 188.  157. I know this is a slummy boarding building and you have no money, your family is abusive and you’ve lost everything, just take a few deep breaths, things are getting better.
  8. 189.  158. Why are you standing here asking for money? Are you on  drugs? No, my family took my job then they made me see a psychiatrist and told him stuff about me and then they put me in a mental institution and… Here’s a buck!
  9. 190.  159. Sensitive people won’t make this program, but we welcome everybody
  10. 191.  Denial is not a river in Egypt. Some people don’t know. Do know what you should look for to determine if you’re an alcoholic? Empty bottles!
  11. 192.  160. It’s just too hard on us to visit you all poor and desperate. Your mental illness is too depressing.
  12. 193.  161. Tell me about your dreams. Scary
  13. 194.  162. I Don’t need a psychiatrist or therapist like you. I just go to the family doctor and take one prozac and I’m fine.
  14. 195.  163. Your sister has a good job and is very wealthy. So, she can drink a case of beer a day.
  15. 196.  For years I didn’t know what I was taking. That’s bad, because if you miss a dose, you don’t know where to find it.
  16. 197.  Mom there’s 12 containers. I don’t know which ones to take?
  17. 198.  Just count to 12.
  18. 199.  164. We told the doctor about your compulsive spending. You can’t have money. I can.
  19. 200.  165. We want to take control of his finances. He’s not budgeting his government check.
  20. 201.  We’re family members. We paid for this group.

If you had a bad relationship with your mother, your girlfriends will be the same. I’m fucked!

No, I’ve had girlfriends that weren’t like my mother and my mother didn’t like them.

On our way to Disneyland we stopped by my.family’s house, she sat on the couch and the family just stared at my date.

My brother-in-law was in Mensa and worked for NASA. He was always amazed that I could be schizophrenia and still be extremely intelligent. It takes a genius to figure that out.

Don’t artists only make it when their dead. I’m looking forward to it.

  1. 183.  166. That abusive AA sponsor was good for you. We talked to him on the phone.

I’ve been clean and sober a couple decades, but I had a beer on New Year’s Eve. So I had to start over. I didn’t like the beer. It tastes bad. It tasted bad back then. I just wanted to be cool. 

I had a friend in a group home

He had cerebral palsey

He was In a wheelchair and used to crawl around on the floor

When was he worked as dj on the radio

We didn’t get along, so I took singing lessons

  1. 210.  167. You’re playing a guilt trip on me. That’s impossible.
  2. 211.  168. My biggest fear is that my paranoia is not an illusion
  3. 212.  169. It doesn’t help to be right all the time. You can be wrong. Try being wrong one day at a time.
  4. 213.  170. Mother, the medicine has been making my hand shake so bad I won’t be able to paint. I know but we want what’s best for you.
  5. 214.  171. You fried your brain on drugs. I smoked pot in High School.
  6. 215.  172. Then why didn’t you work? You put me in boarding homes and institutions. We weren’t allowed to work. They had a candy store in one. Me and Tracy ran it. They trusted us with the money.
  7. 216.  173. He told the counselor that his father burned him with a cigarette and they reported it. What a thing to do!
  8. 217.  174. It’s easy to explain the cigarette scar. He was fighting with him.
  9. 218.  175. He doesn’t always hit me usually he just grabs me throws me on the ground puts my head down and forces my chest into the cement until I suffocate. He goes to parent groups
  10. 219.  176. At the group they teach us that it’s not our fault. They teach you that it’s mine.
  11. 220.  177. Dad I got back from AA today I just quit drinking and pot. WAIT! DAD! NO DAD NO! DAD NO! STOP DAD DAD DAD STOP NO!
  12. 221.  178. The police asked me why you called them and not me.
  13. 222.  179. You’re different. Cops don’t usually have sympathy. The word is empathy. That’s where I learned the word empathy. I never heard it before.
  14. 223.  180. Next they’ll be calling that child abuse
  15. 224.  181. Mom, my lawyer says he’s representing you now.
  16. 225.  182. Bankruptcy cases are simple. The lawyer takes all your money. Then he declares you bankrupt.
  17. 226.  183. At AA they kept saying Schizophrenia Moment and laughing. I think that’s mean. What if schizophrenia people said stuff like that about them? I just had an alcoholic moment. I peed on the lawn.
  18. 227.  184. Don’t be a victim! Be strong! Nobody likes a victim. I spent ten years in prison. I don’t like victims.
  19. 228.  185. I like Donald Trump. I didn’t vote for him. Hell no! I just think he’s cool. He’s crazy, like me!
  20. 229.  186. Sex is only for procreation, not just love
  21. 230.  187. Children obey your parents… no matter what
  22. 231.  188. Why do you like that angry depressing music?
  23. 232.  189. Honor your mother and father but not yourself
  24. 233.  190. My perfect place is the graveyard .
  25. 234.  191. Hey! I got some terrible news at the clinic. Mom is pathological. We just found out!
  26. 235.  192. There’s no bound secrecy in AA. It’s just an honor system. So if they have honor, you’re good
  27. 236.  193. I know you’re my AA sponsor, but are you sure I should just use you and not the therapist because therapists don’t know what they’re doing?

I’m leaving the God argument out of this, because I don’t think cults really deal with God.

November 18, 1978 909 people including 304 children died in Jonestown, Guyana in a mass murder suicide led by their spiritual leader Jim Jones. Since then no laws were passed to regulate cult activity unless they break an ordinary law. In America, we have freedom of religion, but they may be bothered by what I say.

Where’s the Kool-Aid?

Don’t listen to him, he’s insane. Nothing. He says can be true.

  • 211.  194. Ok sponsor. I don’t agree with you on your conservative politics. But I do agree with you about Vietnam. After talking to you I realized what I learned about it was staunch and rigid and wrong. But we’ll have to split on AA

They’ve got a men’s meeting Alcoholics Anonymous and once a year they go out to the desert to teach the new men how to use guns. What could possible go wrong there

  • 219.  If a person chizophrenia or biplolar they should have the option available to seek treatment for themselves.. It should not be forced. There gonna hear it from someone. No one becomes that mentally ill and is the last one to know,
  • 220.  195. My brain needed to be washed.
  • 221.  196. They said the marijuana didn’t cause my mental illness. They said it was.caused by you!
  • 222.  197. You’re a brilliant artist. You’re a genius. No, I don’t know how to do laundry, I don’t know how to cook. Geniuses know everything.
  • 223.  198. Don’t worry about that. That’s. my 4th step. It’s all over the place!
  • 224.  199. Your disease was your dysfunctional family. The jail rape was just a symptom.
  • 225.  200. e4th step stuff
  • 226.  201. I promise you I will never do that again and I will never take another drink in my life if I have to die first.

We are not a glum lot. Actually we have a lot of fun in AA. One time we went to the mountains and they read us the big book a lot.

  • 220.  202. When this Is all done, I’ll either be rich or kill myself or both, but

I don’t want to drink and I make the effort not to, but I don’t worry about it. If it happens it happens. Kind of like an unplanned pregnancy.”

I’ll go to a meeting first.

  • 222.  I wanted to establish that the main character had become a garbled mess, so I used myself for reference.
  • 223.  For research I sought help from people who were whacked out and unprofessional. So, I went to 12-step groups.

When I discovered my girlfriend was

14 years old, I hit the bottle. I felt guilty when I killed a man drunk driving that increased my drinking. But when I killed a man in a barfight, the judge exonerate me because I’m an upstanding member of Alcholics Anonymous.

Alcoholics Anonymous, New York Central office. Yes, I have a question. If a woman is sexually assaulted or raped in AA What legal services do you offer? The Yellow Pages. My homegroup didn’t believe me.”

My drinking is really bad. It’s affecting my college and my modeling. Should I go to AA? Try to moderate.

I want to be famous for my art. I’ve put too much work into it.

  • 224.  203. The ideations started in Junior High. A girl at my school committed suicide. I thought it was cool.
  • 225.  1. I tried suicide after high school. I got a job at a grocery store. I wasn’t popular. They didn’t like me at all and were mean, sometimes threatening. They would act strange to confuse me. My dad got me that I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”

I was hired on as a scab, then permanent.

Now, I go to a clinic on my own. They’re pretty good. Sometimes they fuck up, but when they fuck up, I just deal with it.

Your joking is a defense mechanism.”

Then tell me why I do it? I’m not a comedian. I don’t want to go on a stage somewhere in a night club, tell jokes and meet women.”

Why do you make such inappropriate jokes? I was a street musician on Venice Beach. I started writing serious songs and poems about the situation, but it didn’t work. Then I made funny songs with my guitar and funny jokes about my homelessness and they gathered. Sometimes all you can do is laugh.

Early on the other kids in AA talked me into going to an AA based rehab. It had a jacuzzi and they. Fed us steak and lobster. There was even talk of movie stars.I got drunk in there three times. Cost my dad’s insurance $60,000. H e but me on social security because he couldn’t afford my medical expenses. They were good about getting me the right meds.

When you get hit by a train, you get hit by the engine not the caboose. When I get hit, I it, it’s not the engine or the caboose. I get hit by the whole damn train.

We are not a glum lot. Actually AA is a lot of fun. One time we went on a retreat in the mountains and they read us the big book a lot

It’s a God of your understanding. One that you make up. Your Higher Power, ever member has one and we believe them all. What if my Higher Power gets in a fight with your Higher Power?

They had a party for me. A woman mailed in one of my books and they thought I was famous. They drugged me, a piece of paper in my coffee.They called it a happy card. Why would they do that?

It’s called grooming, something rapists do.

Why didn’t you tell anyone? I didn’t think they’d believe me.

  • 227.  2. Have you ever kissed or held a man? I had a couple relationships in LA, but none before or after. Do you consider yourself gay? No. Then why did you do it? That’s what everyone was doing. When in Rome do as the Roman’s. When in Hollywood be fabulous.
  • 228.  3. You want a loving caring mother and you’re never gonna get one. That hurts worse than the belt.
  • 229.  4. You’re mother’s pathological, there’s no treatment for it. How long does she have?

Mom, last year I was raped in jail. Just let go of the past.

  • 230.  5. tell me what you see about your mother?
  • 231.  6. Sometimes I get this image of a beautiful Spanish woman holding me as a child.
  • 232.  7. I attempted suicide twenty times and failed. It’s an interesting fact that when you attempt suicide twenty times and fail, they stop testing your sanity and start testing your competency.

I’m not gonna kill myself, I’m just gonna be miserable for a long time.

  • 238.  8. Have ever been intimate with a woman?
  • 239.  9. More than my fingers. Maybe toes too.
  • 240.  10. Do you have a girlfriend?
  • 241.  11. No just Luvy, That’s what she calls herself she’s my BBPFF best schizophrenia friends forever. The abbreviation’s wrong. She came up with it. We say that because they don’t like schizophrenia in AA. We go to meetings, groups, hangout…
  • 242.  12. How long has this been going on?
  • 243.  13. I think two years. We’re not boyfriend girlfriend. She’s only really kissed me once. AA is for people who want it and do it. Not for people who get forced into it. She started when her woman’s group was real mean to her. She’s real sensitive. She was crying and se told me she didn’t believe in God anymore. She’s been drinking a lot lately. More than ever The disease is progressive. Mom doesn’t like her and neither does AA. I met her in my early 40’s. I told her that I wanted to get old with her. Then we did.”
  • 244.  14. Does your mother go to AA?
  • 245.  15. No she’s not an alcoholic. She goes to Alanon.

Actually mom didn’t go to Alanon. She went to other groups that were based on Alanon. Alanon asked her for money. You know they have a hat that everybody puts a dollar if they want? But you’re really pressured to put in.

I never put any money in the AA basket. I figured I’d pay them when it works for me.

  • 239.  16. Do you go to AA? I hate it! I hate every minute of it with a cigarette break. The mock me, they harass me, they threaten me, they stalk me because I’m different because I’m not one of them and I’m never gonna be and the only way to be an alcoholic is to drink.

They don’t stalk me now, they don’t know what city I’m in. I had to get run out of town to get rid of them.

If I quit Alcoholics Anonymous or stop taking the meds, mom will get mad at me. I can’t imagine what she’ll do.

  • 248.  17. Where is Luvy now?
  • 249.  18. She’s homeless. I wish I could help, but I can’t. Mother makes fun of her. Mom doesn’t work, she owns property. I think it was in the will.
  • 250.  19. You’re not going to tell my mother?
  • 251.  20. No we have a strict privacy policy. We’re bound by law. We can’t even contact her unless you ask.”
  • 252.  21. That’s ok I won’t!
  • 253.  22. I know what you’ve been through. Trust me. You’re my client, not hers
  • 254.  23. How long is the therapy session? Because I can’t be here too long. I gotta go plan my funeral.
  • 255.  24. That’s the session. Hey why don’t you give Luvy a call?”
  • 256.  25. Luvy! It’s Dan. I know AA and my mother don’t like you, but I do. You won’t believe what I talked about in therapy, but first you gotta sign something.

I’m going to have to give notice. As far as my disability, you handled that extremely well, professionally, legally and confidentially. To follow up, I have two part-time jobs lined up I I won’t be working as a professional designer. I’m 56 years old. I lost the dream of the good career a long time ago. Kind of like the dream of the good wife, but she was nice. Oh yeah, sometimes when you leave a company like this you’re not allowed to  come back in the store. At least, those are usually the terms they give me. I’ll be in town for the rest of the month and I’d still like to buy my soda and cigarettes.

I’m gonna get a job, I’m not stupid. Think I’m gonna paint on the corner and expect to pay rent? With a hat and ask people for money? With a gun?

  • 250.  26. I was coerced into seeing my mother’s psychiatrist when I was 16. I’m not really sure why. He didn’t seem to know what he was doing, but I couldn’t tell. I was a scared boy. I thought he could read my mind. He wanted to prescribe me something that was a major tranquilizer. I don’t know why. I said no. I started questioning my sanity. His latest kick was that he was interested in AA. They kicked him out. So of course he sent me there and I didn’t have a choice. I didn’t really drink, I smoked pot and it was far less potent back then. He told my mother I had to go, living at home I had no choice. I called AA and they sent me to a young people’e meeting. I went there and I hated it. I told my mother it was only on Sunday. Eventually I got out of going. When I turned 21 I drank a bit. One weekend evening I wanted to go out, but I had no money so I went to AA. My parents didn’t even know I drank. They love bombed me. They had harsh insane funny stories about getting trashed beyond reason and really sick things. They made it sound cool. I didn’t drink that much, So I learned to. That started it, the real problem. I became a worse drinker going to AA than I could imagine
  • 251.  27. There is no good reason to drink. If you can find a legitimately good reason. I’ll have one with you. Wait! Ths L.A. Raiders cheerleaders just invited us to their party!

Therapists don’t prescribe medication. He just talks to me and listen to me. Not a lot of people do that ya know. We did mock interviews I got a job and and car. I still get the suicidal stuff but as I get older it doesn’t matter as much. I had nice art show at a pretty good gallery. I painted famous people with mental illness. The idea was to show people we’re not that bad. Probation ended and I got my record expunged through legal aid. I’m looking for a job as a commercial artist so I can finally put my college education to use. I should, everybody else paid for it. Luvy found a program to moderate her drinking and every now and then we have a cocktail to get in the mood. Dad died of cancer and mom lived well into her 90s. I didn’t go to therapy for it. It was easy grieving.

    The therapist helped my by talking over what happened in jail. I was upset about it for a few days. Now it went away and I don’t really think about it. I also wrote about my life. That was hard. I’m beginning to accept and move past things. I am hoping the new place will be better. He said I have no positive memories of my past and wanted me to think of some. I’ve been thinking some up. I’m hoping to remember more and make some new ones. That is mental health treatment. He has to leave the clinic and is recommending me to the next counselor.

A positive memory of my past was when I sold all those paintings in the gallery. I felt on top of the world.

I’m not driving the car I bought, because it scares it. When I don’t know how to use something, it scares me. Like in art school. Like in art school, we had drills, we had wood, we had power saws and I had fingers. I got help with the assignment.

  • •        1.      223. Mom, don’t tell me to get over it, but I’ve had a hard life.
  • •        2.      
  • •        3.      Ok, this is a writers group amateur and professional. What are your prices to edit this? I gotta take a lot of stuff out before I get sued. Don’t worry I’ll pay for your attorney too. Let’s just hope the book does well.
  • •        4.      

Suffering mental illness is like suffering alcoholism. You’re not always suffering. Sometimes you’re having a lot of fun and people get bothered.  They send you to a hospital and you wake up in a bed and you wonder what you did the night before.

We’re so happy you got clean and sober. We’re gonna have some beers now.

  • 3.      224. This book has been illustrated as picture book for the abusive parents who are slow readers.

tnere was a lot of laughing when the therapist had me write my life but the crying was extremely painful. Now I’m starting to feel much better. Would’ve helped if my antidepressant prescription had been refilled sooner. That’s the healing power of treatment.

  • •        Your sister has her own family, home and career, she doesn’t want to be bothered, it’s not her responsibility to help you when you are homeless. Why does she have to help you? Morally, she should. I’m not good in that area either
  • •        We’re having a family meeting, no politics no religion. No guns. But they go hand in hand.
  • •        If you want to convince someone on a high level that you are correct, appeal to their sense or reason. If you want to persuade them, motivate and move them on the highest level, appeal to their sense of ethics.
  • •        Hey sis, did you hear about Timmy O’Mally from high school. All the other O’Mally’s beat him up and stole his money. There’s one in every family.
  • •        Your sister was in Australia, she took her yaucht here. Is drunk boatinlegal?
  • •        Your little brother is driving in from West Hollywood. Remember, don’t mention it.
  • •        The baby boy and his wife will walk, he’s still in the house we gave him. We have to pamper him a little. You can take care of yourself with all we have been giving you.
  • •        Your older brother is coming from the military base. You’d better be nice or else. He will facilitate the Meeting.
  • •        You’re other brother is not coming after you discovered facebook.
  • •        Remember, we want a serene adult gathering. Don’t throw the food!
  • •        Your other sister is mad at you for asking for food when you were homeless and hungry. She’s coming I taught her what you said about morals. You can work on yours too.
  • •        We’re Christian Republican family most of my children are but I like Joe Biden. He’s handsome and a good family man. That’s why we haven’t helped you. We wanted you to be a man and beg for food on your own.

Mom, I want you to stay out of my medical and psychological treatment. I know all those years you were trying to help but it further messed me up. You can’t be involved in my treatment or or. Medical issues. Listening to you and everybody else advise the doctor only messed up the broth. That’s why there’s only one client and one doctor for a reason. We don’t know everything. You don’t ‘tell a surgeon how to do his job, you don’t tell a brain scientist and you definitely don’t get access to the nuclear codes. Everybody ruined everything with good intentions, like the road to hell and I don’t want you to go there. I want you here with me, mom.

I did go to anger management, they say some really cool things. Don’t escalate, count to three, leave the room, stay away from the steak knives…

And I don’t go to AA anymore, I realized I don’t even like drinking. I just do my art and meet people that way.

So I’m asking you,  to need work on my life by myself and not have you do it for me, can you do that?

Doctor says we’re having beef sandwiches on Tuesday, that’s today. It’s gonna be at Serenity Forest, the good retirement home, not Central Fields where all the snooty people are. That one is no good. Don’t go there. They’re slow with lunch and they don’t have fish on Fridays. Mom. LET ME TALK DANNY! Mom, have you taken your meds?

One day in jail I saw an empty circle of chairs. So I sat on one of them and a black guy sat on another and then another black guy and even another. Not racist, but I did get nervous. I said, “Well you guys have something planned so I’ll just get going now.” A big one stood up and yelled “WHY?” Then the whole group showed up and one who seemed in charge started passing around church literature. Oh, I thought, a bible study.  I can do this. The service started and they all sang church songs really well with harmonies, backups and rhythms. Jesus is very popular in jail because when you haven’t been sentenced and you don’t know when you’re gonna get out and you’re around pathological dangerous people and you can’t get out. For some reason, you just wanna talk to God. We read the verses and I talked about them cause I know the Bible and I’m pretty smart. They really liked my input and thought I gave a good interpretation of the book of John than the ones they were used to. They asked me to come back so I did. Every day we sang and talked and read the bible and fellowshipped and looked mean. They gave me a commitment. After the Bible study they would all pray and say a word and do that football thing with our hands and arms. I got pick the word. Although I learned through trial and error, words like love and relationship didn’t go over well. They helped me out with food and writing materials. I shared my jokes with them and they laughed. We all became pals and they welcomed me into their group. I was like an affiliate. I became an honorary member of the black guys gang. Which was good to have around. When I was released, I just wanted to get the hell out of there. They all met me at the gate and asked why I didn’t say goodbye. I told them because I was in a hurry. They all said they really liked having me in the intensive jail and asked if we could meetup on the outs and where could they find me. I told them to look on the internet. I’m all over that damn thing. I wasn’t raised with blacks in my neighborhood. We were all religious and the Christians kicked them out. So I found a taste of a culture that was really nice. People are people some are kind some are charitable some are really hot and some are just plain mean. My pals in jail were really not that bad and if they every go on the internet and find me, I’d like to pray with them again. Too proud! Too strong!

The family meeting ended unanimously and mom moved me into a lush furnished apartment with a view in senior living. She recommended only the very best one. She would know.

The mark of the renaissance began when Italian artist, Filippo brunelleschi invented linear perspective seeing world from our own visual perspective. No one had really done that as well as him. Using straight lines and mathematics you calculate a three dimensional image on the two dimensional canvas plane. But Brunelsci fucked up in that he taught us to see the wor;d from only one point of view, our own. Picasso changed that but everyone freaked out brunelleschi

I made a friend in the mental institution. We didn’t really talk to each other much, mostly to oursevelves. He was a young man with bright red hair and fearing for his freedom.  I remember the girls liked him. He didn’t do well on the outside and became homeless. On a mistaken call the police showed up and six physically cops ruthlessly  beat him death. It was the most brutal thing the city had ever seen. The people of Fullerton  protested and charged the cops with murder. they were later declared not guilty. It’s hard to convict cops on anything. They knwo The city mourned. Sometimes it can be a crime just to be crazy.

Yeah, my mother’s pretty. She really was when she was younger. Then we had our differences, she got the house, I got homeless…

In LA, I became an extra in the movies and TV for about two years. All you need is an ID, no background check thank god. The sets were everywhere and hard to find and I had no car, I’d take a bus, carpool, practice my backstroke and never showed up late or missed a day. I never joined the extras union, because there was none. We were lowest on the totem pole. Everyone wanted to be famous, but I didn’t know how to act, on the set either. Some friends taught me method acting. They were poor too. Agency The agency wanted us to call ourselves background artists, because extra was an actor’s slur. But that just sounded like I was painting the set. There were a lot of young beautiful actresses from all over the world hoping to be discovered. I didn’t discover them but the directors did.

Comedy movies with a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny.

On on call I got to have a conversation with Leslie Neilson. The guy who does all the comedy movies a straight face. I made him laugh. It looked funny. 

I get star struck easily. So I don’t want to watch your play.

Mom had a restraining order and another guy from AA who tried to help me commit suicide with a gun. I don’t know why that’s not iilegal. Probably something the NRA pushed. I should’ve counted the bullets in the gun.

You can’t get work when you’re homeless, you have no clothes, no way to get there if it’s far… There’s only one job I can get.  Where? On the corner of Santa Monica Blvd. there’s opening for a prostitute. I won’t work. I can’t do it, no! Yeah you’re not good looking enough.

We want you to write all your resentments, your fears and your sexual experiences . That doesn’t sound right, why is my sex life included?. YOU WANT TO STAY SOBER DON’T YOU? TAKE DIRECTION? We want details. 

A suggestion is a subtle command. If jump out of a plane, I juggest you use a parachute. What if I suggest you jump off a. bridge because I do it?


I saw my childhood friend. Today

People are touchy. We lose friends, coworkers, relatives, husbands, wives over seemingly petty things and we never talk to them again. With our modern social media we block, blast, unfriend, send to junk mail or voicemail. In extreme cases there may even be a restraining order. In today’s technology, we have more ways to lose a friend than we have to make one. What was good then is now gone.

When I was a boy in grammar school, I made strong friendships, friendships that have lasted to this day. We grew together and formed our thoughts on politics, religion and philosophy, we did our chores and developed our work ethic. We established our academic goals, developed our talents and chose what our careers would be.  We decided what girls were pretty and who we thought would be right for each other. These principles have held with me to this day and neither those nor my friendship ever left me.  We founded strong meaningful ties that were to last a lifetime, and back then, the only requirement for those strong meaningful lifetime friendships was that we lived on the same block. It’s sad what we grow out of. 

Although the AA traditions claim a voluntary status, the average attendance at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is 50% court ordered. AA is not for people who need it, not for people who want it, not for people who do it, but for people who are forced to be there.

There are other ways you can attain good mental health without medication. You can watch your diet, you can exercise, maintain a healthy regiment, positive thinking and positive friends, rise and shine early, avoid carbohydrates, a productive work pattern, thrifty budgeting, practice assertiveness, positive communication, discern heathy relationships with significant others, take a course at the local college, work on your cognitive reasoning skills and keep boundaries from toxic people. But I figured that was too complicated. I’lll just take the pills.

When I was a kid, the teachers didn’t think I was a good artist because I didn’t work within the lines. They didn’t understand what I was doing. I’d play with the colors, the harmonies, the shapes, the composition, the texture, the design, the rhythms, the brush strokes, the emotional content, the feeling, the music of abstraction, the statement, the theme… and they wanted me to put all that In a box.

 After jail, I had a friend in a boarding home

He had cerebral paulsy

He was In a wheelchair and used to crawl around on the floor

When worked he worked as dj on the radio

We didn’t get along, so I took singing lessonst

Then after I hit bottom from my wife threatening to leave, a successful business, a master’s degree at UCLA, a two story House on the hill, a wonderful wife that I didn’t know before and four beautiful children and I owe it all to AA, the 12 steps and my parent’s trust fund. If you want what I got, you’ve my number

I have a personal policy that if anyone invites me to their church. I will go at least once. Unless its something like the Branch Dividians, then I stay and disappear.

 AA is for. People who want it, who need it and who do it, not for people who are forced to be there

 Terry – Luvy the. Milliionaire’s Wife from Gilligan’s Island. With husband.

Ciindy – Ax Murder

Mike NAZI uniform

Pat Truman Capote

Kevin – photo with arm’s around two women

Bob – Eddie Munster

Dan Joyce – main character – faded jeans – tennis shoes with art picture on it – black fedora with playing cards in brim – Ace of Spades Jack of Hearts 

 When she was a girl and two people were in a fight or an argument. She would pick a side and fight it to the death. Didn’t matter which one. You want her in your corner.

I’m not worried about a strike on my record. It took me 50 years to commit a felony. No it took them 50 years to catch you Dan Joyce

On a lot cheated grants, I went to Florence Italy on a study abroad program. I used to like to painting watercolor at the piazza square, iil was like an arty Italian mall, feeling like a genius and a master. I was be emerced by being there and shout, I’m a Genius, I’m a master. The I looked below me and saw perfect cross-hatched ink drqwing intensely detailed, more than I could ever do. It was being drawn a seven year old girl. There’s always someone better. I’m not the best, I try to be the best I can be, entertaining and interesting, like a midnight talk show host.

There’s an old economic theory that if you do hard work for a long time, you make a lot of money. Course the slaves got screwed on that one.

It ain’t right!! You doing her like that! Come on!  Seeing as I’m a lover and not a fighter. I’m not going to hit you. I’m just gonna keep on fucking your girlfriend.

Two nurses jumped him. They were the size of Football players. He’s In his mid-sixties I think. When he hit the ground, he left a pool of blood the size of a dollar bill. I went to call you on the phone and the nurse stopped me to my bed in leather restraint.

Would you like a trial decided by me or jury. I remember what I said to you in the last trial. I choose a jury.”

“She’s going around calling all of us brotherman. Your girlfriend has to go. She’s not my girlfriend, she followed me from the psyche ward. I was there last week. We just go to the open mics and play guitar, she’s a good singer. She stays all night in your room. I don’t know how to tell you this. You’re girlfriend’s a hooker. She’s talented though.”

As stated, after going to AA my drinking got bad. I was going to a lot of places, getting in trouble and bothering people. They started demanding that I quit. It’s a struggle though.  You don’t just up and quit drinking, up and quit smoking or lose 300 pounds without liposuction. Then came hard drinking

=Initially I include the sex scenes, but I left them out,they weren’t that good.

When the old-timer tried to tell you what he really meant in his share, he got hostile and through you out of me car. After the meeting he held a group conscious without you. You’re schizophrenic. You are being removed from Nicotine Anonymous. We no longer care that you quit.  

I don’t get writer’s block. Writing is like talking and I’ve got a lot to say.

I did the most drugs during my gangbanging days. I only remember the guns. Maybe I should join a gang through the NRA 

In a desperate effort to heal himself, an insane man writes the story of his life trying to figure out how he went insane.

 I understand you took 127 vicotin in an effort to kill yourself and I understand you thought 127 vicotine would do it. What I don’t understand is this, why did you count them?

You are blacklisted by the gallery for being schizophrenic and writing about us too much.

When I first met the leader the home group big book group, he immediately struck me as somebody my father wouldn’t want me to know.

You may not believe this, but there is good in the world. You just have to find it.

I remember every part of my life in detail, except when I joined a gang. Not because of the drug abuse, but that they hit me over the head too much.

It’s stream of conscious. You say it as you think it and you gotta be careful about that.

The visual outlay of the show and style of comedy are stream of conscious like Salvador 

Dali. He’s an amazing artist like Salvador Dali. He’s an amazing artist and it looks just like clocks melting. I’ve seen it.

 Buy me a drink, I’ll go home with you.

“You were important, but we didn’t do much. We didn’t even, kiss, no swapping gum, no no restraining orders carving our name in tree, 

 Buy me a drink, I’ll go home with you.

I usually keep my romantic relationships to myself. And I keep my jobs secret. I don’t want anyone to know I have money.

I think most people are uncomfortable with my store, the abuse and the drug, not because it’s not family mater, but but sadly they can find something they relate to. Everyone has bI  the same story. I jus got creative with it. I just got creative with it.

I think censorship gearst to certain cultural motive. Like racism. It’s hard for me to avoid. I was racist in,˙ a racist society, a racist society, culture, so I had it right there with me growing up. That’s where it all started.

After 2 years of shenanigans going back and forth with this now old timer asshole, I called to resolve, he turned me in. He bitch slapped me with his own spiritual steps. I was sentenced to cutting weeds with a ho. I pictured every weed was his head.

“It’s none of my business what other people think. What if they’re thinking it to everybody else behind your back?

  • 2.      You sitting there looking out the window.e  Why are you so sad? Do you see the brown leaves on that tree? The dying leave make depress you? No, when I got here they were green. 

Hey IDIOT!!! It’s me Dan!!! I’m on the internet telling you I’m sorry!!! I haven’t heard from you. This is a video of me in my room alone MISSING YOU!!! You know the number! PICK UP THE PHONE!!! I’m Sorry 

Until you stop taking medicine. You will always be a newcomer. Do I still get rides to and from the meetings, play softball in the park, eat ice creme, watch volleyball, cheese and cracker snacks, hot dogs, free hamburgers and hang outwith the guys? Yes. Ok I’m a newcomer. Sounds like your buying into it.

.  Struggling as a fine artist, I lived on Venice Beach to make it big.

Well enough about me what do you think of me?

I’ve been in jail nearly two months and I’ve had a lot of time to think and a lot of time to write. I can see where I was wrong. You gave me that house residence in the goodness of your heart trying to make things better and hoping with optimism and faith. I, in turn, yelled at you  and screamed from a hard life. You were really trying hard. I guess everyone can get upset every once in a while, but I shouldn’t have and too often. There are many to blame in a hard life, environment, society, etc… but inevitably the worst of which lies in one’s own. I love you mother for that effort unrecognized and the many others you’ve done.

302. It’s been nearly 50 days since I’ve been in jail paying already for what I have done. Initially things here went horrendously bad. The inmates found me extremely selfish, rude, disrespectful and even racial. They wanted to harm me or have me sent to a ward. Two men stepped in to help. One, whose name I can’t mention, was a head or at least high up in what the system showed to by the largest crime syndicate in North Orange County. He liked my writing, my art, my attitude and especially my honesty. The two men took me in their cell to babysit me. We got along well. Someone sent in a copy of one of my books and I became popular, because the inmates had never seen anything like that before. I went from jerk to the coolest guy in jail.

         The gangster wanted to help with my case and advise me. He immediately saw I have to apologize and love you. He made this clear, because if a man so feared, notorious, ruthless, cold-hearted and cold-blooded as he could love his mother, so can I. He knew I would someday miss you as he discreetly described murdered family members he could never make peace with or say goodbye to. I love you mother and I’m sorry. 

Your sister has her own family, home and career, she doesn’t want to be bothered, it’s not her responsibility to help you when you are homeless. Why does she have to help you? Morally, she should. I’m not good in that area either

Danny, I’m not immoral and definitely not evil. I go to the catholic church every morning, I read the bible, I say the rosary, I ask to send money. I just try to take care of you. You’re not well. You’re not like other people. You need someone to take care of your medicine. Your rooms are always dirty, you don’t get along with people. I’m just trying to help. You’re my baby. I’ve made arrangements and I want you to live with me. ”

No mom, I can’t live with you.”

“I can have the Mexican lady clean the house. She also cooks. We can get your medicine delivered from Walgreens the bubble pack is best, I can drive you to your clinic. What’s the name of that place?

No mom, we won’t get along. God knows what I would do to you. I didn’t tell you. I haven’t told anyone. Sometimes at around two in the morning in the middle of night, a on full moon, I grow hair all over my body and turn into a psycho killer.”

You always had the best sense of humor

I needed it to keep the bullies away and not beat me up.”

“It’s a nice thought, but no mom, I’m 56 years old. I don’t need to live with my mother. I don’t know anyone my age that does, except that one guy from elementary school who always peed his pants. He still does. If I live to be 100 and senile then maybe. But I can take care of myself. I have to go to anger management. God knows what I would do to you.I need to take care of you. Then don’t take everything away.

We’re having a family meeting, no politics no religion. No guns. But they go hand in hand.

I’m met her in a support group fresh out of jail. She wasn’t an alcoholic by their definition. We’d go out to clubs and she’d have a cocktail, just like dressing u and dancing. She did a small amount medical marijuana Her ex husband was AA and used it  court to w money from her and her child. So she hated AA. She’d try to get me to smoke pot with her, but I was on probation. That’s why she liked me, I’m an outlaw.

When I realized Alcoholics Anonymous had no way to fight any of its rules or traditions, I started breaking them to fight back. I got good at Facebook.

The lawyer kicked me out of AA mom. I don’t want anything to do with him. How much he take from you mom? The Fullerton Alano of AA won’t do anything about it, should I name names? You know I’m getting up in the years. It’s a family disease. One more thing Lynn, we’re getting up there, Hope you have a nice retirement. We’re not gonna. 

The reason the businessman and the mental patient can both be correct if they say the building on fire. It’s a basic logical fallacy, you are mistaking the person with the claim, because the truth is the truth no matter who says it. That’s good writing, should I show it to my lawyer?

So I was thinking Should I be a Bleeding Deacon or an Elder Statesman? I think you’re a dumb thug.

That was said in a meeting

Having this bipolar can sometimes feel like a better thing. I mean, really good. You feel like people feel on their wedding day and you get that feeling often. You can feel so remarkable and brilliant. But it’s also a curse. You can’t hide it. People can tell and it makes people scared of you. Mom, dad, my family, everyone. They get scared of me and I’m not one to want to make people scared of me. I want to go out in the world and be their friend. Like Caspar..

It’s not an obsessive body thing that makes someone drink compulsively. If you’re in AA it’s definitely psychological. They got you thinking about it all all the time, like a Christian thinks about Jesus all the time. Only they have you thinking about booze. And that’s gonna help you?

 You know mom, I think you were absolutely right. I never was an ugly kid. I just had some women break my heart.

 Ok, here’s the problem Prince Charming. You have a girlfriend. She’s beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, hot. She’s wealthy, her family is wealthy, her stocks are climing and she’s filthy rich. But you actually like her for her, you love her, the time you spend, you laugh, same interests, you know each other to a tee, you have an understanding. Everybody thinks your shallow, because you’re walking around with your trophy girlfriend and you wonder yourself. It’s almost a detriment for her to have those attributes. You and her both know you’re in love. But are you still going to have sex with her and spend some of that money? You’d be a fool not to!

You spell it out yourself. You had too many kids and you paid the price for it. We paid the price too. We didn’t get the hardship you had, but we were a good second place. I don’t if I got it more than the others but I think my sister got a lot. She doesn’t really talk about but sometimes she does and I don’t blame her. She doesn’t want to relive it. She doesn’t want to dwell upon it and she doesn’t want to get smacked upside the head!

Ok mom, you wanted me to get mental health. Mental health is not just taking medicine and not smoking pot. Those are important. But you wanted me to get therapy and I wanted you out of it, because of the past, and I wanted to do it. This is what I learned from it. The conviction was not from smoking pot, it’s not known to do that, and I was taking medicine so you can rule that out. After a lot of sessions, we concluded it was good old anger. It had been building up for a long time and it got too extreme. My college dreams were shattered and I was losing everything. I tried to contact the family for help and the phones just rang. We’d been fighting for years. My situation had no way out and the smallest match on the gasoline went boom. Bricks fly through the windows.

Think of it like a steam kettle boiling water. The lid is off and it just boils, al lot of steam that’s all. Say there’s a whole in the lid like a steam pot and some goes out and whistles. But what happens if the lid the pot has room to vent. It blows over and this can be a problem. Understand? Look at my little brother and my older sister. They get mad yell sometimes maybe, but they let a little out. This is called venting. It’s uncomfortable, but OK. Oldest sis, other little brother? Exercise, one of the healthiest things you can do. Older brother, behind your back, that’s called passive-aggressive. Baby brother holds it in, turns it against himself, tears him up probably the worst thing you can do. You and I are steam pots with the lid tightly closed. Much like a bomb. When it builds up we break sometimes hospitals, maybe violent. That’s just what happens to you. When it happens to me, the whole fucking city knows. 

Can’t you just move past all that? I don’t want to analyze everything. You wanted me to go to therapy mom.

So then the jail Rape memories go away? No the just get real small. What happens to them? They become part of your story? What??? I’m not telling that fucking shit at a meeting!!! No people you trust, in confidence. Oh, like hey! Did ever tell you about the jail rape?

That’s one of things I do . When I get mad I go on social media and attack the whole city. Whe don’t need that kind of technology and we definitely don’t need a gun shop.

Mom says I blame a lot. I don’t understand. Maybe accuse or poke at?

The common idealogy of any addiction is an outdated theory that you think about it a lot and your body makes you do it. How can your body make you have beer. My body makes me hungry, my body makes me have sex, but how does. my body make me go to the bar and have a beer? That would explain singles bars.

AA has a 5% success rate. Sounds crazy, but I’ve seen it. Those 5% really turn their lives around. 

Why didn’t you discuss the jail rape with the first therapist. She was really good looking. She wanted me to talk about it right away. I felt it wasn’t right to bring up sex on the first session.

Don’t you have any positive memories of your life? So I wrote pages and pages and pages trying to find one.

 Your baby brother has a sensitive condition. When people saw mean thing, he feel like he’s being punched in the stomach. I’m like that too. When people hit me, it really feels like I’m getting hit.

I got news for you, you’re not going to the bar just to see her. She’s not into you and you’re not into her. You’re in love, but with the mirrors, the shiny bottles, the piano player, the barstool. That’s who you’re in love with.

This is LSD. Your art is about to take a whole new direction.

It’s been 20 years since you’ve drank done drugs. It can’t be affecting you anymore. All that stuff has let your system.by now. Any questions. Yeah, can I get a refill.

How do you like having a show in the colony? It’s great! It’s like a huge party, people drink, socialize, make friends,sometimes women,,express my art freely. People find out you’re mentally ill and they don’t want anything to do with you. ==

Congressman, what do you think about having a behavioral services clinic clinic in our city? We used to have one, but someone realocated the money.

Then one day, I met the love of my life. She was bold she was beautiful, she was bolar like me. You can already see how that one ends.

 Most of these people who commit those atrocities aren’t from mental illness. It’s evil. I know I don’t in God, but I can’t deny there’s evil in the world. Look at history, read the paper, watch TV. Spy on your neighbors. We have an evil problem.

I write, I paint, do arty stuff because I want to be famous mom. I want to.be in the papers, on tv, in the newspapers, read about me in school, talk on the internet.. I want people to know I was here. I don’t want be tossed off hidden in society sending messages in a bottle. I want to be like a rock star. But first, I gotta make some noise. Previous philosopher couldn’t do that without modern technology. I’m gonna carve my name in every rock in the cave. Og was here!

Why are you staring at me in my nighty? Because I’m male. What do you want me to be? A woman? Gay? Religious? Whatever you’re intoi?

 you’re into

I don’t drink, I’m scared of drinking, Just like I’m scared of my new.car. That’s not good to be scared of your car. You don’t get anywhere that way.

I know you from AA and I know you from the music store. I don’t need AA but always I’ll need guitars. You know you can trade them for drugs. What did I do last night? And what happened to my guitar?

 It’s like AA writing, but I try to show some answer. Like if your in a court trial to be committed, maybe take your meds, because AA isn’t going to show up in court to defend you. Your honor, he’s an alcoholic.

I have a support group to help you get out of AA and all the problems it caused you. We’re focusing on sex violations.

I’ve been in life skills group for eight months. When do I learn how to cook? 

 Consider your husband alcoholic, he’s a sick person and treat them as such. Let him rest in bed cook for him do the cleaning maybe get the better job. If he cheats on you, be understanding . Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 1935

Consider your husband alcoholic, he’s a sick person and treat them as such. Let him rest in bed cook, for him do the cleaning, maybe get the better job. If he cheats on you, be understanding . Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book 1935

Can I smoke? Because if you want me to quit drinking, You’d think you’d want me to quit smoking too. Old timer Al Died today at the age of 52. Our beloved fellowship will always miss him. He helped so many young men.

 You said something in a meeting that touched turning my life around forever. What was it? I don’t remember.

I went to school and did my homework. I went the therapy and got better, I did internshps, even traveled over sees. AA didn’t do any of that, but now they want the credit. They just took my time and talked about God.

Pray to God and he will provide plentiful. I know, one time I tossed a penny in the well and I found a hundred dollar bill.

You said something in a meeting that touched turning my life around forever. What was it? I don’t remember.

The fact is that anybody can moderate their drinking, they just don’t want to and they are being told they can’t. One beer proves it. But AA will call me a newcomer. What if I have two? Bad things will happen?

I thought about what you fellas told me and was sure to be fine. Then I stopped by my favorite roadside burger stand. It occurred to me a beer with my burger wouldn’t be bad. So I had one. The experiment went so well I had another and another and another… About 10 or 20 beers and burgers later things got blurry. I can recall being in Tijuana selling heroin for a dangerous Columbian Cartel. Then I was in the back of a jet smoking weed with Snoop Dogg. Finally, it all came to an end in a Penthouse Apartment smoking meth while being tag-teamed by two Brazilian supermodels. You fellas sure know your stuff! Once have that first roadside burger beer, I don’t know what will happen. 

 Art is a lottery profession. It’s very much like gambling, you Don’t know what you’ll get back so you take a chance. Entrepreneurs take risks all the time for the American dream. Maybe build a business or a good portfolio. They don’t know what’s gonna happen eiher. Like playing roulette, maybe you win something, maybe you lose something. You put your best stuff on the line and maybe some lesser stuff to see if anybody likes in, but it’s up to the people and you can’t control people. You can play no chips at all and never know what could have happened. You just wonder and go through life knowing that you never tried. Like the parable of the talents that Jesus said and I think I’ve got some talent. Put it on number seven!

I was sent to institutions, government home, hospitals, detoxes and you’re telling me it was the art that made me poor?

Life is like making a painting. You’ve got one canvas to paint, brushes and paint, not the best but what you’ve got to work with. Maybe scenery, a model,  something to draw from and work with. Usually you’ve been taught by someone, a parent, a teacher, best friend, so you’re blind to this, but you learn the best stuff comes from within. Then you get to the moment you realize you can paint anything you want. It’s your painting and you’ve got one shot at this and you will be remembered. Don’t fuck it up!

A good mental health and recovery program can 3nrich and fulfill your life, Be careful! You may be offered something that’s not good. Don’t sign your life away.

A guy gets drunk goes  driving kills two people. He goes to a lawyer who gives him a court card and sends him to AA instead of prison Stops drinking. He lives with it for the rest of his life. Prison is bad, but when prison is in your head, you can go insane. I’m an alcoholic. Thank you for letting me share.

Colonel Mustard in the billiard room with Miss Peacock

The case was closed in 1946. He did all the necessary rehabilitation. Now he’s turning himself in. What does he want us to do? Tar and Feather. 

If I-I-I-I-I had the chance I would B=B=B =Beat and K-K-K-Kill a C-C-C-Crazy M-M-Man M-M-Myself. You’re just drunk.ts

N-N-N-No -C-C-C-Crazy P-P-P-People and N_No B=B=B=B=Blacks.T-T-T-T-Hier L=L=L=Lives D-D-D-Don’t M=M=M=Matter. I-I-Its M-M-M-My G-G-G-Gallery. N-N-Now G-G-G-Go!!!!

Why is Mental Health Awareness so Important to Me?

In 2011 I was new to the Magoski Arts Colony or basically the Fullerton Art Walk. The community was in a frenzy of protests after the police beating and murder of schizophrenic homeless man, Kelly Thomas. I had been in a psychiatric hospital myself with Kelly, he was my roommate, and from my experience of some of the psychiatric system as well as the coldness of the Fullerton community itself, it seemed to me that he was killed for having a severely misunderstood illness. I soon met his father, Ron Thomas, and told him of the troubles I had had myself. At the time there was a news station interviewing people, but I declined because I didn’t know much about the case. The community, however, didn’t feel his schizophrenia was that important and many protestors were cruel and discriminatory to us themselves. Anyway, the artists of the colony tended to identify various causes to represent their art. Some chose police brutality as was the obvious issue of the case, others had different themes like gay rights, animal rights or feminism. I decided the time was right to represent mental health Awareness. There were some problems, a key promoter harassed me severely and when I responded on Facebook he sent two police to my door. This is the same promoter who created the show focusing on the death of Kelly Thomas and  actively fights against bad cops and police brutality who sent them to my door to rough me up. Nonetheless, I saw I would sometimes be in for a fight,

I learned early in my life being in institutions and run down boarding homes that it would be easy to just give up. In fact, most do. But I saw that I was a part of a small community of people who were being mistreated and sometimes abused who I could represent as one of them, stand up and say something about all of this. It had to be me, because many weren’t going to and sadly because of the severe nature of of some of these illnesses, a lot of them couldn’t. Some things I’ve seen besides the health of Kelly? I’ve been in institutions where we were barely bathed, fed worse than jail food, slept around like animals and were beaten and abused by thug nurses with low qualifications  and treated us like and called us criminals. In one, they jumped a 60 year old man forcing him to the ground and leaving a pool of blood. I tried to call patient’s rights and was strapped down to my bed with leather restraints. I was eventually able to report it and that so called nurse was removed but I was stuck in there with all his coworkers. I went to court and was able to get out. In a room and board residential living we were barely able to laundry, hardly bathed and some residents left urine and feces all over the bed. Due to tough love type therapy, family members were discouraged from aiding or helping us out and were were basically left there to rot. 

There was a bench where Kelly was murdered and a streetlamp covered with flowers and photos of him. I would sit on the bus stop nearby waiting for my ride thinking it had been 15 years since I knew him in that Hospital. We were being conserved, that is the state was taking control of me, my living arrangements, where I could physically go and what would happen to  me if I had an episode. They won the case, I never met that state conservator who was controlling my life but talked to her on the phone twice in a year. Kelly was being put in the hands of his family to conserve him. Honestly, at the time he seemed no more than a troubled young man.  What led up to his murder, seems blank. But I would sit there at that bus stop looking at his grave memorial thinking we had been in the same place at the same time going the same direction, did he really mess up that bad or am I just getting lucky?

The mental health system can be ugly, there’s treatment and there is abuse. It can be about moving forward or about giving up stuck. The solution as I see it lies in the whole population. Yes police reform to stop them killing us or any minority they hate, but that is a whole other problem society is already trying to tackle. The problem attacking those of us in the mental health community is ignorance. People just don’t know! When I tell people I’m bipolar or schizoaffective I”m thinking Silver Linings Playbook, they’re thinking Hannibal Lecter. The movies, the media and overall misunderstanding creates fear. Fear that kills people like Kelly. Science has also to be accepted. I don’t know how many faith healers I’ve run into from churches, twelve step groups and other self help groups. Even most devoutly religious can agree, if you pray about it, it doesn’t go away. Issues with the pharmaceutical companies aren’t helping, but we’re not taking oxycodone or Vicodin. We’re taking researched medicine to adjust brain imbalances that many of us were born with. 

I think education is the answer and desperately needed. If the high schools, community colleges, maybe approach the churches and self help groups that still do a lot of good. No teacher wants more on their curriculum to have to deal with,  but if we could understand what Johnny is doing or going through then maybe we can stop him before he hangs himself. That would be a life saved and invaluable. 

So what am I doing now? I’ve been working a job at a local grocery store. I told my boss of my condition and he allows for time off so I can see my doctor, my therapist and adjust to meds when needed. He also limits my hours so I am still eligible for medical-medicare and disability benefits. I actively go to a mental health clInic for psychiatric treatment, therapy, groups like anger management and life skills and regular medical doctors and practices. I had a recent art show Beautiful Minds — 50 people who have suffered mental illness, current and from history. It was extremely profitable and successful. Because of the nature of the sales, it looks like I’ve started an emerging internet business. I live with a roommate renting my own room in her condo and it looks like I’ll be buying a car and driving again soon. It was hard, it was a maze to figure out, but I took the steps necessary to recover. Many can’t and many won’t recover, the system is just not rigged in our favor. I do feel like one of the lucky ones and yes, I believe more should and more could, but it can change when we change and taking the time to teach and lean about it is where we begin.

I will always be and artist, it’s what I’m good at and what I followed through. But as an artist, I will represent the importance of mental health. As such, I will always mention Kelly Thomas and the impact of his murder on my art. Somethings we cause and somethings we can prevent, but somethings should never have had to happen.  

Why is Mental Health Awareness so Important to Me?

Layering Your Watercolor Painting

I’ve been using a new process for my watercolor painting. That is layering. I first realized the importance of layering using a photoshop program called fresco that is designed to mimic watercolor painting and quite magnificently. But when I used a similar process on actual watercolor paints and paper, I have been very impressed with the results. Just think of layering the way you use iayers in photoshop, one on top the other.

First sketch out your image. DO NOT USE A PENCIL OR A BALLPOINT PEN!!! IT WILL SMEAR. I recommend using a black Micron pen. I usually use a size 2. Sometimes when your done people will still be able to see the initial sketch, maybe paint over all your marks, but I like the sketch somewhat visible. I also recommend using high quality paper, preferably Arches cold pressed watercolor paper 140 pound. Paper quality is crucial for durability and preserving whiteness.

The second step is to create a large grand wash with your one inch flat brush. Remember accuracy isn’t as important in this layer wash because you will be painting over parts of it. Your goal here is to create the composition. Use a lot of water with your colors and in parts maybe more paint to create a dramatic effect. Let the paint dry for 25 or 30 minutes, maybe more depending on how much water you use. You will be doing a lot of this in the process. So grab a sandwich, make a cup of coffee, have a cigarette and relax.

When the first layer is dry, come I with your round brush sized #7 to #12 sable brush depending on the size of your painting. In this layer you will be making more and darker hues, but be cautious not to make the application too bold all over. Sometimes this can be the finishing process, depending on what you’re drawing and what you like. Pay close attention to shape, shadow and color. You are really defining your subjects at this point in the game. I would say medium shades and hues, but in some parts bold applications of color and shadow. Avoid using the color black. Be more colorful! Again, take a 20 or 30 minute break while the painting dries. I like to have it a little wet when I return to let the colors run in some places.

Finally, the last layer is for your detail with your finest sable brush. This would definitely be your #2 or #3. By the way, I recommend camel hair brushes. Winsor & Newton have some terrific series brushes for this depending on how much you want to spend. I also recommend their watercolor paints. Cotman, the student grade, is quite affordable. So come in with your darkest boldest colors with the fine brush, but be sparing. Some colors appear more dark to the eye like pthalo blue others like Lemon yellow will look lighter. However, try not to highlight with the light colors too much, that is what the white of the paper is for. Again, avoid using black. I like to outline a lot when painting this layer, it’s not photographic, but creates a nice illustrative effect. Let the painting dry while you take your final break for maybe an hour or so on the final layer. Then if your paper is small enough you can scan it in and adjust it on photoshop. I like to use  the  Photoshop Levels feature to richen my colors. Then post it to your favorite social media and show your friends! That’s it and it’s a lot of fun!

For more fun in art, please visit my website DAN JOYCE artworks at danjoycart.com


Visit my Etsy store for affordable art by me! https://www.etsy.com/shop/DanJoyceArtGallery

The Man From the Past

Purchase Print $20

The Man From the Past

I sat amongst a crowd

Of heavy smoking people

In the basement of a church

Beneath the heavy steeple

Telling jokes that were not funny

And asking me for money

It was there that I first saw him

Beneath the lowly shade

He wanted once to kill me

And bury me for dead

And now it’s he that haunts me

Deeply in my head

He saw and recognized me

In the shadow he remained 

We did not speak a word

Or say each other’s names

I turned and ran so quickly

I fiercely ran away

From the man who wants to kill me

From the man who holds my grave 

And so it was my past returned

And gently I escaped

From the man from the past

As I now walk away


Artisan 2 etsy

Purchase Print for $20


Walking walking walking

As I must go on

Hammering the pavement

Pounding on the ground

As the cement hits my feet

Walking down the street 

From the home I left behind

To the house I’ll find

From lovers family and past friends

To start up once again 

Where is this road that leads me

Wherever shall I be

I must just keep on walking

Until the day I’m free

It is then the day will greet me

I’ll find the kingdom come

Till then I’ll just keep walking

Walking till I’m done

You Once Was a Big Shot

Artisan 1

Purchase Print for $15.00


You Was Once a Big Shot

You was once a big shot

For everyone to know

A singing actor on tv

And on the radio

You’d flash your money all around

In everyone’s face like so

And all the women gathered round

Everywhere you’d go

Your cars the finest motors

Your clothes all tailored fit

You laughed at all the others

You thought you were the shit

You boasted into politics

and the celebrity gossip paper

You let no poor man near you

High on your skyscraper

But then the show it had to end

And you weren’t really needed

It’s time to say goodbye my friend

Your showtime has exceeded

You lost the house you lost the car

Your shallow friends are gone

We all know just who your are

When the time has come

No you don’t look so happy

In your now impoverished way

Every pigment has it’s color

Every dog has his day





Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Liberty Belle – interactive musical manuscript


Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle


© Dan Joyce 2018

Contact by commenting below. I review all comments before they can be posted. Mention if you want the comment private or email me at danjoyce.dj@gmail.com


Character List


in order of appearance

Belle O’Brien – Liberty Belle


Worker – hospital psychtech

patient – patient in hospital

voices – auditory hallucinations heard by Belle

Sharon Johnson – patient Belle fights with

speaker –  loud speaker in hospital

Dennis Hood – social worker

Karen Hope – Belle’s case manager

Dr. Marco – Belle’s psychiatrist

Prosecuting attorney – attorney in Belle’s conservatorship hearing

Public Defender – Belle’s lawyer

Judge Channey – the judge


Monkey – a hallucination of a monkey with a British accent

Juror – member of the jury appointed to represent the jury

Pops – owner and manager of Belle’s group home

Cindy – Belle’s roommate

Woody Black – folk singer

stranger – one line in pub

girl – same as above

Red – owner of Red’s Pub where Woody and Belle sing

Johnny Cash – famous singer who discovers Belle

agent – Johnny Cash’s agent

producer – TV producer for Christmas show


announcer at concert




Opening Song Life Without Soul

(sung by narrator)



Verses: D Em G E

Chorus: Am C G D

Just today I lost a song inside my shattered mind

Jesus prayed to Father, Father why you so unkind

and then a fool asked me straight, “Did Jesus really die?”

I told him point blank, “I don’t really know.”

its Life without soul

Love spoken cold

like meat rotten old

Life without soul

The other day she said no words, but looked me in the eye

I puffed my smoke and then I wondered why

and so unkind I lost my mind four days into hell

The guards all said, “You play the role so well.”

its Life without soul

Love spoken cold

Like meat rotten old

Life without soul

And now I see I’ve got to be a spirits mystery

‘cause when they try you know they lie inside

Just today I lost a song inside my shattered mind

Jesus prayed to Father, Father why you so unkind?


The first scene opens showing a large city showing the common views of the buildings from above, to the businesses, to the back alleys where people are shooting dice, cars driving by, homeless people and finally leading to the front gate of an institution reading, “California State Mental Hospital”. The camera follows the patients through the hallways to the cafeteria where Belle sits waiting to eat.


Narrator:This is the hospital,  California State Mental Hospital. As you can see it isn’t a very pretty place. Over one-hundred patients room here. Some stay a short while, get better and leave to new places. Others, well… never seem to make it and the hospital becomes a way of life for them, a very sad, frightening and lonely way of life. It is the home of Miss Belle O’Brien, a beautiful young woman lost to a world she doesn’t know. This is the story of how a bit of care and a bit of hope can change her world forever.


(Belle is talking to herself in a conversation with nobody there.)

Belle: You’re not my mother! Oh yeah! Well phooey.(she laughs)

Worker:Belle keep it down!

Patient:Belle is so lost. Sometimes her voices get so loud she can’t even hear a real person speaking to her.

(The worker passes out trays of food.)

Worker:Tate, Johnson, O’Brien…

(The patients get their food. Belle remains seated laughing.)

Worker: Belle O’Brien! You better get up here now or you’re not going to eat!

(Belle continues laughing as she gets her food)

Voice: Its not chicken! Its a marshmallow cookie!

(Belle laughs)

Belle: How do you know?

(Sharon Johnson sits across the table and glares)

Belle: I’m not your sister! She’s dead!

Sharon: Stop talking to me like that fool!

Belle: I’m talking to the angels. Not you.

(They begin to eat. Belle looks up at Sharon.)

Sharon: What are you looking at witch?

(Sharon throws up the table and hits Belle repeatedly. Belle wrestles her down and starts pulling her hair.)

Speaker: Code red in the dining room. Code red in the dining room.

(Three workers pull the two apart as Belle scratches Sharon and pulls her hair.

Two social workers appear at the scene.)

Dennis: Belle again! You’re going into seclusion this time O’Brien!

(Belle struggles with the workers as they drag her into a room and lock her in.)

Belle:I didn’t do anything wrong! She started it! You’re the crazy ones! You belong in here, not me! I was kidnapped. I want to call the police right now!

(The door slams shut in a room with one small window. Belle hits the door and kicks the wall until she is tired. She calms down and begins to sing.)






is just another word

not said by those I’ve heard

have families and kids to play

lovers to love day by day

in their lives so far away

from me


is just a state of mind

that happens to be mine.

Insanity and vanity

Voices that just talk to me

Can’t someone

ever reach me

And life plays silly little games

and so they call them sane

But who’s to say

they’re less insane than me


is such a horrid word

in such a frightening world.

Can’t anyone see

Can anyone be

a simple friend

to me.


(two social workers talk about Belle after the incident)

Dennis: She’s so far gone, I doubt she’ll ever get out of here.

Karen: Where’s she from?

Dennis:We don’t know. She says she’s from Disneyland. We have no background records of a family, a home or anything.

Karen: How did she end up here?

Dennis: She was homeless and delusional living in LA inside of a cardboard box. The police picked her up harassing people for money and food. At first they thought she was drunk or on drugs, but she tested clean.

Karen: Paranoid Schizophrenia. How long has she been here?

Dennis: She’s been in this facility for six years. Prior to that she was in an adolescent ward.

Karen: Does she have any friends?

Dennis: She stays to herself. In fact I don’t think she’s had a visitor since she’s been here. We have very little information about her at all.

Karen: Does she ever call anyone?

Dennis: When she first came, she kept calling 911 saying she was kidnapped. We have to keep taking her phone privileges away.

Karen: Has she made any friends here?

Dennis: Like I said, she stays to herself speaking and listening to auditory hallucinations, sometimes she even sings to them. She says their angels. Those are the good ones, but when she hears the bad ones its horrifying. She screams in torment. I can’t imagine what she goes through. We have to put her in the holding room constantly. She really is fisty and quick to get into a fight, like you just saw.

Karen: Schizophrenia alright! Put her on my case load.

Dennis: No problem! …and you are?

Karen: Karen, Karen Hope. I’m the new case manager. I’d like to work with Belle.

Dennis: Glad to have you Karen. I’m Dennis Hood.


In the next scene Karen sits behind a desk in a small office writing charts on her patients. She hears a shuffle outside the room and opens the door. Belle stands outside the room twitching her head, moving her eyes rapidly and mumbling to herself.

Karen: Belle! I’ve been waiting for you. Come in!

(Belle stares whispering nonsense. Karen takes her hand, but Belle jerks it away.)

Karen: Have a seat Belle! Its O.K.

(Belle stares at Karen oddly.)

Karen: Its safe, really!

(Belle enters the room and takes a seat.)

Karen: Would you like the door open or closed?

(Belle mumbles twitching her jaw and head.)

Karen: Do you know how old you are?

(Belle murmurs to voices)

Karen: Do you know when you were born? You’re birthday?

(Belle remains silent and moves her eyes around Karen’s face.)

Belle: Whoare you?

Karen: My name is Karen Hope. I’m going to be working on your case. You can call me Karen. Now then, do you know why you’re here?

(Belle moves her lips in a talking motion. She shakes her head around playing with her hair and fidgets in her seat.)

Karen: Belle! Belle!

(Belle looks at Karen intensely)

Belle: You’re beautiful.

Karen: Thank you Belle.

Belle: I’m God Blessed. Do you know what it means to be God Blessed?

Karen: No, tell me.

Belle: God talks to me and the angels, all of them.

Karen:Those are voices Belle, hallucinations. They’re not real.

Belle: NO! I’m not crazy! They talk to me, lots of them and I know movie stars and famous people and even the pope. I’m God Blessed.

Karen: Do you know where you’re from Belle?

Belle: I was born in the city of Disneyland.

Karen: Belle,(pause)Disneyland isn’t a city.

Belle: No! I’m from the city of Disneyland and my mother had to give me away because she was sick and had a brain disease. So she gave me away to the people and I went to school in the city of Disneyland and the angels came to talk to me, but the people got mad and I ran away and…

Karen: Who are the people?

Belle: The people in the city of Disneyland where I lived

Karen: That’s fantasy Belle.

Belle: No its not! Its true!

(Karen pauses)

Karen: Belle do you know your times tables?

Belle: I think so

Karen: What is 2 X 5?

Belle: 10

Karen: What’s 6 X 6?

Belle: 36

Karen: 9 X 7?

Belle: 63

Karen: What is the square root of 169?

Belle: uh…13

Karen: If X-5=9 what is the value of X

Belle: 14

Karen:Who was John Stienbeck?

Belle: a writer

Karen: Sigmund Freud?

Belle: a psychiatrist

Karen: Scott Joplin?

Belle: a piano player, ragtime

Karen: Pablo Picasso

Belle: abstract artist

Karen:Ulysses S. Grant

Belle: General of the Civil War and later a president.

Karen: Why do Arabs where white clothing in the sun?

Belle: Because black and dark colors would absorb the desert heat whereas white reflects the light.

Karen: What is the Big Bang Theory?

Belle: a theory about the evolution of the beginning of the universe

Karen: In music, what are the Bass and Treble Clefs?

Belle: Treble are the high notes and Bass are the low notes

Karen:Why was the Civil War fought?

Belle: To free the slaves

Karen: Belle you’re brilliant! How did you know all that without a formal education?

Belle: I like to read books and do crossword puzzles. Oh, and I like to watch Jeopardy

Karen: Amazing! I’d like to help you Belle, but you’re going to have to co-operate with me. This is going to have to be a team effort, both working together. I’ve been reviewing your chart. We have a lot to work on: poor social skills, listening to voices, non-med. compliant, uncontrollable and violent anger, and your depression. I want to help you. I care and I don’t think you’ve ever really had a chance. Do you want to get better Belle?

Belle: Alright

(Belle giggles to herself)

Karen: What’s funny?

Belle: Whitney Houston put a tuba in her nose and then she sneezed and it went THOOM!

(Belle laughs and leaves the room.

Karen places her pencil against her cheek.)

Karen: Hmm, God Blessed.


In the next scene, Karen is in an office meeting with Dennis Hood and the facility psychiatrist Dr. Marco.


Dennis:Sharon Johnson consistently acts out in group, starts fights and makes gestures to harm herself. I don’t think she’s ready for another hearing. I’d give her six more months at least.

Dr. Marco: I agree. Six months it is.

Dennis: What about Belle? She’s still a babbling idiot.

Karen: Belle is a lovely and brilliant young lady. I’d like to request extra time to work with her.

Dr. Marco: We can’t afford that.

Karen: But she has so much potential. If you only knew…

Dennis: Karen, you’re very new at this. The first rule of therapy is not to become attached to the patient. We’ve all noticed how much interest you’ve shown in Belle. They’re not like regular people. She’s mentally ill, sick, and should be treated as such. We have to keep them in line.

Karen:You speak of her as if she’s not even human. Belle is a frightened and lonely girl. She needs the extra effort.

Dr. Marco: Dennis is right Karen. We’ve all been noticing how you’ve become far too attached to this patient. Its not safe.

Karen: If I can help just one client, if I can save just one life, then I will know that I am right for this job. Belle is flesh and blood woman. She just needs that one person to believe in her. (Karen begins to sing)


Somebody to be their Someone


Chords: C C G F G F

Bridge: Am G F G F G Am

Everybody has to have a somebody to be their someone

and when its all done

What do they say?

Don’t nobody want to have a nobody to be their no one

‘cause when its all done

Its not the same

Time plays a fool

Only way to keep it cool

and nobody will ever lose

in the game

When a somebody has nobody to be their no one

Then they’re a lone one

And that’s a shame

But when a nobody finds somebody to be their someone

That’s the real fun

When its that way

Life is a rose

That nobody will care to know

Plant your seeds along

and watch them grow

Everybody has to have a somebody to be their someone

And she needs someone

in these days.

(As Karen sings, scenes flash of Karen educating Belle with books, socials, groups and individual therapy)

Dr. Marco: Alright Karen. You can have this one, but be careful!


In the next scene Karen and Belle are in the patients lounge talking.

Belle: The voices are real.

Karen: No! You suffer from an illness called schizophrenia. It makes your mind act like its on drugs. You hallucinate, hear things, think that people are out to get you…

Belle: But I’m not on drugs. I don’t do drugs. I never have.

Karen: For some reason your brain is producing an abnormal chemical imbalance. It reacts in you like a drug. That’s what causes it.

Belle:But the voices, they’re so real. I actually hear them.

Karen: That’s hallucination. You think its real, but its not.

Belle: How do I make them stop?

Karen: One way is to take your medicines like you’re supposed to and not cheeking them and spitting them out in the toilet.

Belle: How did you know about that?

Karen: Its the oldest trick in the book Belle.

Belle: But what if I take the medicines and still hear the voices?

Karen: Ignore them! If you don’t listen to them, you can’t really hear them, now can you?

Belle: I’ve got something to show you.

Karen: What?

(Belle leads Karen over to the piano)

Belle: I’ve been practicing the piano. Listen!

(Belle sits down and plays an instrumental solo on the piano)

song: Love Knot

piano instrumental

Narrator: As time passed, Belle became more of a young lady. She walked away from fights reporting incidents of violence to the staff. She became more assertive, polite and clear spoken. She struggled with the voices, but remembered Karen’s words, “Take the medicines and try to ignore them.”


In the next scene Karen, Dennis and Dr. Marco are in an office meeting.

Dr. Marco: You want to what?

Karen: I’d like to help Belle take her case to court. I think she’s ready for the real world.

Dennis: No! Absolutely not! I’m going to fight you on this one Karen. That girl has a history of antics miles long. I won’t let you do it!

Karen: All she needs is a chance. She’s developed adequate skills. Give her a break!

Dennis: Can she cook? Shop? Handle money? No! It just won’t work!

Karen: We could set her up in a group home, a half-way house where she could learn these things.

Dr. Marco: True. She’s up for a hearing anyway. I’ll call the public defender’s office and set a court date.

(Karen leaves the office and walks into Belle’s room where Belle is sitting on her bed.)

Karen: Belle, how would you like to be free?

(Belle’s eyes light up)

Belle:Do you think you can do it?


In the next scene, Belle is in a small court room. The bailiff announce the case. Judge Channey watches Belle as she looks around the room and sees herself on a TV in the court room.


Prosecuting Attorney: The prosecution states that the Public Guardian’s Office and case worker Dennis Hood insist that the defendant Miss Belle O’Brien remain in a locked facility for at least one year. The prosecution calls to the stand case worker Dennis Hood.

Bailiff: Mr. Hood, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

Dennis: So help me God.

Attorney: Mr. Hood, you have been observing Belle in the care of the state hospital for approximately six years. Is this true?

Dennis: Yes, it is.

Attorney: And during this time, how would you describe Belle’s character?

Dennis: Psychotic, usually in no contact with reality, hallucinations both audio and visual, violent temperament, rude, disgusting, no respect for anyone, non-med. compliant and extremely dangerous.

Attorney: Would you consider Miss O’Brien a harm to others

Dennis: yes

Attorney: Is she a possible harm to herself?

Dennis: yes

Attorney: Would you consider her gravely disabled?

Dennis: definitely

Attorney: The prosecution rests. The defense is open for questioning the witness.

Public Defender: Mr. Hood have you noticed any significant progress in Belle’s behavior within the past six months

Dennis: Some, but too mild. Just a few months ago we had to seclude her for a fight she got into in the cafeteria. She was scratching the girl with her fingernails and trying to pull out her hair.

Public Defender: How would you describe her behavior now?

Dennis: As I stated, some progress, but not significant enough for standard society. She needs more structure than that.

Public Defender: Thank you, Mr. Hood. The defense calls to the witness stand Miss Belle O’Brien.

Bailiff: Miss O’Brien do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Belle: I do

Public Defender: Belle, if you are to be set free, what plan of action do you have to take care of yourself?

Belle: I would buy a house and live in it and cook and clean and play the piano.

Prosecuting Attorney: How do you plan to pay for this house?

Belle: I would use my check from the state.

Attorney: Do you know how much housing costs these days Belle?

Belle: no

Attorney: Do you know how to cook?

Belle: a little

Attorney: What’s a little?

Belle: sandwiches and stuff.

Attorney: Thank you, Belle.

Narrative: Belle was asked to leave the court room. She was then transported back to the hospital where she stayed in her room talking to herself for two days.


In the next scene Karen and Dennis argue in the hallway.

Karen: How could you? What gives you the right? You’ve completely demolished everything I’ve worked for in the past four months.

Dennis: I told you, they’re not regular people. They’re crazy! Don’t become attached!

(Karen slaps him with her purse.)

Karen: You jerk!

(Karen walks into Belle’s room and finds her talking to herself.)

Belle: Did we win? Am I free?


Belle: I’ve spent half my life in institutions and hospitals. Why are they doing this to me? I deserve a chance. Its not my fault I’m crazy and I don’t know how much a house costs or how to cook or anything.

Karen: You’re not crazy Belle. You have an illness that can be treated.

Belle: The voices are getting so loud. (Belle starts crying) They say I’ll never get out or have a family or friends or a job or anything. I can’t stop them!(Belle bursts into tears)

Karen: I’m sorry Belle. I didn’t mean to let you down like that. Things will get better. They always do. Don’t give up hope!

(Karen hugs her and leaves the room. Belle remains there crying as voices shout through her head. A hallucination of a large monkey appears on her bed.)

Monkey: Hello, love.

Belle: What do you want?

Monkey: Well it don’t sound like you’re having too much fun around here. I’m going to take you to the Prom.

Belle: What’s a prom?

Monkey: Oh its loads of fun. Its a special thing. We all dress up and go out for dinner and dance and get our pictures taken.

Belle: Dance? Who will I dance with?

Monkey: But me, of course.

(Belle laughs)

Belle: But you’re a monkey…

Monkey: No problem. Its all just a big daydream anyway. Now then, come along…

song Daydream Believer (Monkey)

(The camera shows scenes of Belle and the monkey dressing up, having a big fancy dinner, dancing and finally having their photos taken. The scenes end with a photo of  Belle and the monkey that reads “Class of Never”.)



In the next scene Karen is working with Belle in Belle’s room to regain her spirit.

Karen: Are you sure you don’t know where you come from?

Belle: I told you, I’m from the city of Disneyland.

Karen: Belle, Disneyland isn’t a city.

Belle: Wait! It has another name. I remember now, Ana

Karen: Ana?

Belle: Yes, Ana something.

Karen: Ana… Ana… Anaheim?

Belle: That’s it, Anaheim!

Karen: Anaheim! Of course, Anaheim is the city where Disneyland is and you went to school in Anaheim. Anaheim, the city of Disneyland.

Belle: Yes! That’s right!

Karen: Do you know how you got here?

Belle: The voices came and they came after me to put me away and I ran away.

Karen: Who are they?

Belle: The people

Karen: What people?

Belle: The people that I lived with. They told me I wasn’t really their daughter and how my mother had a brain disease and… (Belle starts to cry)

Karen: That’s enough Belle.(she pauses until Belle stops crying)

Karen:Belle? If you could be anybody in the world, who would you be?

Belle: I would be me. I don’t think I would know how to be anyone else. I wouldn’t be me anymore.

Karen: Let me rephrase that. If you could do anything in the world. What would you do?

Belle: You’re going to be angry with me.

Karen: Why? What have you done?

(Belle pulls a book out from under her bed and then an acoustic guitar)

Karen: Oh Belle! You can’t have that, its contraband. Where did you get it?

Belle: I sneaked it out of the recreation therapy room. I’m sorry.

Karen: That’s alright! We’ll just have to return it.

Belle: Wait! I’ve been teaching myself how to play from this book. Its by a man named Woody Guthrie. I’ve been writing my own songs. Listen!

(Karen frowns. Belle starts to play the guitar and sing.)

song Lonely Lover BoyBelle

Chords: A A7 D A A7 D C D G D

Bridge: E Am E Am

(scenes flash of the lonely lover boy illustrating the story)

Look at the lonely lover boy watering his garden once more

Watch the morning girl pass by wondering who the flowers are for

She’s a beautiful girl you see

Just as she was meant to be

In a tale as old as time

Who is gonna make her mine?

Look at the lonely lover boy buying chocolates at the store

Watch the pretty sales girl help him wondering who the candy is for

Its a beautiful picture you see

To fall for someone you meet

In a tale as old as time

Who is gonna make her mine

Look at the lonely lover boy picking out a brand new shirt

Listen to the pretty seamstress girl make a little effort to flirt

She’s a casual girl you see

just the way she likes to be

In a tale as old as time

Who is gonna make her mine

Lonely lover boy

Lonely boy

Lonely lover boy

Lonely boy

Look at the lonely lover boy

Walk right up to her front door

Tells her all the things that he’s wanted to say

Gets a case of heartache once more

He’s a solitary boy you see

Just the way he’s chosen to be

In a tale as old as time

Who is gonna make her mine

He’s a solitary boy you see

Just the way he’s chosen to be


Karen: That’s beautiful! You learned that all by yourself? What a talent. Wait! I just thought of something.

(Karen rushes to her office and makes a phone call)

Karen: Yes, Public Defender’s Office…Hello, Bob? … This is Karen Hope case manager… I’d like to testify on Belle’s behalf… No, she’s entitled to a jury trial. She has that right… Yes… Yes… O.K., but this time we’ll use a slightly different defense…Alright… Thanks Bob.


In the next scene Dennis Hood is testifying against Belle in a court hearing.


Dennis: …Yes. As I have stated before Belle is simply not capable of handling or caring for herself in standard society.

Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, Mr. Hood. No further questions your honor.

Public Defender: No further questions your honor. The defense calls to the witness stand Miss Karen Hope.

(Karen approaches the stand and is sworn in)

Public Defender: Miss Hope, how long have you been treating you’re client Belle O’Brien?

Karen: For approximately six months now.

Public Defender: And in those six months, have you noticed any significant progress in Belle’s behavior?

Karen: Yes. True, when I first met her, she was violent and delusional, but Belle has always had an exceptionally brilliant mind: creative, insightful and enlightening. I took her case personally and worked with her myself. Since then, she has become medicine compliant, far less agitated, she’s learned how to deal with her voices and is showing signs of taking direction in her life. She’s really become quite a young lady. In fact, I think her musical talents could prove an asset to any community. Otherwise, we could be throwing away a Beethoven.

Public Defender: Does Belle have a place to go?

Karen: Yes, I’ve made arrangements with Pop’s Guest Home in the LA county area. Dr. Marco has agreed to continue treatment with her there.

Public Defender: No further questions you’re honor.

Prosecuting Attorney: Miss Hope, musicians are a dime a dozen. Don’t you think Belle is being a little delusional to think she could be a singer?

Public Defender: Objection your honor. Karen has already established that Belle will be cared for. A line of occupation would be secondary.

Judge Channey: Objection sustained.

Karen: There has often been the argument, what if we aborted an Einstein, a Di Vinci…

Attorney: Objection your honor. This is completely off the issue.

Judge: Objection sustained.

Karen: As I was saying, it may very well be that we are hiding a great talent from our society and that, your honor, would be a big tragedy.

Attorney: But there are hundreds of musicians starving to make ends meat.

Karen: Not like Belle.

Attorney: No further questions your honor.

Public Defender: It seems as though somehow Belle’s talent has become quite an issue in this case. The defense would like to call to the stand Miss Belle O’Brien.

I would like to present as evidence to the judge and jury Belle and her guitar.

Attorney: Objection your honor. This is completely unruly. I don’t see how this will lead us anywhere.

Judge: Objection overruled. I’d like to hear the girl sing.

Public Defender: Belle, would you like to play us a song.

Belle: Yes sir.

(Belle begins to play her guitar and sing)


song The Cinnamon Tree(Belle)

Chords: D C G

Little bird, little bird

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Little bird

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Little bird, little bird

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Do you remember?

Marlon Brando, Pocahontas and me?

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Little bird, little bird

In the cinnamon tree

in the cinnamon tree

in the cinnamon tree

Little bird

In the cinnamon tree

in the cinnamon tree

in the cinnamon tree

Under the boardwalk

Walking down Venice Beach

He took my hand, held me and he kissed me

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Do you remember

Kennedy, Roosevelt and me

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Malcolm X, Miss Jane Pittman, Martin Luther King

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Do you remember

Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and me

Jimi Hendrix, John Belushi, Janis Joplin and me

In the cinnamon tree

God bless America

God bless American me

Do you remember?

Andy Koffman, Lenny Bruceand me

In the cinnamon tree

God bless America

God bless American me

In the cinnamon tree

God bless America

God bless American me

In the cinnamon tree

God bless America

Land of the free

Little bird, little bird

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

Little bird

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

In the cinnamon tree

(Belle wins the hearts of the judge and jury)


Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict

Juror: The jury has reached a verdict. The people of California declare Bell O’Brien legally free.

Judge: Is this what you want Belle?

Belle: Yessiree!

(Belle excited runs over and hugs Karen.)

Karen: I’ve found placement for you here in LA county. You can go now and pack your bags. You can take the guitar with you. I’ll arrange for a taxi to take you home. Goodbye Belle. Have a good life.

Belle: But won’t I see you again?

Karen: You’re on your own now kid. Remember what you’ve learned and use it well. Don’t forget to take your medicines! Oh and Dr. Marco will still be treating you.

Belle: This is goodbye?

Karen: Yes Belle.

Belle: But you’re my friend.

Karen: I’ve done what I can to help you. What’s a friend for?

(Karen begins to sing)

song What a Friend is For(Karen)

(scenes flash of Belle packing her bags and moving into her new home.)

Chords: D Am C G

Bridge: C G Am C G

Every time I see you smile

Every time I hear you cry

When whispers dance in time

With glitter in your eyes

I’ve walked for endless years

With laughter and soft tears

Waiting only just to hear

Your voice speaking gently near

And tell me, tell me Lord

Won’t you tell me, tell me Lord

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

At first there was the word

and the word became flesh

But dear lady have you heard

The Christ child loves you best

And all the heavens told

of angels lay at rest

My heart in you bestows

In my soul you are my guest

And tell me, tell me Lord

Won’t you tell me, tell me Lord

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

And time it passes by

For those who must rely

I can see it in your eyes

Young lady hear my cry

And tell me, tell me Lord

Won’t you tell me, tell me Lord

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for

What a friend is for



In the next scene, Belle is introduced to her new room at Pop’s guest home.

Pops: Hello, welcome to the guest home. Your name is Belle?

Belle: Yes sir

Pops: Oh, I see you have a guitar. We have a musician in the house now.

Belle: When do I get to see Karen?

Pops: Miss Hope? She only works through the hospital, but Dr. Marco comes here. He’ll be checking up on you. Here, this is you’re room. That’s Cindy on the other bed. She’ll be you’re new roommate.

Belle: Hi Cindy!

(Cindy looks at Belle and says nothing.)

Pops: O.K. stay tidy. Dinner is a 4:30 p.m.

(Pops leaves the room)

Narrator: Belle moved into Pop’s Guest Home, but she took the loss of her friend hard. Her voices came back louder and louder. She began panhandling and begging for money again, walking the streets aimlessly, riding the bus frequently often not knowing or caring where she was going like the crazy old lady who just got on the bus and rode and rode and rode…

voice: She tricked you! She doesn’t care about you! Look at you now! Lost! You can’t handle it and you know it tramp.

voice 2: You’re lost! You’re lost and you know it! You’re crazy and you’re lost and I’m gonna get you my little pretty. Hee Hee Hee

voice 3: You can’t play! You can’t sing and I’m gonna kick your butt forever!

(Belle screams)

Belle: No!!!

(Pops opens the door.)

Pops: Is something wrong? I heard screaming.

Belle: no sir.

song Where do all the Lonely Go?

(scenes of Belle wandering the streets, riding the bus, pan handling and coming home late at night)

You said that you would be the one

You only lead to heartache

I thought that you were number one

such a foolish mistake

Now I’m all alone

I don’t have a home

Walking like a stranger in a danger zone

And all I want to know

is where do all the lonely go?

Got tickets to the show

Only tales of heartache

Only the lonely know

living in a world of sadness

how far it has to go

before it turns to madness

Its a fight till the end

I’m never gonna win

‘cause your love stops where mine begins

And all I want to know

is where do all the lonely go?

Got tickets to the show

Only tales of heartache


In the next scene, Dr. Marco is discussing Belle’s case with Pops in Pops’ office.

Pops: She seems like a sweet girl to me. She just has problems like everybody else.

Dr. Marco: She’s digressing and getting worse. She walks the streets at night all by herself. This is LA, that’s dangerous for her and the bus driver says she just gets on and rides all day not caring about where she’s going. I don’t think its working out for her here.

Pops: You’re not saying…

Dr. Marco: I think we should send her back.

Pops: Let’s at least give her one more chance, some time to settle in. She’ll do better. I know she will.

Dr. Marco: Alright, but one more chance.


In the next scene Belle standing outside of a club where she hears folk music playing. She walks in. On the stage is a tall dark haired man with a black hat on singing.

song Sweet Marie(Woody Black)

(Belles eyes glitter as she watches him sing)

Chords: D G

Chorus: Em G D G D

Well I seen her walkin’ through the park one day

            I tried to walk near her, but she walked away           

So I gathered up my thoughts of what I was going to say

She said to save it for another day

And I’m waitin’ around

for Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

I followed her home. She said that was fine

We laid in her bed and we drank some wine

I said, “Maria someday I’d like to make you mine”

She said, “Woody oh Woody, I ain’t got the time”

And I’m waitin’ around for Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

Well I seen her prayin’ at the church one day

And as I looked at her my dreams just flew away

She’s like an angel of heaven’s grace

And I am the mortal, out of place

And I’m waitin’ around for Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

Sweet Maria, Sweet Marie

And I’m waitin’ around

for Sweet Marie.

 (Belle huddles through the crowd to get a closer look)

Belle:Who is he?

Stranger: That’s Woody Black up there.

girl: He’s the best.

Woody: Night y’all

(Red, the owner of the pub, starts screaming at Woody)

Red: What is this? Eight songs only? Get back up there now! I want a full set.

Woody: But I don’t have anymore rehearsed.

Red: Get back up there now!

Woody: Sorry Red, I already played.

Red: No pay!

(a timid voice comes from within the silent crowd.)

Belle: I can do it.

(Woody walks over to Belle)

Woody: What’s your name girl?

Belle: Belle

Woody: How many songs do you have?

Belle: over 50

(Woody hands Belle his guitar and takes the microphone)

Woody: ladies and gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle.

(Belle looks around the crowd nervously and stares.)

Woody: Go on girl!

(Belle sings)

song Johnny B. Good Are You Gonna Take Me Out Tonight? (Belle)

Chords: G C D

Chorus: C G D

I’m sitting at home and I’m waiting for the phone to ring

Cause love is just a feeling and feelings are special things

And I love to get that feeling that I get when Johnny sings

So Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Cause love is just a feeling and I know that this is feeling right

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

And hold me in your arms, come on Johnny hold me tight

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Beneath the evening stars shining out a starry light

Johnny’s at the club and he’s hustling and shooting pool

And all the girls around him think he’s so very cool

But he’s a good soul cause he follows the golden rule

So Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Cause love is just a feeling and I know that this is feeling right

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

And hold me in your arms, come on Johnny hold me tight

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Beneath the evening stars shining out a starry light

Its eight p.m. and the time keeps passing by

I’m gonna love you Johnny, gonna love you till the day I die

And if you don’t call, I’m gonna break down and cry.

So Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Cause love is just a feeling and I know that this is feeling right

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

And hold me in your arms, come on Johnny hold me tight

Johnny B. Good are you gonna take me out tonight?

Beneath the evening stars shining out a starry light

Johnny be good to me tonight

Johnny be good to me tonight

Johnny be, Johnny be, Johnny be good tonight

Johnny be, Johnny be, Johnny be good tonight

Johnny be good to me tonight

Johnny be good to me tonight

(Improve and fade)

(The crowd cheers. Belle finishes the set for Woody and hands him back his guitar. The pub closes up for the night. Woody and Belle are talking outside the pub.)

Belle: Liberty Bell?

Woody: That was all I could think of at the moment. Besides you have that all American apple pie look to you anyway.

voice: If he only knew

Woody: Say, you looking for work?

Belle:Doing what?

Woody: Singing and playing of course
Belle: Where? When?

Woody: Meet me at McClanahan’s tomorrow night. From now on you’ll be my opening act. You get 40% of what we make

Belle: How much is that?

Woody: A little less than half. Lets just say it pays better than McDonald’s.

Belle: Is Woody you’re real name?

Woody: No, actually its Howard, but I didn’t think that anyone would want to hear Howard Levewitz play folk music.

Belle: How did you come up with the name Woody Black?

Woody: Well, for one thing I always where a black hat.

Belle: What about the name Woody?

Woody: I took the name from my favorite song writer, Woody Guthrie.

Belle:I learned to play guitar from a Woody Guthrie song book.

Woody: Hey, we have a lot in common.

(Belle smiles.)

Belle: Yeah

Woody: Oh well, I guess its time to say goodnight.

Belle: Yeah

Woody: Bye

Belle: Yeah… Bye

(Woody walks away)

(Belle walks home in the moonlight alone.)


song Every Time You Say Goodbye(Belle)

Chords: Am D G F G Am F G C Am F G Am

Bridge: F G C F G Am F G D Am F G Am

End: F G F E D C

Every time I look away from you

I feel the scars of my heart begin to bloom

Its like a sudden inspiration that makes me wonder why

Every time you say goodbye

Somehow I can’t see it all come true

From the way that I love you like I do

Its just a subtle inclination that tells me not to try

Every time you say goodbye

And love to me is fairytale

Told by those who know

Tell me just once you love me too

before you have to go

Every time I’m standing next to you

I feel afraid of what I’m about to do

Its just a certain situation that makes me want to cry

Every time you say goodbye

Every time you say goodbye

Narrative: Belle went to work for Woody and they made a fine pair of performers, Belle opening the show cheering the crowd on and Woody as the main act as they slowly made a growing name as Woody Black and Liberty Belle.

song Jambalaya (on the Bayou) (Woody)

copyright Fred Rose Music

Chords: C G

Goodbye Joe, me got to go, me oh my oh

Me gotta pole the pig-rogue on the bayou

My Yvonne, sweetest one, me oh my oh

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou


Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo

Cause tonight I’m gonna see my cher amio

Pick guitar, full fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou


Thibodaux fountain deux, the place is buzzin

Dress in style and go hog-wild, me oh my oh

Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo

Cause tonight I’m gonna see my cher amio


Pick guitar, full fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

Settle down from the town, get me a pig-rogue

And I’ll catch all the fish on the bayou


Swap my mom to buy Yvonne

What she need-o

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou

Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo

Cause tonight I’m gonna see my cher amio

Pick guitar, full fruit jar and be gayo

Son of a gun, we’ll have big fun on the bayou


(Scenery of Woody and Belle going from club to club in the city singing, dancing and performing live shows.)

(As the song ends, The scene shows Belle on stage in Red’s Pub dressed as Charlie Chaplin.)

Woody: Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle.


song King of the Road(Belle)

copyright Tree Publishing Co, inc.

Chords: C F G

Trailer for sail or rent, rooms to let fifty cent

No phone, no pool, no pets

I ain’t got no cigarettes

But two hours of pushing broom

Buys an eight by ten four bit room

I’m a man of means by no means

King of the road

I know every engineer on every train

All of the children and all of their names

Every hand out in every town

And every lock that ain’t locked when no ones around

I sing

Third boxcar midnight train, destination Banglor Maine

Old worn out suit and shoes. I don’t pay no union dues.

I smoke old stogies I have found, short but not to big around.

I’m a man of means by no means

King of the road

I know every engineer on every train

All of the children and all of their names

Every hand out in every town

And every lock that ain’t locked when no ones around

I sing

Trailer for sail or rent, rooms to let fifty cent

No phone, no pool, no pets

I ain’t got no cigarettes

But two hours of pushing broom

Buys an eight by ten four bit room

I’m a man of means by no means

King of the road

(as the scene ends the crowd cheers Belle)

In the next scene, Dr. Marco and Pops are discussing Belle’s activities in the office at the group home.

Dr. Marco:She’s out all night in bars! Doing what?

Pops: She’s working.

Dr. Marco: What is she doing? Selling beer?

Pops: No, she’s singing.

Dr. Marco: We can’t have her out all night in bars! That’s a completely unhealthy environment for her. First of all, if she’s drinking…

Pops: She doesn’t drink, she sings and plays guitar. She’s really quite good.

Dr. Marco: And out all night?

Pops: But Dr. she’s so happy. Give her a chance. Let her enjoy herself a little. She’s been in that institution for so long.

Dr. Marco: No! Absolutely not! This is just the kind of behavior I was afraid of. I should have never listened to Karen in the first place. Get Belle now!

(Belle enters the room)

Pops: Oh, she’s right here.

Dr. Marco: What is this I hear about these late night escapades young lady?

Belle: I sing at night in the clubs. I’m not doing anything wrong. Me and Woody…

Dr. Marco: Do you realize how unhealthy this is for you, the bars, lack of sleep, what about your medications?

Belle: I take my medicines. You don’t understand…

Dr. Marco: Belle we simply can’t have this. Starting this evening we are going to enforce a curfew. You are to be in the house by 7 p.m. daily.

Belle: But I…

Dr. Marco: But nothing. You are to be in the house by seven or I will write the order for you to return to the state facility.

Belle: That’s not fair! I didn’t do anything wrong!

Dr. Marco: Young lady, are you not hearing a word I say. Its simply unhealthy behavior.

Belle: No! I’m just working with Woody!

Dr. Marco: You tell this Woody character that you are no longer working in bars all night. If you wish to work, there’s plenty of work to be done around here!

Belle: No, that’s not right!

Dr. Marco: Do you want to go back to the hospital?

Belle: No, that’s not fair! I have the right to…

Dr. Marco: To what? Run around all night in bars with your boyfriend?

(Belle starts to cry)

Belle: I’m just singing. I’m not hurting anybody.

Dr. Marco: You’ve heard your options. What is your choice? Do you want to go back?

Belle: no

Dr. Marco: Alright then, you go tell your boyfriend that you are not going to be running around in bars with him any more.

Belle: Its not like that.

Dr. Marco: Good day Belle!

(Belle leave the room in tears. She walks down to Red’s Pub trying to dry her eyes. As she enters the Pub, Red greets her with a dozen red roses and sits her at a table.)

Red: Woody’s been waiting for you.

Belle: Why?

Red: For a special performance of Mr. Woody Black for Miss Liberty Belle.

(Woody comes from the back room with a guitar and sings for Belle.)

song All of my Love (Woody)

Chords: D Am C D

All of my love

All of my soul

All of my waiting mends me whole

All that I am

All that I feel

All that I ever wish to be

Listen as I sing to you

Girl I love the way you do

You know I love you

I know this is true

All that I want

All that I need

All that I ever hope to see

Now I play my song for you

A gift of love from me to you

The things that I could never say or do

All of my dreams

All the night’s stars

When nature sings I know who she sings for

Listen as I sing to you

Girl I love the way you do

You know I love you

I know this is true

Now I play my song for you

A gift of love from me to you

The things that I could never say or do

All that I love

All we can be

All that I wish for us to be

Belle: That’s beautiful, but I have something to tell you.

Woody: I do too and I just can’t hold it in any longer. Belle I love you and I want to marry you. (Woody hands her a ring.) Belle O’Brien will you marry me?

Belle: No! I can’t!

Woody: I see.

Belle: Its not that Woody.

Woody: I understand. I guess, I should have told you sooner.

Belle: No Woody, you see I…

Woody: Then why?


song I Belong Alone(Belle)

Chords: G Em Am C

Don’t ever get me wrong

Love is like a song

Love is just a feeling

And I

I belong alone

feelings are so strong

It is just the way of things

And you

You will just go on

Love is just a song

Love is just an empty dream

Don’t get me wrong

Its just a song

Its just the words I sing

I will go on singing my song

(faster and louder)

Love isn’t everything


Don’t ever get me wrong

Love is like a song

Love is just a feeling

And I

I belong alone

feelings are so strong

It is just the way of things

And you

You will just go on

Love is just a song

Love is just an empty dream

Don’t get me wrong

Its just a song

Its just the words I sing

I will go on singing my song

(slower and softer)

Love isn’t everything

So don’t

ever get me wrong

I belong alone

Love is just a feeling

for you.

Belle: Goodbye Woody.

Woody: Goodbye Belle.

Red: That’s one heck of a girl you have there Woody.

Woody: She is.

Red: Why so sad?

Woody: She said no, Red.

Red: What did you say to her?

Woody: I said goodbye.


song I Said Goodbye (Woody)

Chords: D Am C G

Chorus C G D

At times she’s like a gentle thing that pieces out like rain

In the whole of a fresh made music

And then I cry a lullaby before I go insane

Does it matter that I’ve already seen it?

I said goodbye and she’s walking out the door

The memories of chastity beneath the summer stars

Inhibition, but we could never free it

And drift away into a place so close so far apart

We could be lovers, but we’ll never see it

I said goodbye and she’s walking out the door

And love at times is like a crime that steals a good man’s heart

Its a music, but I don’t want to hear it

The destined fate of love and hate that seems like we’re at war

That may be your thing, but I don’t want to feel it

I said goodbye and she’s walking out the door

I said goodbye and she’s walking out the door

I said goodbye and she’s walking out the door


Woody: What do you got for a cowboy who’s tired of singing the blues?

(Red sighs and shakes his head)

Red: Don’t be that way Woody.

Woody: But… I really feel for her red

Red: I know, we’ve all been there

Woody: You too?

Red: Let me see your guitar.

Woody: You play Red?

Red:I have had my days on the stage

Woody:Why didn’t you ever tell me

Red:Things happened, I don’t like to talk much about thats

Woody:A woman?

Red: Shh! Listen!

Love as Love Comes(Red)

Chords: C G F G

Bridge: C G Am G

End: C G F G F G F G F G C

When I kissed her I felt majesty delight

What is wrong and what is right

So I told her in a simple poem song

How we longed to share the night

Then I called her on a public telephone

I heard her say, “I’m not home”

As a cowboy sings a sad love song

What its like to be alone

Listen to my story, listen closely son

Don’t be fooled by the wrong

Girlfriends come as girlfriends go along

Love as love comes

When I met her she was but a homeless girl

Lost to the world

And so I gave her that I wished to give a lot

And our love was like a knot

Tied and bonded strong withheld by our God

Was the nature of our love

Then she said she loved me, how she loved me so

And then she left me alone

Listen to my story, listen closely son

Don’t be fooled by the wrong

Girlfriends come as girlfriends go along

Love as love comes

And so I found the secret to my sad sad song

What it means to get along

The Good Lord tells us we must love everyone

As if they were our very own

So listen to my story, listen closely son

Don’t be fooled by the wrong

Life comes and life passes along

But love as love comes

Yes love as love comes

Yes love as love comes

Yes love as love comes


Narrative: Time passed and Belle and Woody just about seemed to forget each other.

(Scenery of the seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall and finally Winter.)Belle worked hard around the guest home mopping, washing dishes, cooking and doing laundry. But when memories came, they were both heart broken.


song In the Heat of a Troubled Heart (Woody)

Chords: A D A E

He said,

She’s gone to your head

and I don’t want to hear it anymore

I know that she had to go

But I can’t seem to make it to the door

In the heat of a troubled heart

There’s a sunshine smiling my way

and the rain washes me clean

Says tomorrow’s gonna be sunny day

I said, I want to be wed

and I just want to love you till the end

She said, You’re lost in your head

And I don’t think that we can still be friends

In the heat of a troubled heart

There’s a sunshine smiling my way

and the rain washes me clean

Says tomorrow’s gonna be sunny day

I see I’ve got to be free

to be the man that I was meant to be

I know that she had to go

and heartache is the key to freedom’s door

In the heat of a troubled heart

There’s a sunshine smiling my way

and the rain washes me clean

Says tomorrow’s gonna be sunny day

In the heat of a troubled heart

There’s a sunshine smiling my way

and the rain washes me clean

Says tomorrow’s gonna be sunny day


Narrative: Then one night, Belle just got plain fed up.

(Belle throws down her mop, runs to her room, and appears in Red’s Pub dressed as a cowgirl. Woody is on stage tuning his guitar and preparing for his act. Johnny Cash is in the pub hidden in the crowd, speaking to his agent.)

Agent: We’ll call it the Johnny Cash All American Christmas Carol Live at the Grand Old Opry. They’ll love it. I even think we can get Garthe Brooks.

Johnny Cash: Wait a minute now! Why get such a big name performer?

Agent: Because it sells.

Johnny Cash: But this should be about Christmas, not money.

Agent: Well we could get Kenny Rogers or Willie Nelson.

Johnny Cash: Why don’t try someone less known, an up and coming singer, someone that represent good old fashioned American values.

(Woody spots Belle in the audience and becomes ecstatic. He motions for her to come to the stage. Belle enthusiastically runs up. Red notices and takes the microphone.)

Red: We have a special treat for you tonight, Woody Black and ladies and gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle.

(The crowd cheers.)


song California Boys Don’t Go Chasin’ On Cowgirls(duet)

Chords: E Am E E Am Bm

Chorus: E A Bm E A Bm7


Honky tonk town down on southern ground


Blonde and creamy hair, she was dancin there smooth

Walked up to the bar, bought a soda pop friendly

Sally start to swing her hair singin the Louisiana blues


California boys don’t go chasin on cowgirls

You ain’t dancin cause you ain’ t movin your feet

California boys don’t belong at a hodown

You’d be better off walkin on down the beach


Sally was serious, made me delirious, crazy

Didn’t have boots, just my worn out tennis shoes

She kept singin on. I was feelin down, lazy

Couldn’t take my eyes off her country style baby blues


California boys don’t go chasin on cowgirls

You ain’t dancin cause you ain’ t movin your feet

California boys don’t belong at a hodown

You’d be better off walkin on down the beach


Had to take a chance so I tried to dance


Sally hung low and then she broke the news


California boys don’t go chasin on cowgirls

You ain’t dancin cause you ain’ t movin your feet

California boys don’t belong at a hodown

You’d be better off walkin on down the beach

No, California boys don’t go chasin on cowgirls

You’d be better off walkin on down the beach

Ain’t no southern crowd like no beach boys no how

I got six brothers so you’d better start movin your feet.


Johnny Cash: Are you thinking what I’m thinking

Agent: What?

Johnny Cash: Get that girl!

(Its late in the evening and Woody and Belle are putting away their instruments. Johnny Cash and his agent walk up to Belle.)

Johnny Cash: Hello Belle

Belle: Hello sir

Johnny Cash: Do you know who I am?

Belle: No sir.

Woody: Oh my gosh! Belle, that’s Johnny Cash, he’s one of the biggest country singers of all time.

Belle: You guys are teasing me.

Agent: I’m afraid not. Your boyfriend there’s right. That there’s Johnny Cash.

Belle: Oh. Why do you want to talk to me?

Johnny Cash: Well Miss Liberty Belle…

Belle: You can call me Belle…

Johnny Cash: Alright then. Belle, How would you like to in a concert on TV for the whole country?

Belle: Really, I’d love to, but… I don’t know.

Johnny Cash: Do you believe in the American dream?

Belle: What do you mean?

Johnny Cash: That this is a land of freedom, to be whatever you want to be, wherever you want to be. Miss Belle, you have a great talent that can share with people and I want to give that chance in your country, the land of opportunity.

Belle: I want to, but I think I should ask my doctor?

Johnny Cash: Your doctor?

Belle: I’m schizophrenic, God blessed.

Johnny Cash: Well we all have our problems Belle. Listen, you ask your doctor and I’ll leave my number. You can think about it, give me a call and tell me what you come up with.

Belle: Alright Johnny Cash

(Johnny Cash and his agent leave the pub. Belle starts talking to herself and crying.)

Woody: What’s wrong Belle?

Belle: I’m schizophrenic, crazy. I come from bad places.

Woody: Don’t worry about it. Its like Johnny Cash said, we all have our problems. In a way we’re all a little crazy or as you put it “God blessed.”

Belle: I don’t know if I can do it.

Woody: I know and I know you can.

Belle: But the crowd, the cameras, the TV

Woody: Belle you’re getting a chance that most musicians only dream of. I don’t think I’ve told you enough that you are in my heart with love. I want to be in yours. Try to think of me when you’re up there singing in that concert and maybe our love will keep you strong. I can’t make this decision for you, but I think you should do it.

(Belle goes to the phone and calls him.)

Belle: I’ll do it Johnny.


Christmas Eve

Bell is in her dressing room, screaming, laughing, talking to herself and going berserk. She begins to have crying spells followed by delirium. She continues talking to somebody, but no one is in the room, then crawls into the corner and sits in the fetal position crying. Outside the agent and producer are talking to Johnny Cash.

Agent: We can’t send her out like that Johnny. She’s too far gone. You’re just going to have to do the show solo.

Producer: He’s right Johnny. She can’t hack it. She’s falling apart. It would be better for our sake and for hers if we just leave her alone

Agent: I thought it was a bad idea to begin with.

(Johnny Cash remains calm, raises his hand and walks to the dressing room. He opens the door. Belle is rapidly moving her head around the room.)

Johnny Cash: Miss Belle, I know you’re afraid and I ain’t to good at speeches or nothin, but I thought this might help.

(Johnny Cash motions outside the room and in walks Karen Hope. Bell shouts with joy.)

Belle: Karen!

(She runs to her and the two embrace.)

Johnny Cash: Talk to her mam.

(Johnny Cash leaves the room)

Belle: Karen take me home! Take me back to the hospital place. Its too scary here and everybody’s strange and Woody wants to marry me and that man wants me to sing in a concert. Take me home Karen. Karen, I’m scared!

Karen: Belle, I know you’re afraid. You always have been. Its a very big world and its everything you dreamt it would be and you are everything you dreamt and wanted to be. You can go back to that hospital and hide away forever, but would that make you happy? Or you can go out there and sing like you’ve never sung before and show to the world that a woman with your kind of problems can be somebody. Show them Belle O’Brien. Show them Liberty Belle. Remember Belle, you’re God blessed.

(outside the room Johnny Cash talks to his agent and producer.)

Johnny Cash: She’ll do fine.

Announcer: Welcome the Johnny Cash All American Christmas Carol Live from the Grand Ol’ Opry. Ladies and Gentlemen Johnny Cash.

(Johnny Cash walks to the center stage.)

Johnny Cash: Hello everybody

(the crowd applauds)

Johnny Cash: Tonight I have a special Christmas present for America, someone we can all listen to and learn from and I’ll be darned if she ain’t the prettiest thing this side of the Mississippi.

(Johnny Cash looks to the left of the stage, then nods)

Johnny Cash: Laidies and gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle.

(Belle slowly walks to the center stage with her guitar wearing a fringe white jacket and shiny blue pants. The crowd becomes silent. She sits down on a chair, plays with the microphone and tunes a string on her guitar. As she looks at the people and the cameras, she breathes heavy and rapidly moves her head and lips. The crowd becomes restless and chatters. Karen and Woody stand to the left of the curtain worrying.)

Karen: Come on Belle! Belle!

Woody: This doesn’t look good!

(Belle turns to her right and starts speaking as if someone is there.)

Woody: Oh no!

Karen: Belle! No!

(Belle is on stage talk to a voice. The crowd becomes upset.)

Belle: Who are you?

voice: I’m the first angel

Belle: What’s you’re name?

(The crowd is stunned, wondering what she’s doing)

voice: I don’t have a name, the first angels didn’t have names.

Belle: What do you want with me?

voice: I want you to sing

(Johnny Cash begins to walk on stage and the producers motion the cameras)

Belle: Sing what?

voice: Christmas comes and the goose gets fat.

(Belle strums her guitar and starts to sing to the microphone. Slowly the crowd silences and listens.)

song Bells a Rattlin’ (Belle)

Chords: A D A E

Christmas comes and the goose gets fat

and the poor man need a nickel in his hat

On the street is the Santa Clause

Collectin money for the Sally

He says its cause

There’ll be

Bells a rattlin, things a jinglin

songs to sing along, children playin on

Bells a rattlin, things a jinglin

songs to sing along, children playin on

When you give the gift of love

Its the mistletoe from the child of God

And the blessings go the ones who love

God bless us all, bless us everyone

With the

Bells a rattlin, things a jinglin

songs to sing along, children playin on

Bells a rattlin, things a jinglin

songs to sing along, children playin on

Bells a rattlin, things a jinglin

songs to sing along, children playin on

(The crowds cheers Belle.)

Woody: Yeah!

(Belle looks at Karen and smiles. Then starts to play again as she plays Johnny Cash walks onto the stage and joins her.)

song This Land is Your Land (Belle and Johnny Cash)

copyright Ludlow Music, Inc, NY, NY

Chords: G D A D

This land is your land, this land is my land

From California to the New York Island

From the red-wood forest to the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me

As I was walking that ribbon of highway

I saw above me that endless sky way

I saw below me that golden valley

This land was made for you and me

I’ve roamed and rambled and followed my footsteps

to the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts

and all around me a voice was sounding

This land was made for you and me

This land is your land, this land is my land

From California to the New York Island

From the red-wood forest to the gulf stream waters

This land was made for you and me


(The crowd claps along and gives a standing ovasion)

Johnny Cash: Merry Christmas America!

Narrative: Woody and Belle got married and their careers flourish, making folk music, videos and concert performances. They bought a ranch in Northern California and lived happily ever after with frequent visits from their good friend Karen Hope.

(The closing scene shows a large concert hall with Belle on stage.)

Speaker: Ladies and gentlemen Miss Liberty Belle


closing song Do You Still Believe in Love (Belle)

Chords: F C G

Bridge: F G C

Chorus: G C G F G C G C

Watch the young man with the broken heart walking all alone

Takes a twenty to the psychic’s house asks her what she knows

Walks away with pleasant smile and a gentle touch of hope

Tell me young man with your heart of stone and your gypsy fortune told

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do, Yes I do

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do

Watch the poor man with the beggar’s hat sitting on a stone

Takes a dollar to the market place gambles on his own

Walks away with a pleasant smile and a gentle touch of hope

Tell me poor man without a home and your daily pick of Lotto

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do, Yes I do

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do

Watch the rich man on the traffic street waiting to get home

Makes a call to the stock broker. Which way did his stock go?

Drives along with a pleasant smile and a gentle touch of hope

Tell me rich man with your fancy car and your cellular telephone

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do, Yes I do

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do

And I ask with the good Lord’s grace and the smile on your handsome face

Do I still believe in love?

Yes I do, Yes I do

Do I still believe in love?

Yes I do, Yes I do

Do you still believe in love?

Yes I do

The End.



Should Alcoholics Anonymous be held responsible for the fraudulent and illegal actions of it’s members?

Bill Wilson

Today I collected money for some artwork I did for someone I had met in AA. She proceeded to tell me she had been 13th stepped by another member who married her and ripped off her and her whole family with a life insurance scandal. The 13th stepper never sobered up and remained a revered member of the group. After losing her house to this and being left with nothing, although sober, she took her case to the AA group and the Alano club that hosted the meetings. The man remains there still running his scam and she was told, “If you sober up a horse thief, you have a sober horse thief,” that neither the Alano Club nor AA was responsible for the actions of it’s members. She returned to the meeting, called them a cult and never went back.

Not responsible for the actions of its members??? Lets take a closer look at this, shall we? In the Mai Lai massacre, one of the most horrific incidents of violence committed against unarmed civilians during the Vietnam War, the general was charged with a war crime and convicted for being responsible for the actions of his soldiers while he claimed he wasn’t. The Catholic Church has been held responsible for the actions of pedophile priests. Businesses are routinely held responsible for cases of sexual harassment by their employees. “When the harasser has the ability to significantly change the employee’s employment status, the United States Supreme Court has said the employer can be held directly responsible if those decisions are motivated by a person’s sex or sexuality.” Yet Alcoholics Anonymous continues to get away with it in outrageous numbers.

Can AA do anything??? Yes it can and doing nothing is partnering in the offense. Routinely, innocent and often new AA members are being scammed, hustled, sexually abused and taken advantage of. There are places in AA, the meeting places, the secretary or GSR of the meeting, or AA world services themselves, where the individual can make an appeal, but all too commonly, AA is doing nothing making the organization responsible and thus, being part of the game.

The most common abuses tend to be sexual and financial predators, but more severe cases involving rape and murder are occurring as well. Isn’t it time AA be held accountable?


Purchase – The Courage to Change the Things I Can by Dan Joyce



Mental Health Awareness and AA

Mental Health Awareness and AA –

As an artist/writer who shows in local galleries and has shown throughout Southern California, I chose to make mental health awareness as an issue to address in my work. Other artists tended to pick causes like police brutality, feminism, animal rights, etc… I chose this subject mainly having dealt with being a bipolar member of Alcoholics Anonymous. When I went to AA at a young age, I was secretive about it, until I told my then sponsor. He disagreed with my therapy and treatment (like he would know the difference) and told other people in AA. The information spread through the rooms like butter. I tried going off my meds and almost killed myself. I started speaking out in the meetings to protect others going through the same AA abuse for it. Eventually, it got to the Internet and they blasted it all over social media. I do often get emails and messages from AA members going through the same ordeal and thanking me for standing up. When I tell friends outside the AA rooms, they find it ironic that they look down on me, yet they are alcoholics and addicts themselves. As though, they are somehow better than me.
When I started showing in the local galleries, it became an issue I addressed. A schizophrenic homeless man, Kelly Thomas, had been beaten to death by the police. As an artist, I became more public about my illness. Also, I had known Kelly myself having shared a hospital room with him in a local facility years prior.
But there have been serious barriers to address that I wasn’t expecting. The media and the public are all over what they call Big Pharma. Which I agree, has a lot of problems. But for myself and those I know, taking our medication makes us better or at least helps. People should be allowed to seek their own medical treatment without harmful pressures from others.
I know for myself, God is not going to cure this or any other disease. In fact, I’ve never really believed in God at all. Also, marijuana advocates get up in my face about taking pills. Which again, is none of their business. But it creates a great political play for them to say Big Pharma is pushing drugs, so smoke pot instead.
As an advocate for those seeking treatment for mental health, I run in to a lot of adversity and conflict. I’m sure one would expect that. But as an artist, I hold true to my cause.


Artisan – Post 142 – The Dangerous Kind

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 142

The Dangerous Kind


Purchase this signed original pastel sketch for only $10 by CLICKING HERE!!!

The Dangerous Kind

Verses: C F G   Chorus: C Am F G   

She don’t wear makeup

Or sometimes too much

A black leather jacket

Not easy to touch

The kind I’ve been waiting

For most of my life

Looks like she’s hating

Cause she’s a switch knife

I like the dangerous kind

A girl who’s taking a side

The type who don’t really mind

I’m gonna make her mine

She likes to run on the streets

She likes the men with the meat

Tattoos on her arm

Lipstick and charm

And you don’t need to need her

You don’t need to feed her

You can’t be beside her

Cause she’s a hard rider

I like the dangerous kind

A girl who’s taking a side

The type who don’t really mind

I’m gonna make her mine


If you’ve got a minute

And wonder what’s in it

Go downtown to see it

You’ll never believe it

just take a shot of Tequila

Whenever you see her

She’ll never be freer

She’s my Sinorita

I like the dangerous kind

A girl who’s taking a side

The type who don’t really mind

I’m gonna make her mine


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DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

sloppydirtyandrawwplink     rehab-riot-wplink

Artisan – Post 141 – The Man I Am Today

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 141

The Man I Am Today




The Man I am Today

Chords: G C Am D

If I were a handsome man

If I had a job

If I never danced with her

How much would I have lost

If I never held my child

And watched him walk away

Would I ever have become

The man I am today


If I never drank too much

Of fought when I was young

Could I even write these words

And put them in a song

Times were bad and times were good

There isn’t time to say

How much my life made me become

The man I am today


I wash the soap on thinning hair

And shadows on my eyes

And see a boy within the mirror

Whose face is filled with lines

To Italy to Hollywood

Yes I’ve had good times

They may not seem that much to you

These memories of mine

But in my heart I know it’s truth

Will lead to a grander day

And so I give myself to you

The man I am today


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DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

sloppydirtyandrawwplink     rehab-riot-wplink

Artisan – Post 140 – Sloppy Raw and Dirty

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 140

Sloppy Raw and Dirty


Purchase this song and album on CD Baby!!!

Sloppy Raw and Dirty

Verses E A E A A D E A (bluesy)

Chorus D A E 

She walks up to the bar stool

Everyone knows her name

She must be pushing fifty

but thinks she’s still got game

Her hair is long and greasy

She smells like an old wet mouse

A touch of wine and sleazy 

As she spills it on her blouse

She’s sloppy raw and dirty

and everybody knows

Sloppy raw and dirty

She don’t even clean her toes

No one want’s to order

The choice of drink she has

While her old man plays piano

An old Miles cool jazz

A cougar to the youngsters

The alcohol kicks in

Telling stories of her past days

A life of song and sin

She’s sloppy raw and dirty

and everybody knows

Sloppy raw and dirty

She don’t even wash her clothes

She thinks that she’s an actress

Will someday be a star

She tells this to the waitress

But never leaves the bar

So if you think you’ve got it

If you think you still got game

Look past the bottles to the mirror

You’ve only you to blame

Your sloppy raw and dirty

and everybody knows

Sloppy raw and dirty

You don’t even wipe your nose

Sloppy raw and dirty

and that’s the way it goes

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DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink


Artisan – Post 139 – I’ve Got A Problem With Authority

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 139

I’ve Got A Problem With Authority



I’ve Got a Problem with Authority

Chords: G C D   Verses: G C A

I’ve got a problem with authority

I’ve got a problem with the police

They like to bother me 

When I’m walking down the street

They ask a lot of questions 

And when I try to answer

They get real mad at me

Then they beat me

I’ve got a problem with authority 

I don’t like the judge or DA

They never give a fair trial

Or a trial at all

Or let me state my case

I’ve got a problem with authority 

My right to counsel is a joke

Five minute sessions shackled 

In an orange jumpsuit  behind bars

In front of everyone in a courtroom 

I’ve got a problem with authority 

Because I can’t afford a lawyer

To protect me from this shit

The rich man walks on a murder charge

The poor man has to take it

The Bill of Rights is a lie

Unless you can buy it

I’ve got a problem with authority 

And it’s not only just me.       

Authority for the sake of authority 

Is tyranny 

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BlahBlahBlahWPLink     Gentle GypsyWPlink

DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

Artisan – Post 137 – The Van Gogh Complex

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 137

The Van Gogh Complex



The Van Gogh Complex

G C Am F G

Time stands still 

In a painting

Of a starry night

Heard it all my life

As the wind blows

One more time

Someone’s saying

You might find it sad

You’re a little mad

But it’s beautiful

You’re Van Gogh

You’re Picasso

You’re Rene Magritte

Walking down the street

On a French road

You’re Van Gogh


You’re a Kurt Cobain

Crying out his pain

In a solo

Don’t ask me

Why it should be

That the plight of life

For an artist’s strife

Can be daunting? 

You’re Van Gogh


Chipping at the block

Freeing from the rock

A marble hero

You’re a Plath

Such a poet

Writing out your love

Knowing nothing of

But you show it

You’re a genius

You’re a master

Knowing in your head

Years from when you’re dead

They’ll remember

You’re Van Gogh

Don’t you know?

Feel the agony

With the ecstasy

Of every brushstroke

repeat all the Van Gogh verses

You’re Van Gogh

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BlahBlahBlahWPLink     Gentle GypsyWPlink

DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

Artisan – Post 136 – A Pig That Feeds Himself

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 136

A Pig That Feeds Himself



I saw a pig that feeds himself

How fat he had become

Amidst a glop of his own slop

His contentment had begun

And no one dined with this large swine

And no one cared to know

How easy to content oneself

Yet sadly quite alone

He mixed the scraps of leftover food

Mealie-pap, bread and fruit

Thinking that to serve oneself

He’d find a greater truth

But then came in the farmer and

A man from the slaughter house

To bait and dig and kill the pig

Smarter than a mouse

And so you see it cannot be

Self-serving is the way

Just ask the ham how well it went

As you eat your eggs today.

Dan Joyce Art website


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Purchase CDs and Digital MP3s by Dan Joyce

BlahBlahBlahWPLink     Gentle GypsyWPlink

DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

Artisan – Post 135 – It’s A Beautiful Day For Guitar

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 135

It’s a Beautiful Day for Guitar



It’s a Beautiful Day for Guitar

Verses A D G 

Chorus G A D G 

Bridge C G D

I may be a little bit insane

But listen now to what I have to say

Take the time to hear it as I sing

Cause life today’s a wonderful thing

It’s a beautiful day to play guitar

Take the time to listen to who we are

It’s a beautiful day for guitar

Everybody’s dancing in the rain

Everybody’s hearing what I play

Ain’t nobody gonna hit the hay

Everybody’s loving it today

It’s a beautiful day to play guitar

Take the time to listen to who we are

It’s a beautiful day for guitar

I’m loving Lucy and Lucy’s loving me

Loving so truly as true as love can be

Come with me and hear now what I say

Come with me and we can save the day

Sing with me and love it all the way

Grab your guitar and sit with me and play

It’s a beautiful day to play guitar

Take the time to listen to who we are

It’s a beautiful day for guitar

I’m loving Lucy and Lucy’s loving me

Loving so truly as true as love can be

It’s a beautiful day to play guitar

Take the time to listen to who we are

It’s a beautiful day for guitar

I’m loving Lucy and Lucy’s loving me

Loving so truly as true as love can be 2x

It’s a beautiful day for guitar

Dan Joyce Art website


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I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

Artisan – Post 134 – What Hurts?

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 134

What hurts?



I understand actions speak louder than words
But when a homosexual condemns me
For my erratic “insane” behavior
It hurts
When a black man tells me
He can like nearly every color or nationality
But can’t stand a “crazy” man
It hurts
When an activist for civil rights and freedom
Denies that I should be entitled
To those same rights and courtesies he’s fighting for
It hurts
When an intelligent or socially awkward scholar
Becomes uncomfortable when I admit
That I am treated for bipolar
It hurts
When the news or television
Or someone’s personal experience with a “madman”
has been negative or dangerous
and they treat me as though I did it
It hurts
When a woman judges my attractiveness
For not behaving macho or charismatic
For being a man who thinks with his emotions
It hurts
When a convict calls me dangerous
When a drunk or drug addict calls me delusional
When the uneducated call me dumb
It hurts
But when I break and am human
Or give into the hateful and prejudice
Stereotypes they claim
And in a faulty way fight back
It hurts the most.

Dan Joyce Art website


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DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink


Artisan – Post 133 – Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 133

Hey Boy! Gay Boy!



Hey Boy! Gay Boy!


Verses G C G D G D C G

Chorus C G D G C G D G


Sammy was a long hair

Liked to wear his pink shirt

All the boys around him

Liked to tease him so


Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

What you have to say boy?

Hey Boy Gay Boy

Don’t come out to play


Sammy and Vanessa

Liked to play dress up

Wearing pretty dresses

And lots of makeup


Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

What you have to say boy?

Hey Boy Gay Boy

Don’t come out to play


Vanessa had a brother

Who didn’t like her other

Took a bat and hit him

Hard upside his head


All the children watched him

And the preacher praised him

Glory to the Christian

Waiting after school


Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

What you have to say boy?

Hey Boy Gay Boy

Don’t come out to play


I don’t care what you say

This is just a hate crime

Don’t let off the bully

Because someone else is odd


No one ever told you

That violence is righteous

Or hatefulness heroic

In the eyes of God


Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

What you have to say boy?

Hey Boy Gay Boy

Don’t come out to play


When will we ever stop this?

Hating who is different?

When will we accept those?

Who stand out for themselves?


Hey Boy! Gay Boy!

What you have to say boy?

Hey Boy Gay Boy

Don’t come out to play


Dan Joyce Art website


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I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink

Artisan – Post 132 – A Candle In The Barrio

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 132

A Candle In The Barrio



A Candle in the Barrio


Chords: E D A E  bmp 140


Not too far in the barrio

Angels weep and heaven shows

A candle rests where flowers grow

To mark the loss of another soul


Not a sight unseen around here

Where homeless sit and drink their beer

A mother lights the candle near

Her rosary she prays so dear


If you live in the barrio

Never speak of what you know

Silence comes and silence grows

Among the passers by




They sit and smoke remaining still

Dreaming of a house upon the hill

Where police roam protect they will

Children’s lives our good Lord’s will


And so they paint it on the wall

That someone someday hear their call

To rest assured no strength at all

A ritual to honor one’s fall


Our Lady pictured on the candle

Seems too much for her to handle

Mary prays upon the mantle

Where one more lost to hate and vandal


We’ve seen once we’ll see again

Seems as though we’ll never win

When pride is strong and patience thin

A candle in the barrio is lit.


Dan Joyce Art website


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I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink     DannyBoycoverWPlink


Artisan – Post 131 – I’m A Doin’ What Momma Don’t Want Me Doin’

Artisan by Dan Joyce


Post 131

I’m A Doin’ What Mamma Don’t Want Me Doin’



I’m A Doin’ What Mamma Don’t Want Me Doin’


Verses C G D    Chorus G D C


Sitting around ditching school

Hanging with the boys playing the fool

Passing the smoke acting cool

I just ain’t one to follow the rules


I’m a doin’ what mamma don’t want me doin’

On the streets today

I’m a livin’ my own kind of living’

My own way

Nobody tellin’ me how my life is gonna be

Cause I’m ok


I’m just a rebel born to run

Livin’ is easy having fun

Do what I’m told I’m not the one

Cause I’m just a livin’ it till I’m done


I’m a doin’ what mamma don’t want me doin’

On the streets today

I’m a livin’ my own kind of livin’

My own way

Nobody tellin’ me how my life is gonna be

Cause I’m ok


Late in the evenin’ I’m kickin’ with Kay

She ain’t the one but she’s ok

She takes off her top  makes my day

In the backseat of her Chevy goin’ all the way


I’m a doin’ what mamma don’t want me doin’

In the car with Kay

Life is young when livin’ is fun

Goin’ my own way

Tonight’s the night it’s alright

And we’re ok


I’m a doin’ what mamma don’t want me doin’

On the streets today

I’m a livin’ my own kind of livin’

My own way

Nobody tellin’ me how my life is gonna be

Cause I’m ok

Dan Joyce Art website


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BlahBlahBlahWPLink     Gentle GypsyWPlink

DanceOfDeafwplink     serenadeWPlink

I'm a Mean Old ManWPLink